
Nick Morley is an artist, illustrator, author and teacher specialising in linocut. He lives and works in Margate, UK where he runs Hello Print Studio. Nick’s linocut prints have been exhibited widely and his illustrations have appeared on many book covers and in magazines.

Nick has written two books about linocut and teaches workshops in Margate and other locations. Nick’s work comes out of a long tradition of making prints as a way of portraying and recording the natural world. His irreverant and sometimes humourous approach explores our rich history of trying to understand and control nature, whilst acknowledging the futility of this act.

“Ultimately I’m interested in the gap between what we know and what we don’t, and the way we are forced to reduce and simplify things to understand them. When you work in linocut you have to do the same thing. You have to represent reality through a two-dimensional image made up of areas of tone, line, carved patterns and textures. This constant challenge is what keeps me going. Never mind that I am always bound to fail.”