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Siktelsane var fylgjande:

  1. Deltaking i ein felles plan eller konspirasjon for gjennomføring av kriminalitet mot freden.
  2. Planlegging og gjennomføring av krigsaggresjon og andre brotsverk mot freden.
  3. Krigsforbrytelsar.
  4. Forbrytelse mot menneskeheita.

Dei 24 tiltalte var:

"S" Sikta      "F" Sikta og funnen skuldig.      "º" Ikkje sikta.

Namn   Tiltale Straff     Merknader
  1     2     3     4        

Martin Bormann
S º F F Dødsstraff Hess sin etterfylgjar som leier av nazipartiet. Dømd in absentia, levningane has funne i 1972[1]

Karl Dönitz
S F F º 10 år Leiar for Kriegsmarine frå 1943. Sette igang U-båtkampanja

Hans Frank
S º F F Dødsstraff Herskar i det okkuperte Polen.

Wilhelm Frick
S F F F Dødsstraff Hitler sin innanriksminister. Skreiv raselovene i Tyskland[2].

Hans Fritzsche
S S S º Uskuldig Populær radiokommentator, og leiar for nyhende-avdelinga av det Nazistiske propaganda-ministeriet. Vart sikta i staden for Joseph Goebbels[3]

Walther Funk
S F F F Livstid Finansminister. Etterfylgde Schacht som direktør i Reichsbank. Frigidd grunna dårleg helse 16. mai 1957.[4]

Hermann Göring
F F F F Dødsstraff Reichsmarschall, kommandør i Luftwaffe, og fleire avdelingar i SS. Begjekk sjølvmord kvelden før si eiga avretting.[5]

Rudolf Hess
F F S S Livstid Hitler sin arvtakar. Flaug til Skottland i 1941. [6]

Alfred Jodl
G G G G Death Wehrmacht Generaloberst, Keitel's subordinate. On February 28, 1953, Jodl was posthumously exonerated by a German de-Nazification court, which found him not guilty of crimes under international law. [7]

Ernst Kaltenbrunner
I º G G Death Highest surviving SS-leader. Chief of RSHA, the central Nazi intelligence organ. Also, commanded many of the Einsatzgruppen and several concentration camps.[8]
Wilhelm Keitel
G G G G Death Head of Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (OKW).[9]
Gustav Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach
I I I I ---- Major Nazi industrialist. Medically unfit for trial

Robert Ley
I I I I ---- Head of DAF, The German Labour Front. Suicide on October 25, 1945, before the trial began

Konstantin von Neurath
G G G G 15 years Minister of Foreign Affairs until 1938, succeeded by Ribbentrop. Later, Protector of Bohemia and Moravia. Resigned in 1943 due to dispute with Hitler. Released (ill health) November 6, 1954[10]

Franz von Papen
I I º º Acquitted Chancellor of Germany in 1932 and Vice-Chancellor under Hitler from 1933. Later, ambassador to Turkey. Although acquitted at Nuremburg, von Papen was reclassified as a war criminal in 1947 by a German de-Nazification court, and sentenced to eight years' hard labour. He was acquitted following appeal after serving two years. [11]
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Erich Raeder
G G G º Life Imprisonment Leader of the Kriegsmarine until his retirement in 1943, succeeded by Doenitz. Released (ill health) September 26, 1955[12]
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Joachim von Ribbentrop
G G G G Death Nazi Minister of Foreign Affairs[13]

Alfred Rosenberg
G G G G Death Racial theory ideologist. Later, Protector of the Eastern Occupied Territories.[14]

Fritz Sauckel
I I G G Death Plenipotentiary of the Nazi slave labor program.[15]

Hjalmar Schacht
I I º º Acquitted Pre-war president of the Reichsbank. Admitted to violating the Treaty of Versailles.[16]

Baldur von Schirach
I º º G 20 years Head of the Hitlerjugend, later Gauleiter of Vienna. Expressed repentance[17]

Arthur Seyss-Inquart
I G G G Death Instrumental in the Anschluss. Later, Gauleiter of occupied Holland.[18]
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Albert Speer
º º G G 20 Years Hitler's favorite architect and personal friend. Responsible for several aspects of industry (esp. as Minister of Armaments) and a central figure in leadership. Expressed repentance.[19]

Julius Streicher
I º º G Death Incited hatred and murder against the Jews through his weekly newspaper, Der Stürmer.[20]