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विकिपीडिया, मुक्‍त ज्ञानकोशातून

Please add new requests at the bottom of this section.

  • कार्य: Archiving of talkpage, Maintainace, statistics (future)
  • इतर प्रकल्पात बॉटफ्लॅग आहे (होय/नाही) : yes


पाठिंबा- I had requested Steinsplitter regarding the request for using his bot on Marathi Wikipedia on his talkpage on commons. Steinsplitter has responded in an affirmative and would like to enhance the quality of editing on this Marathi language Wikipedia. - Tiven2240

पाठिंबा- We would be happy to have him on mrwiki. - sureshkhole



Steinsplitter operates this bot on seven versions of Wikipedia. As current Steinsplitter is a admin on Commons, Meta, Mediawiki, outreach, test as well as global renamer, OTRS member, Abuse filter helpers and Global IP block exemptions globally. He is highly trusted member and can prove asset to Marathi Wikipedia if given a chance. Hope @अभय नातू: look into this request asap and grant him Bot flag on MrWp --टायवीन२२४०माझ्याशी बोला २१:३८, ५ एप्रिल २०१८ (IST)[reply]

  • कार्य: लेखांना साचे लावणे, आवश्यक ते संदर्भात बदल करणे, शुद्धलेखन इ.






  • चालक  :[[:User:{{subst:currentuser}}|{{subst:currentuser}}]] ([[User talk:{{subst:currentuser}}|talk]] | [[Special:Contributions/{{subst:currentuser}}|contribs]] | [[sulutil:{{subst:currentuser}}|SUL]] | edit count | [[Special:Log/{{subst:currentuser}}|logs]] | [[Special:Log/move/{{subst:currentuser}}|page moves]] | block log | rights log | ANI search)
  • स्वयंचलित, पर्यवेक्षित, किंवा मॅन्युअल :
  • कार्य:

Written by Yurik, the bot makes it possible for many wikis to share templates and modules, and helps with the translations. See project page.

  • इतर प्रकल्पात बॉटफ्लॅग आहे (होय/नाही)  :








प्रकल्प पानावर सांगकाम्या असण्यासाठीचे निकष पडताळून पाहिले.

@Yurik:, झाले. -- अभय नातू (चर्चा) ०३:५०, १ मे २०१९ (IST)[reply]

  • कार्य: लेखांमधील वर्ग बदलणे, शुद्धलेखनाच्या चुका, वर्गांची वर्गवारी करणे (वर्गांचे वर्ग बदलणे), व इतर सदस्यांच्या वैध/स्वीकारण्याजोगा विनंतीनुसार संपादन करणे.
  • इतर प्रकल्पात बॉटफ्लॅग आहे (होय/नाही)  : हो: en:User:KiranBOT.


पाठिंबा- अधिकार देण्यास हरकत वाटत नाही. - Tiven2240





इंग्रजी विकिपेडिआवर AWB मार्फत मी जवळपास १०,००० एडिट्स केलेले आहेत.:
Usernamekiran (AWB) - ७,८०० edits,
Usernamekiran (AWB चे जवळपास ३००० edits).
मला विकीमेडीआ software चे बऱ्यापैकी तांत्रिक ज्ञान सुद्धा आहे. माझ्याकडून कधीच चूक होणार नाही याची मी पूर्णपणे खबरदारी घेईल. धन्यवाद. —usernamekiran (talk) २१:२२, १ डिसेंबर २०२१ (IST)[reply]

मराठी विकिपीडियावर आपण चाचणी संपादने केले आहेत का? -

-Tiven2240 (चर्चा) २२:५२, १ डिसेंबर २०२१ (IST)[reply]

@Tiven2240: हो: special:contributions/KiranBOT. —usernamekiran (talk) २२:५६, १ डिसेंबर २०२१ (IST)[reply]
पाठिंबा- मी Usernamekiran यांची संपादने पडताळली आहेत. त्यांचा एकूण अनुभव पाहता त्यांना सांगकाम्या चालविण्यास माझा पाठिंबा आहे.. - अभय नातू

हा सांगकाम्या कार्यरत असल्याने अलीकडील बदल मध्ये मोठी गर्दी होत आहे. याचे बदल पडताळले गेले असल्यामुळे या खात्याला त्वरित बॉटफ्लॅग दिला जावा असा प्रस्ताव मी ठेवत आहे.
अभय नातू (चर्चा)
पाठिंबा - संतोष गोरे



वरील मते व चर्चेच्या आधारावर ही विनंती मान्य करण्यात आली आहे. @Usernamekiran: -- अभय नातू (चर्चा) १०:१६, १३ डिसेंबर २०२१ (IST)[reply]

धन्यवाद. —usernamekiran (talk) ११:३१, १३ डिसेंबर २०२१ (IST)[reply]
  • कार्य: शुद्धलेखन. सद्ध्या User:Usernamekiran/typos मध्ये नमूद केलेल्या चुका दुरुस्त करेल. जश्या नवीन चुका कळत जातील, त्याप्रमाणे यादीमध्ये बदल करता येतील.
    सुरुवातीचे काही दिवस मी केवळ माझ्या sandbox/धूळपाटी वर edits/प्रयोग करेल. जेव्हा bot पूर्णपणे परिपक्व होईल, तेव्हा लेख/mainspace मध्ये संपादने सुरु करता येतील.
    हा bot लेख/mainspace मध्ये दर २४ तासांना काम करेल. तेव्हा bot ला जेवढ्या चुका सापडतील, त्यामध्ये तो आपोआप दुरुस्ती करेल. २१:४२, २ जानेवारी, २०२२‎ (IST)
  • इतर प्रकल्पात बॉटफ्लॅग आहे (होय/नाही)  : User:KiranBOT मराठी व इंग्रजी विकिपेडियावर कार्यरत आहे.






  • @अभय नातू: नमस्कार. मी python वापरून bot तयार केला आहे. bot ची प्रारंभिक coding पूर्ण झाली आहे. मी सदस्य:KiranBOT II ह्या खात्यातून bot करवी सदस्य:Usernamekiran/typos ह्या पानावर यशस्वीपणे दोन edits केले. पुढील परीक्षण/चाचण्या करण्याकरिता ह्या खात्याला bot flag द्यावा हि विनंती. bot flag मिळाल्यानंतरसुद्धा मी केवळ माझ्याच userspace मध्ये प्रयोग करेल. edit rate वाढवण्यासाठी, व "अलीकडील बदल" मध्ये गजबज टाळण्यासाठी bot flag असलेला बरं राहील. धन्यवाद. गेल्या दीड महिन्यामध्ये कोणी आक्षेप न घेतल्यावरून, व माझ्या KiranBOT च्या अनुभवास बघून हि विनंती मान्य करावी अशी विनंती करतो. —usernamekiran (talk) २३:५३, १४ फेब्रुवारी २०२२ (IST)[reply]

Hi Kiran, can you make a subpage wherein we can track the edits of the bot. It can be diff links of edits by day of month. It will help us to understand if it goes malfunction on Toolforge. Thanks --Tiven2240 (चर्चा) ०९:४१, १५ फेब्रुवारी २०२२ (IST)[reply]

झाले.. टायवेन यांनी वर विनंती केल्यानुसार पान तयार करावे.
अभय नातू (चर्चा) १०:४०, १५ फेब्रुवारी २०२२ (IST)[reply]
@अभय नातू आणि Tiven2240: धन्यवाद. हो, अजून बरेच छोटे-मोठे काम बाकी आहेत, लेखांवर काम सूरू करण्याआधी मी पान तयार करू शकतो. पण २-३ दिवसांनंतर बाॅटचे आठवड्यातून एखाद-दोन एडीट होत जातील. मला वाटते पान तयार करण्यापेक्षा विशेष:योगदान/KiranBOT II तपासणे सर्वांसाठी जास्त सोयीस्कर राहील. —usernamekiran (talk) १६:४५, १५ फेब्रुवारी २०२२ (IST)[reply]

  • कार्य: Fixes broken links on articles
  • इतर प्रकल्पात बॉटफ्लॅग आहे (होय/नाही)  : Yes



InternetArchiveBot is a bot that fixes broken external links on articles. It also enhances references with links to books or periodicals where appropriate. It can be adapted to the citation and web archive templates of Marathi Wikipedia. Please let me know if you have any questions. Harej (चर्चा) ०७:०७, ८ सप्टेंबर २०२२ (IST)[reply]

  • support I am familiar with the bot, and both the bot-operators from English wikipedia. My only concern is Marathi wikipedia's non-latin character-set. I recommend granting the bot flag temporarily, and then having three trial runs with 50, 100, and 100 edits each. This way, the edits can be examined after each trial runs, and if there is any problem/space for improvement, the bot-ops can work on it. —usernamekiran (talk) २२:४१, ९ सप्टेंबर २०२२ (IST)[reply]




  • @Harej: Hello. I am familiar with the bot on enwiki. But would you kindly describe the bot's work in short for the ones who are not familiar with it? I have only one doubt: when does the bot leave messages on talkpages of the articles? On Marathi wikipedia, we do not usually have talkpages, most the discussions take place on equivalent of village pump, or on user talk. I am not sure about the point of view of talk pages, other than that, I don't have any concerns. —usernamekiran (talk) ००:१८, ९ सप्टेंबर २०२२ (IST)[reply]
    usernamekiran, the bot only leaves talk page messages when configured to, and on most wikis, it does not. To describe the function in more detail, the nonprofit Internet Archive operates an archive of web pages going back to 1995 called the Wayback Machine, and a bot called InternetArchiveBot to add links to archived web pages on Wikipedia (from the Wayback Machine or several other providers). Since external links added to articles can break at any time, the bot is useful for fixing these broken links across many pages and wikis. The bot can replace a URL in an article with an equivalent archive version, or if there are templates the wiki uses for web archives, the bot can be configured to use those. The bot also recognizes citation templates. Harej (चर्चा) ०५:१७, ९ सप्टेंबर २०२२ (IST)[reply]
    @Harej: Does it convert bare references/URLs into "cite web" format, to avoid the link rot? I am not sure if the bot does that. Just a query/doubt. And last question, has this bot operated on any wiki which uses non-latin characters? I am currently running a pywikibot on this wiki, and it has been very difficult because of the non-latin characters. —usernamekiran (talk) २२:३५, ९ सप्टेंबर २०२२ (IST)[reply]
    courtesy ping @अभय नातू आणि Harej:. —usernamekiran (talk) ०१:०५, २६ सप्टेंबर २०२२ (IST)[reply]
    usernamekiran, the bot converts bare URL citations within ref tags to "cite web" if configured to do so, but this is not necessary for it to fix links. On many wikis the bot simply replaces the dead URL with an archive link. By default we configure the bot to convert bare references to use citation templates if the citation templates are available. Also, InternetArchiveBot is currently running on many wikis using non-Latin characters including Hindi, Tamil, and Armenian. Harej (चर्चा) ०१:२७, ११ ऑक्टोबर २०२२ (IST)[reply]

Dear @Harej: thank you for this bot request. Kindly provide us some of the following details listed below

  1. How will this bot work (on request of the user)/automatically live (working everytime)/on specific intervals (listing request on a page and then will process)
  2. Which all templates needs to be updated can you provide us with the list so that we can update/modify the templates that can be helpful for proper functioning of the Bot.
  3. Is the source code of this bot public?
  4. Who are the maintainers of this bot?
  5. Who are the users running this bot (as mentioned in request and userpage of the Bot there are 2 users but request is only mentioned by one, is the other user familiar with the bot operations in Mrwiki)
  6. As a SOP we require atleast 10-15 dummy edits of bot on this Wikipedia. That will help us understand how this bot works before approval. Requesting you to do so.

Feel free to discuss with Administrators/'crats if you need any help regarding setting up this bot before bot flag approval --Tiven2240 (चर्चा) १०:०१, ९ सप्टेंबर २०२२ (IST)[reply]

  1. The bot runs continuously on its own by looping through Special:AllPages and screening for dead links. However, you can also request edits through the management interface.
  2. Marathi Wikipedia already has all the necessary templates so no additional changes should be needed.
  3. The source code is available on GitHub.
  4. The bot is maintained by myself and Cyberpower678 with support from the Internet Archive.
  5. As above, it is myself and Cyberpower678 operating the bot. He typically fixes bugs in the code while I manage the deployments and keep track of talk page messages. We are both responsible for managing the operations in any case.
  6. I will make the test edits shortly.
Harej (चर्चा) ०१:२७, ११ ऑक्टोबर २०२२ (IST)[reply]
Tiven2240 and usernamekiran, I have made the test edits. Let me know if more should be made. Harej (चर्चा) ०१:१५, १८ ऑक्टोबर २०२२ (IST)[reply]
I checked all the edits by bot, I don't see any issues. Harej is currently on a break till 15-16th Nov, I will ping them by then. —usernamekiran (talk) १३:२८, ८ नोव्हेंबर २०२२ (IST)[reply]
Hello usernamekiran, I am back as of today. Harej (चर्चा) २२:३५, १४ नोव्हेंबर २०२२ (IST)[reply]
requesting @अभय नातू: for their attention. —usernamekiran (talk) ०१:०५, २१ नोव्हेंबर २०२२ (IST)[reply]
Thanks all for meaningful discussion here. I will grant botflag for 30 days as proposed originally. @Harej:, please execute the trial runs as requested above and coordinate with @Usernamekiran:, @Tiven2240: and myself. Once the trial edits check out, I will convert the temp flag to a more permanent one.
अभय नातू (चर्चा) ०३:१२, २१ नोव्हेंबर २०२२ (IST)[reply]
As of now, the bot has done +5000 edits, I checked a few random edits, and I don't see any issues. —usernamekiran (talk) २१:३८, २२ नोव्हेंबर २०२२ (IST)[reply]
Flag granted. -- अभय नातू (चर्चा) १०:२६, २६ फेब्रुवारी २०२३ (IST)[reply]
  • इतर प्रकल्पात बॉटफ्लॅग आहे (होय/नाही)  : yes








  • इतर प्रकल्पात बॉटफ्लॅग आहे (होय/नाही)  : I have made millions of edits on Commons and various wikipedias. For example Hindi, English, Japanese, Danish, Vietnamese and Malay Wikipedia.


  • support
पाठिंबा- MGA73bot has made millions of edits in total on various projects.. - usernamekiran
The only request to @MGA73: is to cross-check the template(s) to be added once with any Marathi editor. —usernamekiran (talk) १०:१७, २७ मार्च २०२३ (IST)[reply]
Just letting you know that I saw this request and thats no problem. Will do. --MGA73 (चर्चा) ०१:५८, ५ एप्रिल २०२३ (IST)[reply]
  • support
पाठिंबा- Trusted user can be provided Bot flag. Please inform community about your edits are sometimes we may misinterpret foreign language. - Tiven2240






Bot flag granted for 3 months.
अभय नातू (चर्चा) २१:२५, २७ मे २०२३ (IST)[reply]
  • कार्य: Notify submitter about evaluations, notify (subscribed) judges about new submission, notify (subscribed) users about the statistics of ongoing campaigns on CampWiz tool.
  • इतर प्रकल्पात बॉटफ्लॅग आहे (होय/नाही)  : not yet, but planning to have.
Function details

This bot is a part of the tool CampWiz which assists organizers of various edit-a-thon to host, manage campaign, evaluate submissions, publish results (As of now, about 30 campaigns are hosted and 500+ articles were submitted through this tool). One of its sibling tool helps organizers to generate a list of articles which are not present on their wiki based on topic (As of now, 233636+articles in 150+ lists were harvested). One of our main targets was to reduce the security issue and liability along with privacy issue. As such, this tool uses a single bot account to interact with mediawiki which eliminates the need of storing the user's access token on the server. As of now, the bot would perform the following tasks. In order to prevent spamming, all the edits on user talk pages would be done by batch hourly, rather than immediately.

  1. trackingTemplate: This bot would add a template (configured by the campaign organizers) on the talk page of an article if it does not already exist, whenever that article is submitted into a campaign.
  2. notifyEvaluation: This bot would add a message on submitter's talk page if any of his submissions get any evaluation by the judge (including any note that judge left).
  3. notifyNewSubmission (opt-in only): This bot would add a message containing new submission that were added on the talk page of the user who volunterily consented to have updates.
  4. notifyStatistics (opt-in only): This bot would periodically give statistics update about the campaign the user opted-in.

To demonstrate the functionalities, the bot has (under supervision) edited some pages which can be seen here. All the templates that the bot uses should be localized too. These are:


पाठिंबा- useful bot for Feminism and Folklore contest. - Tiven2240
पाठिंबा - संतोष गोरे




cc:@Nokib Sarkar:
  • कार्य: meta:Global reminder bot. See meta:Global reminder bot/Proposal for full details; this wiki does not assign rights that frequently but does make use of temp rights for things as advanced as administrator (which is what this bot can be particularly helpful for). Please ping me in a response, and let me know if you do not want the bot to run at all.





