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Trem Alstom Citadis (kiri) dan Eurotram (kanan) di Strasbourg yang berada di atas trek berumput

Pembebasan pengangkutan merupakan 15% daripada pembebasan karbon di seluruh dunia.[1] Peningkatan penggunaan pengangkutan awam, pengangkutan barangan yang rendah karbon dan berbasikal merupakan komponen penting dalam penyahkarbonan pengangkutan.[2][3]

Kenderaan elektrik dan kereta api mesra alam membantu mengurangkan penggunaan bahan api fosil. Dalam kebanyakan kes, kereta api elektrik adalah lebih cekap berbanding dengan pengangkutan udara dan trak.[4] Kaedah lain untuk meningkatkan kecekapan pengangkutan termasuklah menambah baik sistem pengangkutan awam, mobiliti pintar, perkongsian kereta dan kenderaan hibrid. Kereta berkuasa bahan api fosil boleh ditukar kepada kererta berkuasa elektrik. Penghasilan bahan api alternatifyang tidak membebaskan GHG pula akan menyebabkan kehilangan penukaran (bahasa Inggeris: conversion losses) yang tinggi. Tambahan pula, peralihan daripada sistem pengangkutan yang didominasi oleh kereta kepada sistem pengangkutan awam yang rendah karbon adalah penting.[5]

Kenderaan elektrik

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Bus elektrik di Montreal

Antara satu hingga tiga suku kereta di atas jalan raya pada 2050 dijangka terdiri daripada kenderaan elektrik (EV). EV menggunakan 38 megajoule per 100 km berbanding dengan 142 megajoule per 100 km bagi kereta enjin pembakaran dalam.[6] Bahan api hidrogen boleh menyelesaikan masalah keberatan bateri bagi pengangkutan jauh oleh trak dan kapal.[7][8]

Pembebasan gas rumah hijau bergantung kepada jumlah tenaga hijau yang digunakan dalam bateri atau penghasilan dan pengecasan sel bahan api. Dalam satu sistem yang kebanyakannya berasaskan tenaga elektrik, pembebasan kenderaan elektrik berkemungkinan untuk melebihi pembakaran diesel.[9]

Satu tinjauan Eropah mendapati bahawa setakat 2022, 39% orang Eropah lebih cenderung untuk membeli kenderaan hibrid, manakala 33% akan membeli kenderaan petrol atau diesel. Jenis kenderaan yang paling kurang digemari oleh orang Eropah ialah kenderaan elektrik, dengan hanya 28% responden mengatakan bahawa mereka akan membelinya. [10] Selain itu, 44% pembeli kereta China akan membeli sebuah kereta elektrik, manakala 38% orang Amerika akan membeli kereta hibrid, 33% akan membeli kereta petrol atau diesel, dan hanya 29% akan membeli kereta elektrik. [10]


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Dalam industri perkapalan, pengawalan pembebasan telah mendorong pengendali kapal untuk bertukar daripada bahan api bunker atau minyak bahan api berat kepada bahan api berasaskan minyak yang lebih mahal, melaksanakan teknologi pemprosesan gas serombong yang berharga tinggi atau menggunakan enjin gas asli cecair (LNG).[11] Namun, masalah kebocoran metana, satu keadaan apabila gas yang belum dibakar itu bocor daripada enjinnya, merupakan salah satu keburukan penggunaan LNG. Maersk, syarikat perkapalan kontea dan pengendali kapal terbesar di dunia, telah mengingatkan bahawa keputusan untuk melabur dalam bahan api peralihan seperti LNG telah mewujudkan risiko aset terbiar (bahasa Inggeris: stranded asset).[12] Syarikat tersebut menjadikan ammonia hijau sebagai pilihan bahan api mereka pada masa depan dan telah mengumumkan bahawa kapal neutral karbon yang pertama di dunia akan mula beroperasi pada 2023. Kapal tersebut akan menggunakan metanol yang neutral karbon sebagai bahan api.[13]

Selain LNG, terdapat juga cadangan untuk menggunakan bahan api bio sebagai bahan api alternatif. Namun, bidang perkapalan memerlukan isi padu bahan api bio yang sangat besar dan penghasilan bahan api bio masih terhad. Satu kapal kontena yang sangat besar akan menggunakan semua bahan api bio yang dihasilkan dalam setahun oleh satu kilang bahan api bio bersaiz sederhana.[14] Wallenius Marine, sebuah syarikat penghasilan kapal Sweden, juga sedang meneroka kemungkinan untuk berbalik kepada kapal berkuasa angin, namun dengan menggunakan teknologi yang lebih canggih untuk meningkatkan laju kapal.[15] Walaupun kapal elektrik tidak sesuai untuk pengangkutan barang, teknologi tersebut boleh digunakan untuk feri jarak pendek. Norway telah menyasar untuk mengelektrifikasi kesemua kapal ferinya pada 2025.[16]

Pengangkutan udara

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Dalam bidang penerbangan, pembebasan CO2 mutakhir yang sebanyak 180 Mt (11% daripada pembebasan bidang pengangkutan) dijangka akan meningkat dalam kebanyak unjuran, sekurang-kurangnya hingga 2040. Bahan api bio dan hidrogen hanya dapat menjana tenaga untuk sebilangan kecil kapal terbang sahaja dalam beberapa tahun yang akan datang. Kapal terbang hibrid untuk penerbangan serantau dijangka akan mula beroperasi selepas 2030, dan selepas 2035 bagi kapal terbang berkuasa bateri.[17]

Pada Oktober 2016, 191 anggota negara dalam ICAO telah menubuhkan Skim Pengurangan dan Mengimbangi Karbon bagi Penerbangan Antarabangsa (bahasa Inggeris: Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation, CORSIA). Skim tersebut mewajibkan pengendali kapal terbang untuk membeli imbangan karbon untuk mengimbangkan pembebasan mereka yang lebih tinggi daripada tahap 2020, bermula dengan 2021.[18] Skim ini adalah secara sukarela sehingga 2027.[19]

Selain pembebasan gas rumah hijau daripada kapal terbang, jejak wap juga mempunyai impak terhadap perubahan iklim.[20][21]

Energy consumption will need to be halved by 2050 for avoiding warming of 1.5 degrees above preindustrial levels. While this will slow economic growth it will not necessarily lead to a lower life level if it will be done in the right way.[22]

Pemanasan dan penyejukan

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Sektor bangunan merangkumi 23% daripada pembebasan CO2 global yang berkaitan dengan tenaga.[23] Sebanyak separuh tenaga tersebut digunakan untuk pemanasan ruang dan air.[24] Dengan menggabungkan pam haba dan teknik penebatan bangunan, permintaan tenaga primer boleh dikurangkan. Secara umumnya, proses elektrifikasi pemanasan dan penyejukan hanya dapat mengurangkan pembebasan GHG jika tenaga elektrik tersebut berasal daripada sumber rendah karbon. Sebuah stesen janakuasa bahan api fosil hany dapat membekalkan 3 unit tenaga elektrik bagi setiap 10 unit tenaga bahan api yang dibebaskan.

Unit luar bagi sebuah pam haba sumber udara

Satu pam haba yang moden lazimnya menjana kira-kira dua hingga enam kali ganda lebih tenaga haba berbanding dengan tenaga elektrik yang digunakan. Hal ini menyebabkan keberkesanannya berada antara 200 hingga 600%, bergantung kepada koefisen prestasinya dan suhu luar. Pam haba menggunakan sebuah pemampat elektrik untuk mengoperasikan kitaran penyejukan yang mengeluarkan tenaga haba dari udara luar dan membawa haba tersebut ke dalam ruang yang perlu dipanaskan. Semasa musim panas, kitaran ini boleh diterbalikkan dan pam haba tersebut boleh digunakan sebagai penghawa dingin. Di kawasan yang mempunyai suhu musim sejuk purata yang kurang daripada 0°C, pam haba sumber tanah (yang menggunakan tenaga geoterma) adalah lebih efisen berbanding dengan pam haba sumber udara. Harga pam haba yang lebih tinggi berbanding dengan pemanas rintangan boleh diimbangkan sekiranya pengguna tersebut juga memerlukan penghawa dingin semasa musim panas.

Dengan bahagian pasaran sebanyak 30%, pam haba yang beroperasi dengan tenaga boleh diperbaharui boleh mengurangkan pembebasan CO2 global sebanyak 8% pada setiap tahun.[25] Penggunaan pam haba sumber tanah boleh mengurangkan sebanyak 60% daripada permintaan tenaga primer dan 90% daripada CO2 yang dibebaskan oleh dandang gas asli di Eropah pada 2050 dan secara tidak langsungnya, meningkatkan bahagian pasaran bagi tenaga boleh diperbaharui.[26] Penggunaan tenaga boleh diperbaharui yang berlebihan dalam pam haba telah dianggap sebagai langkah paling efektif yang boleh dilakukan oleh orang umum dalam mengurangkan pemanasan global dan pengurangan bahan api fosil.[27]


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Penyejukan dan sistem penghawa dingin merangkumi 10% daripada pembebasan CO2 global kerana menggunakan tenaga elektrik yang dijanakan oleh bahan api fosil serta penggunaan gas terfluorin (bahasa Inggeris: fluorinated gas). Mengurangkan penggunaan HFC sebanyak 80% pada tengah abad boleh mengelakkan peningkatan suhu lebih daripada 0.4 °C pada akhir abad ke-21. Sebanyak 90% daripada pembebasan yang berasal daripada penyejukan dibebaskan pada akhir hayat peralatan tersebut. Antara solusi termasuknya melabur dalam pembuangan yang betul serta penyejuk yang kurang membebaskan gas rumah hijau.[28]

Penggunaan tenaga oleh penyejukan dijangka akan meningkat secara nyata disebabkan oleh suhu yang lebih tinggi serta produk penyejukan telah menjadi lebih murah dan mampu dibeli oleh penduduk negara yang lebih miskin. Antara 2.8 bilion orang yang meninggal di kawasan yang terpanas di dunia, hanya 8% kini mempunyai penyaman udara, berbanding dengan 90% penduduk di AS dan Jepun.[29] Dengan menggabungkan penambahbaikan kecekapan tenaga dengan peralihan daripada penyejuk yang lebih mencemarkan udara, manusia boleh mengelakkan pembebasan gas rumah hijau kumulatif sebanyak 210-460 GtCO2e dalam empad dekad yang akan datang.[30] Peralihan kepada tenaga boleh diperbaharui dalam sektor penyejukan boleh membawa dua kebaikan: Penjanaan tenaga suria dengan puncak penggunaan tenaga pada tengah hari adalah sama dengan beban yang diperlukan untuk penyejukan. Tambahan pula, penyejukan juga mempunyai potensi yang besar untuk pengurusan beban dalam grid elektrik.

Pemanasan rintangan elektrik

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Pemanas sinaran untuk kegunaan rumah tangga adalah murah dan digunakan secara meluas tetapi kurang cekap berbanding dengan pam haba. Di kawasan seperti Norway, Brazil, dan Quebec yang kaya dengan hidroelektrik, haba elektrik dan air panas adalah biasa. Tangki air panas berskala besar boleh digunakan untuk pengurusan sisi permintaan dan menyimpankan pelbagai tenaga boleh diperbaharui selama beberapa jam atau hari.


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Managed grazing methods are argued to be able to restore grasslands, thereby significantly decreasing atmospheric CO2 levels.[31][sumber lebih baik diperlukan]

As 25% of greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) are coming from agriculture and land use, it is impossible to limit temperature rise to 1.5 degrees without addressing the emissions from agriculture. During 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference, 45 countries pledged to give more than 4 billion dollars for transition to sustainable agriculture. The organization "Slow Food" expressed concern about the effectivity of the spendings, as they concentrate on technological solutions and reforestation en place of "a holistic agroecology that transforms food from a mass-produced commodity into part of a sustainable system that works within natural boundaries."[32]

With 21% of the global methane emissions, cattle are a major driver on global warming.[33] When rainforests are cut and the land is converted for grazing, the impact is even higher. This results in up to 335 kg CO2eq emissions for the production of 1 kg beef in Brazil when using a 30-year time horizon.[34] Other livestock, manure management and rice cultivation also produce relevant GHG emissions, in addition to fossil fuel combustion in agriculture.

Agricultural changes may require complementary laws and policies to drive and support dietary shifts, including changes in pet food,[35] increases in organic food products,[36][37][38] and substantial reductions of meat-intake (food miles usually do not play a large role).[39][40][41]

Regenerative agriculture includes conservation tillage, diversity, rotation and cover crops, minimizing physical disturbance, minimizing the usage of chemicals.[42] It has other benefits like improving the state of the soil and consequently yields.[43] A research made by the Rodale institute suggests that a worldwide transition to regenerative agriculture can soak around 100% of the greenhouse gas emissions currently emitted by people.[44] Restoring grasslands stores CO2 with estimates that increasing the carbon content of the soils in the world's 3.5 billion hectares of agricultural grassland by 1% would offset nearly 12 years of CO2 emissions.[45] Allan Savory, as part of holistic management, claims that while large herds are often blamed for desertification, prehistoric lands supported large or larger herds and areas where herds were removed in the United States are still desertifying.[31] Grazers, such as livestock that are not left to wander, would eat the grass and would minimize any grass growth.[45][46][47] However, carbon sequestration is maximized when only part of the leaf matter is consumed by a moving herd as a corresponding amount of root matter is sloughed off too sequestering part of its carbon into the soil.[45]

In the United States, soils account for about half of agricultural GHGs while agriculture, forestry and other land use emits 24%.[48] The US EPA says soil management practices that can reduce the emissions of nitrous oxide (N2O) from soils include fertilizer usage, irrigation, and tillage.

Important mitigation options for reducing the greenhouse gas emissions from livestock include genetic selection,[49][50] introduction of methanotrophic bacteria into the rumen,[51][52] vaccines, feeds,[53] toilet-training,[54] diet modification and grazing management.[55][56][57] Other options include just using ruminant-free alternatives instead, such as milk substitutes and meat analogues. Non-ruminant livestock (e.g. poultry) generates far fewer emissions.[58]

A matrix of the progress in the adoption of management practices and approaches

Methods that enhance carbon sequestration in soil include no-till farming, residue mulching and crop rotation, all of which are more widely used in organic farming than in conventional farming.[59][60] Because only 5% of US farmland currently uses no-till and residue mulching, there is a large potential for carbon sequestration.[61][62]

Farming can deplete soil carbon and render soil incapable of supporting life. However, conservation farming can protect carbon in soils, and repair damage over time.[63] The farming practice of cover crops has been recognized as climate-smart agriculture.[64] Best management practices for European soils were described to increase soil organic carbon: conversion of arable land to grassland, straw incorporation, reduced tillage, straw incorporation combined with reduced tillage, ley cropping system and cover crops.[65]

Farming within forest growth is sometimes called agroforestry or farmer-managed natural regeneration. In Burkina Faso and Mali, local farmers such as Yacouba Sawadogo innovated with methods such as Zaï that have improved the quality of the soil and thus helping prevent carbon emitting desertification.[66]

Methane emissions in rice cultivation can be cut by implementing an improved water management, combining dry seeding and one drawdown, or a perfect execution of a sequence of wetting and drying. This results in emission reductions of up to 90% compared to full flooding and even increased yields.[67]

Urban planning

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Bicycles have almost no carbon footprint compared to cars, and canal transport may represent a positive option for certain types of freight in the 21st century.[68]

Effective urban planning to reduce sprawl aims to decrease the distance travelled by vehicles, lowering emissions from transportation. Personal cars are extremely inefficient at moving passengers, while public transport and bicycles are many times more efficient (as is the simplest form of human transportation, walking). All of these are encouraged by urban/community planning and are an effective way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Inefficient land use development practices have increased infrastructure costs as well as the amount of energy needed for transportation, community services, and buildings. Switching from cars by improving walkability and cycling infrastructure is either free or beneficial to a country's economy as a whole.[69]

"Urban mitigation options can be categorized into three broad strategies: (1) reducing urban energy 3 consumption across all sectors, including through spatial planning and infrastructure; (2) electrification 4 and switching to net zero emissions resources; and (3) enhancing carbon stocks and uptake through 5 urban green and blue infrastructure, which can also offer multiple co-benefits."[70]

Cities have big potential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. They emitted 28 GtCO2-eq in the year 2020. Without any action cities supposed to emit 65 GtCO2-eq by the year 2050. With full scale mitigation action the emissions will be near zero, in the worst case they will be only 3 GtCO2-eq. City planning, supporting mixed use of space, transit, walking, cycling, sharing vehicles can reduce urban emissions by 23% - 26%. Urban forests, lakes and other blue and green infrastructure can reduce emissions directly and indirectly (trough reduce in energy demand for cooling for example).[71]

At the same time, a growing number of citizens and government officials have begun advocating a smarter approach to land use planning. These smart growth practices include compact community development, multiple transportation choices, mixed land uses, and practices to conserve green space. These programs offer environmental, economic, and quality-of-life benefits; and they also serve to reduce energy usage and greenhouse gas emissions.

Reducing the number of cars on the road,[72] for example through proof-of-parking requirements, corporate car sharing, road reallocation (from only car use to cycling road, ...), circulation plans, bans on on-street parking or by increasing the costs of car ownership can help in reducing traffic congestion in cities.

Approaches such as New Urbanism and transit-oriented development seek to reduce distances travelled, especially by private vehicles, encourage public transit and make walking and cycling more attractive options. This is achieved through "medium-density", mixed-use planning and the concentration of housing within walking distance of town centers and transport nodes.

Smarter growth land use policies have both a direct and indirect effect on energy consuming behavior. For example, transportation energy usage, the number one user of petroleum fuels, could be significantly reduced through more compact and mixed use land development patterns (urban agriculture, urban trees), which in turn could be served by a greater variety of non-automotive based transportation choices.

Changes in urban form, behavior programs, the circular economy, the shared economy, and digitalization trends can support systemic changes that lead to reductions in demand for transport services or expands the use of more efficient transport modes. Cities can reduce their transport-related fuel consumption by around 25% through combinations of more compact land use and the provision of less car-dependent transport infrastructure. Appropriate infrastructure, including protected pedestrian and bike pathways, can also support much greater localized active travel. Transport demand management incentives are expected to be necessary to support these systemic changes. There is mixed evidence of the effect of circular economy initiatives, shared economy initiatives, and digitalization on demand for transport services. For example, while dematerialization can reduce the amount of material that need to be transported to manufacturing facilities, an increase in online shopping with priority delivery can increase demand for freight transport. Similarly, while teleworking could reduce travel demand, increased ridesharing could increase vehicle-km travelled.[73]

Building design

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Emissions from housing are substantial,[74] and government-supported energy efficiency programmes can make a difference.[75]

According to the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report buildings emitted 21% of global GHG emissions in the year 2019. 80% - 90% of their emissions can be cut while helping to achieve other Sustainable Development Goals. The report introduces a new scheme for reducing GHG emissions in buildings: SER = Sufficiency, Efficiency, Renewable. Sufficiency measures do not need very complex technology, energy supply, maintenance or replacement during the life of the building. Those include, natural ventilation, green roofs, white walls, mixed use of spaces, collective use of devices etc. [76] There are multiple links between emissions from buildings and emissions from other sectors including those discussed in chapters 6, 7, 8, 10 and 11 in the report. Reducing GHG emissions from buildings is linked to Sharing economy and Circular economy.[77]

With strong action to reduce energy consumption of buildings "average energy intensity of the global building stock would decrease by more than 80% by 2050."[78]

New buildings can be constructed using passive solar building design, low-energy building, or zero-energy building techniques, using renewable heat sources. Existing buildings can be made more efficient through the use of insulation, high-efficiency appliances (particularly hot water heaters and furnaces), double- or triple-glazed gas-filled windows, external window shades, and building orientation and siting. Renewable heat sources such as shallow geothermal and passive solar energy reduce the amount of greenhouse gasses emitted. In addition to designing buildings which are more energy-efficient to heat, it is possible to design buildings that are more energy-efficient to cool by using lighter-coloured, more reflective materials in the development of urban areas (e.g. by painting roofs white) and planting trees.[79][80] This saves energy because it cools buildings and reduces the urban heat island effect thus reducing the use of air conditioning.

Forest conservation and reforestation

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The Trillion Tree Campaign is a project which aims to plant one trillion trees worldwide among other for fighting climate change.[81]

The campaign has the next principles:

  • Conserving and regrowing forest can work only in compound with reducing fossil fuel emissions.
  • Conserving existing ecosystems
  • Restoration must be socially and ecologically responsible[82]

One study suggested that reforestation and forest conservation can soak two third of the greenhouse gases emitted to the atmosphere by people, even though after they reduced it to one third. According to another study the impact of trees, even except CO2 can reduce global temperature by 0.5°C. Many were worried that the emphasis on tree planting will distract people from cutting emission and restoring natural forests.[83]

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