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crawling into the ocean
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At this time, Toleen is starting her new school year, but because of the war, she is not studying in her school, but is working on transporting water. It is very sad and tiring.


Basma and her family are still at kr35,882 SEK ($3,456 USD) out of a short-term goal of kr40,000 SEK ($3,852 USD); their last donation was received a day ago!

Please continue sharing, donating, and checking the currency exchange.

$10 USD = kr103 SEK

kr36,189 / kr,40,000 SEK (short-term goal)

Their last donation was received nineteen hours ago. Do not let this fundraiser stagnate any longer. Please.

$10 USD = 103 SEK

Please kindly share this post so that it reaches everyone.

In times of crisis, we see many kind-hearted individuals doing their utmost to help the vulnerable and oppressed. We have witnessed firsthand how those with pure hearts sincerely strive to support our people in Gaza. Unfortunately, there are also those who try to exploit these difficult circumstances for their own personal gain, taking advantage of the weakness of others.

We have been subjected to an attempted scam by someone who seeks to steal the donations we desperately need. Therefore, I kindly ask you to spread awareness about these fraudulent tactics to protect our people from falling into the traps of scammers.


I also call upon individuals with a large number of followers to contribute to the donation campaign and continually share about our family’s plight, so we don't have to resort to unknown entities and fall victim to fraud. Spreading the word greatly helps us. Thank you all so much for your support and cooperation.

I have written this post in Arabic to raise awareness among our dear people in Gaza.

.‎إلى أهلنا الأعزاء في غزة، أود زيادة الوعي حول هؤلاء المحتالين

‎احذروا الوقوع في فخ الاحتيال ,عندما يتواصل معكم شخص غريب ويرسل لكم أي رابط، لا تتجاوبوا معه دون التحقق. انتبهوا جيدًا للمحادثات ولا تقعوا في مصيدة المحتالين. هناك الكثير من الأشخاص الطيبين، ولكن للأسف، يوجد أيضًا من يستغل الظروف لتحقيق مآربه الشخصية

‎.حافظوا على حذركم، واحموا أنفسكم وأهلكم من الوقوع في شباك المحتالين

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In the wake of "Haitians eating people's pets" bullshit, I just want to say if you can get some Haitian food, GO GET SOME.

When I saw JD Vance tweeting about it all I could think was "clearly this man has never had griot and pikliz."

For real it's legit some of the best food in the world.

My local place (Sabine's Gout Creole if you happen to live in Tampa) is like a 30-45 minute drive from where I live but do I mind it? Nope. The food is so fucking good it's worth the drive!

The story of Ahmed Al-Saidi

My name is Ahmed AlSaidi, I currently live in Gaza Strip under this horrifying war with my wife, 3 children, my elderly parents and my brothers Osama, Moatasim, and Mohammed with their families.

We once lived in safety and peace, each having their own home which provided us with happiness, warmth, and love. I was working as a dental technician and supporting my family.

But after the war started on the 7th of October, we were under bombing, dead bodies were every where, so we were forced to leave our house a night before it was under bombing, it was a miracle that we remained alive. We were forced to be displaced many times and now we live in tents in Deir al-Balah. Our conditions now are miserable and unhuman without any income and thus we are unable to provide life essentials to our families such as medicine, clothing, cleaning products and food for our children. Every thing becomes more expensive. The lack of hygiene, water and living in tents with sand and insects caused a lot of diseases, like skin rash, hepatitis b, fever, and cold.

This horrific war destroyed our lives, taking away our homes, jobs, safety, and tragically claiming many of our relatives. So we created this campaign to:

1_Provide medical care for my eldery parents who are suffering from many chronic diseases, high blood pressure, and heart problems.

2. Provide urgent health treatment to Qusay, a 4 years old child who has speech problem and need psychological and speech therapy.

3. Provide essential living needs to survive, like food, clothes, water to drink, and medicine.

4. Winter is coming and we urgently need to move from the tents and rent a house to protect our children from cold.


£127 raised of £30,000 goal 


The campaign has been verified by me.

Sorry if I bothered you in the mention

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And he wonders why advertisers pulled out of twitter


sorry to comment on your post op but i wanna add some context: i won’t say how far away exactly i am from springfield ohio but it’s close enough that i work with many people who live there. it is essentially a town over from me. i go there pretty much at least once a week. i have family that lives there. i am very familiar with it.

springfield has become notorious for having problems with drugs, violence and crime. i don’t have the exact numbers to know if it really has become worse in recent years, but i know for a fact that many of the people who live there at least believe it to be true, and have become increasingly and vocally paranoid about it.

springfield is also a place that has a crumbling infrastructure, no public transport to speak of, very little in the way of affordable and accessible education, and a population who’s wealth disparity has gone up in particular since the start of the pandemic.

the haitian people who have been sent there are not the reason for these issues, and in fact have less going for them than native springfielders do, but conservative politicians are jumping on them as a scapegoat because they got there just in time to conveniently point a finger at while they use their other hand to stuff their pockets with taxpayer dollars and sign off on bills that make the city’s myriad problems worse. they accuse the haitians refugees of stealing jobs, money, housing, food, resources, everything under the sun they can possibly get away with blaming them for because they know the people who live there are tired, poor, and frustrated and they don’t want to see that frustration pointed at the actual people who are responsible.

what’s happening in springfield is a textbook example of the american propaganda machine at work, weaponizing racism, fear, poverty and anger against a group of people who aren’t even in a position to fight back, who had nothing to do with the problems the city has in the first place.

pay attention. speak out, loudly, when you see this shit in action. don’t let these fuckers change the narrative and make up lies so that the people actually responsible for the hellhole that this country is come out unscathed. this is far from the first time this has happened and it won’t be the last - don’t let it happen on your watch.

trump makes a blatantly lying comment about how haitian immigrants are eating “pets” and the white left is frothing at the mouth to turn it into a “hahaha funny meme”, without thinking of the horrific implications that a statement stating black people are coming to eat [inferred: white] people’s pets went unchallenged and is now actively being spread as a “joke”.

like if you film your dog or whatever and go hahahahah a haitian is gonna eat you i should be allowed to kill you without consequences

Help Khalid Sisters in Gaza not to be Homeless

Hello Dear,

We, (Najwa, Jana, Farah, and Maryam), are the sisters of Shaheed Khalid Saed Ash-Shawwah, who was martyred on 07/31/24 along with Al Jazeera correspondent Ismail Al-Ghoul and his colleague, photographer Rami Al-Rifi . Khalid was our older and only brother and he was a great support for us and others. As you may heard Khalid’s story in the news, he was bombed while he was riding his bicycle coming back from delivering food to our old and injured neighbors.

Before the IDF forces killed our brother Khalid, they forced us to evacuate our house and left everything behind. They then destroyed our house and our father’s restaurant. We had to move at least 10 times since every new area we seek refuge to gets bombed.


Currently, the 4 of us and our parents, are living devastating and sad life in a bombed room in Gaza. It is extremely difficult for us to get the basic needs of food, water, and shelter.


We sincerely hope you can empathize with our dire situation and consider supporting us. We are raising funds in order to be able to pay the rising cost of basic necessities in north Gaza. Our family is large and the cost of survival in north Gaza is astronomical. If you have anything you can spare, we implore you to support us. From where you are right now, you personally can help save our lives in north Gaza.

Please donate and/or replog 🥺🙏🇵🇸

Please reblog our post, follow us @khalid-Sisters and boost our posts, and repost the link to our campaign across all your social media.

Your generosity has the power to make a significant difference, and will give us hope that there will a better future waiting for us once the war stops.

We ask God to bless you and your families and to protect you all from all calamities and to never make you feel or go through what we are going through.

Vetted By: @olagaza @tahseenkhazen, @determinate-negation @northgazaupdates

$2,106 USD / $15,000 as of September 12.

Please don't look away 😢 😔


I want to introduce everyone to Abdullah. He is the younger brother of @ahmedpalestine and his short name is Aboodi he is four years old and in the picture above. Aboodi is helping his family collect scrap wood to build a fire for cooking. He likes this, trying to help his mom with chores and, love, do anything for his family. Aboodi loves animals so much, and he always feeds the neighbors' stray cats and loves to pet them and play with them, and if not for the genocide that he and his family were trying to survive it, he would have adopted a kitty 💗 and poor things he wants to go back to his house, and he misses the living room and laying on the sofa to watch TV and to watch toyor aljana (طيور الجنة) his favorite channel and sing along and dance with them and please donate to help evacuate him with his family to safety .

Vetted by bilal-salah0 here

Thanks everyone for making the campaign reach it's first goal now we need to gets to next as quickly as possible 🙌🩷❤️

€2,551\€5,051 (4 September)

Conversion Rate

1 € = 1.11429 $

1 $ = 0.897435 €


☆Message me for removal☆

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Currently €3,084 raised of €55,000 goal!

We need to reach €5,000 to evacuate Ahmed's 4-year-old brother Aboodi. That means we still have €1,916 more to go!

Please continue sharing, and donating if you can! Even if you can't donate a lot, every little bit helps! Ahmed is trying to evacuate 12 family members including 6 children! He really needs those funds!!

Ahmed's campaign has been promoted by Bilal-Salah0. Bilal's campaign is listed as #132 on the verified fundraiser spreadsheet vetted by el-shab-hussein and nabulsi. Also vetted by association. Ahmed is a friend of @/hazempalestine (#281 on the verified fundraiser list by el-shab-hussein and nabulsi.). See post here.)

UPDATE €3,084\€5,000 (11 September)

€1,916 ~ $2,116 away from short-term goal

UPDATE €3,169\€5,000 (12 September)

€1,831 Away From short-term goal

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