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I Don't Know

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

I inherited one chinese penis from my prehistoric ancestry and one american penis. and I can whip each one out depending on if I need to fuck a communistic revolutionary or a capitalist american small business owner. but the secret is I don’t tell them which one I whipped out and they’re ok with this (signed a waiver not to look) and they know it could be not the one theyr’re expecting which is all part og the fun.


One of those psychological / cultural plumb-bob tests:

What specific forms of material and social support would a person need to have before it is no longer reasonable for him to care about other people having more support than he does?

(Or, if you prefer, ...before it is no longer reasonable for him to indulge in envy?)


Lust or covetousness for what one does not have is always justified, regardless of material and social circumstances. Greed, wholistically construed, is a virtue. But envy, in the sense of anger at others for (per se) having what you don’t, is always silly and unnecessary.


people can have whatever the fuck emotions they have, this is nonsense


Right but I’m talking about what emotions make you cool.


One of those psychological / cultural plumb-bob tests:

What specific forms of material and social support would a person need to have before it is no longer reasonable for him to care about other people having more support than he does?

(Or, if you prefer, ...before it is no longer reasonable for him to indulge in envy?)


Lust or covetousness for what one does not have is always justified, regardless of material and social circumstances. Greed, wholistically construed, is a virtue. But envy, in the sense of anger at others for (per se) having what you don’t, is always silly and unnecessary.


Fic: okay this is an AU so you're going to have to suspend disbelief really hard.

Me: no prob.

Fic: American Joe woke up early and walked to the market, lured by the thought of hot cross buns fresh from the oven.

Me: prob.


Fic: okay this is a no-powers mob au with a non-canon age difference so a lot of shit will be different, okay?

Me: no prob.

Fic: Tommy, the medical student who had lived in Brooklyn for 23 years, woke up after the 2-hr car ride from Manhattan to Cape Cod and stared out the window. "Is that the Atlantic Ocean?" He asked his sexy older mob boss boyfriend. "Yes," the criminally hot criminal answered. "Wow," gasped Tommy. "I've never seen the Atlantic Ocean."

Me: NO.


Similar story: apparently Jim Butcher’s series about a wizard detective in Chicago was begun long before Jim Butcher had ever even been to Chicago, and many of the earlier books suffer from some really dire geographical inaccuracies because of it. He got a ton of complaints from readers who could handle wizards and fairies and shit but not getting the layout of their city wrong. So this is a problem that can affect even published fiction too.


Fucking incomprehensible devil logic. I can't even plan a fucking D&D campaign in a fantasy not-London without spending multiple days reading about the real London. I wrote a short story in South Carolina and made sure that the one-off, single sentence reference to a spider would refer to a species that could actually reasonably be found in a person's home in Raleigh. I can't imagine setting a whole-ass series in a city and not bothering to check geography.


TBf i think sometimes you can look at a map and read articles online and still miss important local knowledge like where traffic is heaviest or how long it actually takes to get certain places, etc. but I think this is one thing that attracts me to setting stories in fantasy or science fiction settings even when I don’t strictly have to—you can alter those little details to suit the story you’re trying to tell and no one will mind


greg egan visited tehran before writing zendegi:

As well as simply wandering around trying to get a sense of Iranian street life, I had some specific “location scouting” and fact-checking to do. In Zendegi, an escalating series of protests sweep across the country, and the scenes I’d written in the novel’s first draft had been based partly on accounts of earlier demonstrations. But the physical geography of Tehran was changing, and many of the choices I’d made from street maps alone turned out to be absurd. When I went to Enqelab Square – the location of a number of protests in the past – it was a construction site surrounded by fences, with no clear sign of what would emerge there in the future. Enqelab Avenue, where I’d tentatively set one march through the city, turned out to be an obstacle course of flyways, overpasses, and median-strip bus stops.

i thought this culture surprise was interesting too, though i can't think of any particular way it affected the book:

Walking back along the riverbank at dusk, I kept having to avert my gaze from couples lying on the grass – nothing too shocking was going on, but I’m sure they did not want an audience. Having read that morality police could arrest couples merely for holding hands on the street, this was a bit of a surprise; no doubt that has been, and still is, true at various times and places, but in Esfahan in late 2008, no one appeared too inhibited about public displays of affection.


every time I read about the labor theory of value it doesn't make sense to me. like, if I spend 20 hours making a painting, the extent to which other people will want it can vary vastly depending on what the painting is of. and I know that there's a distinction drawn between different forms of value, but... at some point it feels like just making up a new quantity that's difficult to calculate (what is "socially necessary" labor?) and assigning it the name "value"


You’re misunderstanding the LTV here but also the LTV actually doesn’t make sense. Can’t explain now cause I’m on my phone.