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During the month of November and December, the Economic and Social Council convened a joint meeting with the Peacebuilding Commission. The Council's Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice held thematic discussions on the follow-up to the Kyoto Declaration. Furthermore, the United Nations Institute for Training and Research Office in New York and ECOSOC jointly convened an Orientation Course on the work of the Council and its agenda for the upcoming year.

Starting from January 2023, ECOSOC will convene the majority of its Forums and Segments, among them the Partnership Forum on 31 January 2023,
Coordination Segment on 1-2 February 2023; the ECOSOC Youth Forum in April 2023; the 8th Financing for Development Forum on 24-27 April 2023; the Multi-Stakeholder Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals (STI Forum) on 3-4 May 2023; the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) on 10-14 July 2023; and the High-level Segment of ECOSOC including the three-day ministerial segment of the HLPF, convened under the auspices of ECOSOC. (ECOSOC Agenda, Working Arrangements and Programme of Work).
Peacebuilding, sustaining peace and sustainable development: Towards coherence and impact on the ground
Photo credit to UN-Women/Christopher Herwig
The Economic and Social Council and the Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) convened a joint meeting on the theme of Peacebuilding, sustaining peace and sustainable development: Towards coherence and impact on the ground on 2 December 2022. The meeting represented an opportunity for the Heads of agencies, funds and programmes to brief on how they are responding to multidimensional challenges, contributing to peacebuilding and sustaining peace, and promoting long term development in conflict-affected contexts. The meeting aimed to advance sustainable development goals in conflict affected countries through UN coherence, guided by national ownership and priorities. (Opening Remarks by the President of ECOSOC)
31st Session of the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Thematic Discussions on Follow-Up to Kyoto Declaration
On 5 December 2022, the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (CCPCJ) held thematic discussions on the follow-up to the Kyoto Declaration within the scope of its 31st session. As one of the functional commissions of the Economic and Social Council, CCPCJ plays a key role in improving international action to prevent and address national and transnational crime and in advancing the efficiency and fairness of criminal justice systems. With SDG 16 on peace, justice and strong institutions at the core of its work, the Commission makes an important contribution to the effective implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The discussions focused on Pillar II of the Kyoto Declaration, namely “Advancing the criminal justice system”. (Statement by the President of ECOSOC)
UNITAR Orientation Course for new members of the Economic and Social Council, ECOSOC
On 15 December 2022, the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) Office in New York, jointly convened the UNITAR ECOSOC Orientation Course with the Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA). The course provided new members of the Economic and Social Council with the opportunity to extensively learn about the normative, legislative, deliberative and stakeholder engagement functions of the Council. (UNITAR Documentation of the Orientation Course: PowerPoint Presentation | Recording 1: Morning Session | Recording 2: Afternoon Session)
Other Events
Commemoration of the International Day of Tolerance at the World Youth Festival of United Through Sports
Pictured: Girls play football outside a school in Bamyan, Afghanistan. © UNICEF/Shehzad Nooran
On 16 November 2022, the President of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) joined the United Through Sports’ World Youth Festival 2022 for the commemoration of the UN Tolerance Day. The World Youth Festival celebrates and encourages all to embrace everyone regardless of their race, age, gender, disability, religion, cultural beliefs, or sexual orientation. Societies should protect human rights and enable the realization of the full human potential through equal access to education, resources, and opportunities and through leaving no one behind, especially the most vulnerable. Sports can be a catalyst for change and a key enabler of inclusion and sustainable development; it is a powerful vehicle in preventing conflict and promoting tolerance. (Statement by the President of ECOSOC)
Commemoration of the International Day for Persons with Disabilities at the Accessibility Fair and Awareness Summit
On 1 December 2022, the United Nations celebrated the International Day for Persons with Disabilities at the Accessibility Fair and Awareness Summit. The President of ECOSOC highlighted the Council's central role in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and in ensuring that absolutely no one is left behind. The achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals must be in line with the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), and disability should thus be mainstreamed in all aspects of SDG realization, monitoring, and evaluation. (Statement by the President of ECOSOC)
SDG Actions
Against the Pushback, We #PushForward

This year, under the theme “UNiTE! Activism to End Violence against Women & Girls!”, UN Women stands in solidarity with the women's rights movements around the world who bravely resist the pushback on women and girls’ rights. Learn more about how you can help us #PushForward here: 16 Days 2022

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