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An Innovative Travel and Hospitality Marketing Agency

Drive more bookings and generate more revenue with LOCALiQ. We support many travel and hospitality-related services, including hotels, restaurants, and travel agents.

We’re experts in hospitality marketing.

Go from overlooked to fully booked with our travel and hospitality marketing agency; our digital marketing services will help you stand out in a crowded market, attracting more guests, bookings, and revenue for your venue.

At LOCALiQ, we deliver consistent results for your business, weathering seasonal trends and frustrating high abandon rates to generate consistent income for your brand. Our digital experts will implement effective marketing strategies, proven to increase brand awareness, amplify your USPs and gain more customers via a strategic approach which ensures efficient and effective results.

We are committed to providing best-in-class marketing support; our award-winning services encompass PPC campaign management and professional SEO to web design services, paid social, digital display advertising and much more. Plus, we are the UK’s local search specialists.

A waitress handing their customers drinks and snacks while they're seated outside

Travel and hospitality customer testimonials…

"Natasha from LOCALiQ is an excellent professional to work with - her drive and commitment have helped us increase our sales and customer base. She is very client-focused, supportive and patient in her approach - we fully recommend her and LOCALiQ"

Chef’s Eating House

"LOCALiQ's digital placement has been a crucial tool in our marketing. We continue to see high footfall and great ROI, so we are very pleased with the results of our campaign and look forward to running another soon"

Brad Green, Founder – Green’s Steakhouse & Grill

"The amount of engagement on Facebook helped to drive awareness of our event and boost our exposure"

Puckpool Park & Tea Rooms

"We are happy with our Facebook growth and the ROI from our geo-fencing campaign - moving forward, we will look to take advantage of similar campaigns on a monthly basis"

Jamshed Miah, Owner – Miah’s Garden of Gulab

"Using the LOCALiQ team to run our online campaign was best for us. From the first meeting, they understood our business and how to convey us to potential customers. The campaign was professional and is now key to the growth of our business"

The Mowden

Travel and hospitality marketing services for
bars, hotels and tour operators.

Explore our digital marketing services below and convert leads into sales.

Seo Digital Marketing


Start increasing organic traffic to your website via search engines – our travel and hospitality marketing agency provides many bespoke SEO solutions for your business.

We’ll create an in-depth SEO strategy and deliver measurable results.

We create meaningful and informative content to engage your customers, displaying you as a trusted source within the hospitality industry.

Plus, we help to promote your message with exclusive support from our network of 200+ news brands.

Pay per click advertising


Fast-track your travel and hospitality services to the top of the search engines with our PPC campaign management solution.

We’ll publish your ads in front of the right people, helping you to maximise your budget and generate more leads.

Our UK-first technology streamlines your marketing budget across your paid search campaigns, helping you maximise the ROI for your channels.

We’ll help you gain higher-quality leads by certifying your prospects before connecting.

Turn your likes into customers and grow your business with our paid social advertising services.

We’ll implement a paid social strategy optimised for your services, increasing your online visibility while helping you build relationships with your prospects.

We create compelling videos to engage your audience and bring your travel and hospitality services to life.

Whether a commercial production, event videography or awe-inspiring drone footage, our hospitality marketing agency will tell your story.

We manage thousands of local business listings across the UK, ensuring your contact details and local SEO strategy are always up to date.

Our digital marketing services and exclusive partnerships with Google, Facebook and Bing help potential prospects find your travel and hospitality services online.

Built using Craft CMS, our web design service will bring your business to life.

We combine sleek web design and expertly written content with your prospects and SEO in mind; whether targeting new customers or building brand awareness, our travel and hospitality marketing agency has you covered.

Working alongside 200+ UK publications and supported by our ad network partnership, we’ll place your advert in the perfect location with our geographic, demographic and behavioural-based targeting.

Plus, we offer powerful strategic online advertising to a targeted audience through the Google Display Network.

We're proud to be recognised

LOCALiQ digital marketing agency awards logos
LOCALiQ digital marketing agency awards logos

Why use LOCALiQ?

We’re an award-winning full-service travel and hospitality marketing agency specialising in local marketing and the growth of your business.

What sets us apart?

  • Our 35+ UK locations ensure we’re at the heart of your local community
  • With our UK-first Cross Media Optimisation technology, we drive more conversions for your business by allocating your budget to your best-performing ads and keywords, reducing your cost-per-lead by 70%
  • Save time analysing your digital marketing campaigns via our exclusive Client Centre reporting and analytics technology; we enable you to nurture and monitor incoming leads and view your conversion numbers and new customers while at work and on the go
  • Enjoy exclusive support from our network of 200+ news brands
A trio of circles containing small business owners

Travel marketing insights for your agency.

Discover how customers find your destination and easily manage your SEOPPC and paid social campaigns with LOCALiQ’s lead dashboard. Client Centre provides on-demand, instant reporting to analyse campaigns, conversion numbers and new customers while in your travel agency and on the go.

Laptop displaying AI-driven travel and hospitality advertising campaign stats

High-performance travel advertising.

Save money and enjoy maximum return on investment with your paid advertising campaigns via LOCALiQ’s market-first AI technology.

Cross Media Optimisation will streamline your travel marketing budget across your successful channels and networks, cleverly shifting your expenditure to target converting keywords and boosting campaign performance, achieving more high-quality results for your practice at a lower cost-per-click.

High-performance travel advertising.

Save money and enjoy maximum return on investment with your paid advertising campaigns via LOCALiQ’s market-first AI technology.

Cross Media Optimisation will streamline your travel marketing budget across your successful channels and networks, cleverly shifting your expenditure to target converting keywords and boosting campaign performance, achieving more high-quality results for your practice at a lower cost-per-click.

Score your online presence with LOCALiQ's free website grader image

Audit your website with our FREE health check

See how your online presence compares to your competitors with the free Website Grader from LOCALiQ – the digital marketing experts.

Score your online presence
Get recommended solutions to build awareness and drive leads
See actionable areas for improvement
A small business owner checking the news on their mobile phone

Display advertising for hospitality businesses.

Enjoy unrivalled advertising from over 200 Newsquest Media Group publications for your hotel, bar or restaurant.

Our local news sites drive more leads within your area using an excellent array of advertising options catered to your business; our award-winning display advertising team will work closely with your practice to create adverts which capture your target audience.

Nationwide hospitality marketing in the UK.

Whether your business is in England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland, LOCALiQ’s award-winning hospitality marketing services support you in 35+ UK locations. Like your business, we’re here to help from the centre of your community. Contact us today to find out more.

Nationwide hospitality marketing in the UK.

Whether your business is in England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland, LOCALiQ’s award-winning hospitality marketing services support you in 35+ UK locations.

Like your business, we’re here to help from the centre of your community. Contact us today to find out more.

Digital marketing tailored to your business…

Step 1: Explore our digital marketing services

Explore our website and the multi-channel digital marketing services we provide to your business. Familiarise yourself with our affordable solutions and see how we help you unlock your potential.

Step 2: Arrange your free digital marketing consultation

Once ready, complete our ‘Contact Us’ form for your free marketing consultation. With no fees and no pressure, we’re here to support your business when you’re ready to take the next step.

Step 3: Discuss your needs & how your business works

During your consultation, we will discuss the challenges for your business and the core areas you wish to target within your advertising. Rest assured – we cover any pain points and work with you to understand your business and needs.

Step 4: View your personalised solutions & take your business forward

After your consultation, we’ll create your marketing proposal, detailing our solutions to ensure your business is at the forefront of your local community. Once you’re happy with how this looks, our specialist teams will contact you.

Step 5: Sit back, relax and enjoy the leads

Now your marketing campaigns are live, let us do the hard work for you and generate high-quality leads for your business. Plus, with our UK-first Client Centre technology, we guarantee you’ll feel safe with your investments, allowing you to view real-time reports, instant results and listen to phone calls from prospective clients.

A hospitality marketing agency
with proven results.

We’re dedicated to helping local businesses succeed.

Explore our case studies and see how our hospitality marketing agency has helped many companies across the UK, offering expert advice every step of the way.

Impressions delivered


Facebook advert clicks


Digital marketing resources to
promote your destination.

Discover our latest marketing resources below – explore the many ways to promote your services
and how to build your brand online for free with LOCALiQ.


How to Grow Your Business with Local Marketing

Create actionable steps to improve the local marketing strategy for your business.

Learn how to grow your business with local marketing from the LOCALiQ marketing experts.


How to Run a Paid Search Campaign

Increase your website’s visibility & promote your business with cost-effective paid search ads.

Read our in-depth guide to paid search – the benefits, how it works and the different ad types.


2024 State of Digital Marketing Report

It’s back and updated with marketing statistics and insights from 500+ UK businesses.

We explore trending topics, challenges, and marketing goals from other companies like yours.

Speak to a travel and hospitality marketing expert.

Start simplifying your digital marketing today. Get in touch to discuss how we can help you.