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Australian woman tragically killed in crash days before marriage proposal

A Melbourne woman who was days away from being proposed to by her boyfriend has died in a car crash on her way home to see him.

Georgia McDonald, 30, was traveling from Wagga Wagga to Ferntree Gully in Melbourne’s southeast on Friday when her car was involved in a collision on the B300 Melba Highway in Glenburn.

She was less than an hour from home, where her mom Rachel and partner Tom Van Staveren were waiting for her.

“Georgia has left behind so many people that loved and adored her, for her beautiful smile, and constant laughter,” said her friend Tallula Galea in a post on an online fundraising platform.

“She was such a beautiful, intelligent, kind-hearted woman.”

Georgia McDonald and Tom Van Staveren were due to fly out from Melbourne to Bali on Sunday to celebrate her 30th birthday. GoFundMe

Ms. McDonald and Mr. Van Staveren were due to fly out from Melbourne to Bali on Sunday to celebrate her 30th birthday.

Unbeknown to Ms. McDonald, her partner was planning to propose to her.

“He was picking up her perfect engagement ring on Saturday morning before flying out on Sunday,” said Ms. Gallea.

“This is what made the romantic holiday so much more exciting.”

McDonald, 30, was driving from Wagga Wagga to Ferntree Gully in Melbourne’s southeast on Friday. GoFundMe

Ms. McDonald studied oral health at Charles Sturt University in Wagga Wagga.

“Georgia was six weeks away from graduating as an oral health therapist, which was her dream.

“She already had an oral health therapist job lined up at a clinic she worked at for 10 years.

“She worked so hard, excelling in her grades, her teachers said she was ‘exceeding expectations,’ and her patients loved her. She was so proud of herself.”

A fundraiser for a memorial and wake for Ms. McDonald has already exceeded the target amount of $15,000 with almost $22,000 raised.

Ms. Galea said any money over and above the costs of a memorial would go to Ms. McDonald’s mom.

Unbeknown to McDonald, her partner was planning to propose to her. GoFundMe

Mr. Van Staveren also posted online of his sorrow at his girlfriend’s death.

“With the sudden and tragic passing of my soon-to-be fiancee, Georgia, I kindly ask for your generosity in helping cover the costs of her memorial instead of giving flowers so that we can provide my gorgeous girl the send-off she deserves,” he said reported the Herald Sun.

“Georgia has left behind so many people that loved and adored her, for her beautiful smile, and constant laughter,” said Ms. Galea.

“Georgia’s love did not discriminate, she shared her love with anyone and everyone. The impact she made on everyone who she crossed paths with will never be forgotten.”