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‘Dramatic’ girl, 5, sobs after learning she won’t be a princess when she grows up

She might never be a princess — but she’s definitely a little drama queen.

A 5-year-old Scotland girl was filmed crying hysterically upon realizing she wouldn’t grow up to be a princess — and would instead have to do “boring chores” like her mom. A video of the disillusioned youngster’s epic meltdown is currently going viral as viewers sympathize with her plight.

“I thought it was hilarious that a 5-year-old could worry about such things,” Catherine Stafford-Grimley, 25, told Kennedy News of her tot’s “dramatic” reaction.

The Erskine resident said that the breakdown occurred after her daughter Órla McEvity saw her mother cleaning the house and asked why she was doing so.

When mom explained that adults have to do chores, the youngster threw a fit for the ages.

“I explained that when you grow up you have to do housework, so she got in a panic and realized it’s no fun being an adult,” Stafford-Grimley explained. “She started getting upset once she had the realization that growing up isn’t all that meant to be.”

“Some couldn’t stop laughing and others were constantly replaying it and sharing it with their family and friends,” said mom Catherine Stafford-Grimley. “Some said they feel for Órla and how they wish she doesn’t have to grow up either.” Kennedy News and Media

She added, “She thought she was going to be a princess growing up, not doing the house chores.”

In the accompanying half-minute clip, Stafford-Grimley asks her inconsolable offspring why she’s “not happy to grow up.”

“I thought it was hilarious that a 5-year-old could worry about such things,” said Stafford-Grimley. Kennedy News & Media

“Because that way I’ll have to do all the boring things,” responds little McEvity between sobs, adding, “I’ll have to go food shopping and I have to wash the dishes.”

The diminutive drama queen continues, “That’s like boring, isn’t it? It’s boring.”

Stafford-Grimley, who was reportedly “secretly laughing inside” during the clip, claims that her offspring has always hated doing chores.

“I suppose she picks up after me as I don’t particularly enjoy doing house chores,” explained the bemused mother, who added that the wannabe Cinderella once felt like she was dying after getting asked to clean her room.

In fact, McEvity is reportedly dramatic about a lot of things. The Scot explained that after the camera stopped rolling, “She said can she never grow up and was there a way to stop her legs from growing taller.”

“I’ll have to go food shopping and I have to wash the dishes,” McEvity said while catastrophizing about adulthood. Kennedy News & Media

“I told her that we can’t stop growing up and that her legs are going to continue to grow,” Stafford-Grimley explained. “I said that all of us have to grow up and that it’s part of life and she asked why she had to be born, again very dramatic.”

She added, “Eventually, I reassured her and said being an adult can be so much fun, not really, but sometimes you’ve got to tell a white lie.”

The clip was reportedly a hit with the mom’s family and friends, who advised her to keep the footage for McEvity’s 18th birthday, Kennedy News reported.

“Some couldn’t stop laughing and others were constantly replaying it and sharing it with their family and friends,” said Stafford-Grimley. “Some said they feel for Órla and how they wish she doesn’t have to grow up either.”

In a far less funny toddler tantrum from 2018, a “demonic” child threw a mind-melting 8-hour screaming fit on a flight from Germany to New Jersey.