Indigenous Peoples and Conservation News

Indigenous peoples’ stewardship of natural resources is increasingly being recognized as a critical priority in efforts to combat climate change, protect biodiversity, and maintain the ecosystems that sustain the planet. Yet indigenous communities continue to face grave threats when it comes to protecting their lands. Some indigenous peoples are challenged by governments’ failure to recognize their land rights and the loss of traditional knowledge, which erodes cultural identity. The Indigenous Peoples and Conservation project will produce a series of journalistic stories that explore threats to indigenous peoples’ territories and showcase successful indigenous-led conservation initiatives.

Indigenous midwives in Panama strive to preserve traditional medicine for maternal health

PHOTOS: For Kenya’s Maasai, a new faith may undo age-old conservation traditions

Shaping the next generation of Indigenous rangers: Interview with Manni Edwards

How Europe’s only Indigenous group is inspiring a greener Christianity

Loss of water means loss of culture for Mexico’s Indigenous Yaqui

African markets tackle food insecurity and climate change — but lack investment

A year after toxic tar sands spill, questions remain for affected First Nation

As drought parches Mexico, a Yaqui water defender fights for a sacred river

Is ‘legal personhood’ a tool or a distraction for Māori relationships with nature?

French Polynesians revive traditional rāhui to protect fish — and livelihoods

The Wixárika community’s thirteen-year legal battle to stop mining in their sacred territory

Organized crime brings renewed threats to Yanomami in Brazil

New study reaffirms Indigenous lands key to mitigating climate change in Brazil

Borneo’s Dayak adapt Indigenous forestry to modern peat management

Environmental protests under attack: Interview with UN special rapporteur Michel Forst

Revealed: Illegal cattle boom in Arariboia territory in deadliest year for Indigenous Guajajara

UNESCO accused of supporting human rights abuses in African parks

Restoring Indigenous aquaculture heals both ecosystems and communities in Hawai‘i

Indigenous Alaskans drive research in a melting arctic

Indigenous communities make clean energy drive work for, not against, them

Fear and hardship for the last community inside Chitwan, Nepal’s tiger central  

Mongabay video screening at Chile’s Supreme Court expected to help landmark verdict in Brazil

Indigenous people and NGO grow a wildlife corridor in the world’s oldest rainforest

Are carbon credits another resource-for-cash grab? Interview with Alondra Cerdes Morales & Samuel Nguiffo

On a Borneo mountainside, Indigenous Dayak women hold fire and defend forest

Desperation sets in for Indigenous Sumatrans who lost their forests to plantations

In a Himalayan Eden, a road project promises opportunity, but also loss

Plastic pollution talks end & Arctic peoples return home to a ‘sink’ of plastic

‘Our rights are on trial in Brazil’: Interview with Indigenous movement pioneer Brasílio Priprá

Deforestation haunts top Peruvian reserve and its Indigenous communities

Tribes turn to the U.N. as major wind project plans to cut through their lands in the U.S.

Cross-border Indigenous efforts in Peru & Brazil aim to protect isolated groups

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