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Saturday, February 4, 2023

The High Country

Happy February to you!  It is still very cold here in Northern Colorado, but blue skies are back and that helps everyone feel better.  However, it is Coyote mating season and they have been on the prowl.   While typically it isn't a concern, this year we've seen one Coyote that was shot in the leg and he spent quite a bit of time up next to our wrought iron fence. It being shot was very upsetting, but a wounded animal can also pose a threat to pets; that was our main concern. Thankfully, we haven't seen him a few days and neighbors were told by local wildlife rescue that he probably mended on his on.  
Today, hubby and I took some dear friends up to Rocky Mountain National Park to walk around one of the lakes and then have lunch afterwards.  While the weather was nicer than it has been, there was a wind that made it feel colder.  Here we are on the lake; don't worry, rangers told us that it would be safe to walk across.  Our friends made it across, but due to the depth of the snow I choose not to and hubby stayed by my side.

Here our pups have been staying inside where the temp is warmer than outside.  They are the best buddies and we love watching them together.
Miss Emmy with one of her favorite toys.  

 I hope this finds you healthy and staying warm!  


Monday, January 9, 2023

A Most Beautiful Time of Year

 Happy Monday to you!  I've shared that the last several months have been so much colder than previous years, but I'm certainly enjoying our landscape with all its beauty.  Even though it was in the low 20's this morning, the bright blue sky reflecting on the white show is so pristine.  I'm thankful to be home on cold mornings!  Our snow is melting slowly and of course we know it won't end for several more months; usually by Mother's Day we are over the worst of it.  However, on cold snowy days it makes for getting some sewing done.  Tomorrow I'm going to be seeing one of my Ca. girlfriends who is dog sitting for her brother in a nearby town.  We've planned lunch out and some shopping at Hobby Lobby.  I haven't seen this friend in several years and it will be a good catch up.  I hope you are seeing beauty in your world.


Friday, January 6, 2023

Newness of Winter

Happy New Year to you all. The last few months have been colder than normal, for our neck of the woods. In the 15 years we've lived here, I can't remember the temperature being well below freezing for most of December. January has started out the same, with lots of white stuff.

 The photo of me was taken several years ago while on a family get away up in Estes Park. Our family, totaling 17, took a hike around Bear Lake in Rocky Mountain National Park.  These trips with family have always been high on our memory list. 

We had a delightful family celebration on Christmas Day!  There was lots of laughter, great food and some incredible gifts.  For New Year's Eve, we had our dear friends Steve and Shelley over for a great dinner.  In the past, we've gone out to our favorite restaurant to celebrate the last day of the year.  However, with cost of living so expensive, we had a wonderful dinner here and played games after that.  We never make it to midnight anymore!  
I've been working on some quilt projects from last year and need to get back to my sewing room, or  they won't be finished anytime soon.  
Blessings of joy, peace, love and health this 2023.

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

A Thankful Heart


Hello Friends,  It is so hard to believe the days, weeks and months come and go; here we are in November already.  My heart is overflowing for the many blessings in life~two of which are pictured above. This photo was taken one afternoon while the dogs watched for a testy squirrel that visits our yard.  It was one year ago that we drove to Idaho and picked up our little jewel Emmy.  She has added so much to our lives, especially Hunter's; it only took him about 7 months to adjust to have a playmate around all the time.  Hunter is turning 11 next month and I truly believe Emmy has kept him young.  Emmy is the perfect size for us weighing in at 24 pounds and about 18" high; she has finally started understanding what we are asking of her, most of the time. 
The most important blessings in my life are first and foremost-My Lord and Savior Jesus and then in this order- 1) my hubby, who probably wouldn't have added a second dog to our family and yet let me.  After 44 years of marriage, we still enjoy each other so much.  2) my daughters and sons of my heart-what joy in having family who love the Lord with their heart, mind and soul.  Their faith is reflected in every area of their lives. 3) Our 11 grands, who bring me joy continually.  I love that we all live within 10 minutes of each other and have such a close family bond.  4) Friends, some that have spanned 40 years and some less than 10.  Interests vary, but joy is present when we are together.
5) Good health; not exercising as much as I did in previous years, but we try to walk the dogs whenever the weather allows. 

I hope you have a moment each day to reflect on those blessings in your life.  

Monday, October 3, 2022

Take Me To The Mountains

Yesterday hubby and I took a drive up to the Rockies to check out the colors.  We had been given mixed reviews, one friend who only went into Estes told us there were none and someone else said that yes there were. We did find out if you only went into the town you wouldn't see any, but going into the Park there were so many vibrant colors.  I do wish we'd get red and purple too, but I'll enjoy the beauty around us. Look at this handsome young buck.
Bear Lake is a wonderful, easy hike and one of our favorite places to go.

We also hiked up to Alberta Falls and saw some more colors.
The mountains always renew my spirit and I love them. In fact, we are hoping to get one more chance at camping before winterizing our trailer; we'll see.
Have a wonderful day and don't forget to enjoy the beauty around you.

Saturday, September 24, 2022

Welcome Fall and Family

Hello and Happy Fall y'all.
 Our entire world has changed over the last three years; one of the hardest changes of all was not to be able to see family on a regular basis, due to Covid and health/age restrictions. My only sibling left, aka older brother and his incredible wife(aka sister of my heart) came out this last week for a visit. They spent two days getting used to our elevation and relaxing, before heading to our home. It was a jam packed two days that they were with us; two dinners with our entire clan of 17 and just catching up with them. Life moves fast when you haven't been together, so the gabbing was not stop. On Thursday, we had a easy dinner here at our home. My sil took this photo of my brother and myself. When you are not used to being around 17 people, 11 of whom are our grandchildren, it takes the energy out of you. We even got to the coffee house on Friday to see two of our granddaughters working. Hubby and I toured them around our town, to show them how much it has grown. Friday night we had a wonderful dinner at our youngest daughter's house which included steak bbq'd by our grandson, salads, roasted vegetables, breads, potatoes as well as dessert. Three of our grands were celebrating their birthdays this week, so we all sang to them and enjoy a special desserts for them. Sadly today they bid us goodbye for now to head back to Ca. We are all looking forward to seeing them on a more regular basis.

 I'm really hoping that I find a regular time to blog again; I've really missed you friends. I do have to ask though, when I go to leave comments now on your blogs, it puts me in anonymously and won't put in my blog name~I have no idea as to what has changed and how to get it back to sign my in correctly.

Hugs and joy to you today.
Noreen, Hunter and Emmy

Monday, September 19, 2022

 Hello friends,  You probably have wondered where I've been and what I've been up too; obviously my blog seems to have fallen to the bottom of the list of my priorities.  I wish I could say it will change, but who knows.  I miss you all!

Our summer has been so busy; we have had some great camping trips and the most exciting one was two weeks in Montana.  We've never been gone with the trailer that long and it worked out so well. Even the dogs did better than we expected.  We've had other local, three day trips that make my heart sing; of course we have decided that there is a certain couple that we just don't enjoy that much.  Our good friends of 40 years always make camping so much fun and we are so grateful that they live here now.  Last week hubby and I got away for two days, by ourselves with the dogs and it was fun. We find it much more low key when we are alone~we play games and watch movies if the weather doesn't permit us to be outside.

Here are just a few photos from last week~even though it was nice outside we had our coffee around a campfire.

We only took one kayak, as someone-namely me, thought the water might be too cold.

Hunter with hubby.
After many walks and runs on the beach, Emmy crashed.  
That's about it for now; we have family coming in for a short visit this week and there is so much left to do in preparation.  We haven't seen my brother and sister of my heart since pre-Covid and we simply can't wait.  There will be two larger family dinners with all 17 of us.  
May your day be blessed.

Noreen, Hunter and Emmy