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Viral DINK video has people taking sides on parenting, including Elon Musk: ‘That’s messed up’

No kids, no problem?

DINKs — the acronym for couples with dual incomes and no kids — prioritize their careers, personal desires and travel experiences over starting families.

One engaged couple has been boasting about the perks that come with their childless lifestyles and discretionary incomes, such as spontaneous vacations, expensive lattes and eight hours of shuteye.

“We’re DINKs, we get into snobby hobbies like skiing and golfing,” personal finance content creator John Eringman, 28, bragged in a divisive viral video posted this week. “We’re DINKs, we’re already planning our European vacation next year.”

Eringman and his fiancĂ©e, Paige, 27, are regularly asked when they plan to grow their family, and while they “aren’t totally against kids,” the couple has yet to decide if their DINK status is permanent.

“Yes, we often get questions like ‘When are you guys having kids?’ and ‘You’re next in line to have kids!'” Eringman, from Cincinnati, Ohio, told The Post in an email.

“I think traditional norms from our grandparents and parents expect us to do what they did. Go to college, get married young, and then have kids,” he explained, adding that “more and more” Millennials and Gen Zers are deviating from the norm “because it doesn’t align with their own values.”

One couple has been boasting about the perks that come with their childless lifestyles and discretionary income. TikTok / @johnefinance
Personal finance content creator John Eringman’s 35-second gloat has gone viral with 2.2 million views on TikTok. TikTok / @johnefinance

Other people are less enthusiastic about the couple’s decision not to procreate, including Tesla CEO and X owner Elon Musk, a father of 11 children.

“There is an awful morality to those who deliberately have no kids: they are effectively demanding that other people’s kids take care of them in their old age,” Musk, 52, posted on X this week in response to Eringman’s video. “That’s messed up.”

The Post reached out to Musk for comment.

Eringman called Musk’s take “a bit odd,” saying that “demanding” other people take care of them as seniors “couldn’t be further from the truth.”

“DINKs are the healthiest and wealthiest people in today’s society,” he told The Post. “We have the money to invest in premium healthcare but most importantly, we have the time to invest into our own health. We exercise daily, practice mindfulness, and eat healthy.”

He noted: “DINKs won’t need ‘other people’s kids to take care of us.’ We’ll be able to take care of ourselves!”

But Eringman’s 35-second gloat has gone viral with 2.2 million views on TikTok, prompting a parents versus DINKs virtual showdown.

One TikToker, whose profile reads “Official DINKS,” voiced her preference for sleeping in and spending her income on herself, while bristling at the prospect of coming home from a long day at work only to have to care for another human being.

Some people are not so happy about the couple’s decision not to procreate, including Tesla CEO and X owner Elon Musk, a father of 11 children. Getty Images for The New York Times

I’ve crunched some numbers and come to the conclusion that kids would financially RUIN me. #childfree #childfreemath #childfreebychoice #richauntie #dinks

♬ Ain’t No Mountain High Enough – Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell

Another childfree content creator touted her passion for home improvement projects, nail appointments, Botox injections and luxe skin care products — which she said she wouldn’t be able to afford if she had kids.

“I’ve crunched some numbers and come to the conclusion that kids would financially RUIN me,” she captioned her video.

These online arguments underscore statistics that show the US birth rate dropped from 14.3 births per 1,000 people in 2007 to 11.1 births in 2022 — a decline of nearly 23%.

Millennials and Gen Zers have shown more reluctance about having children compared to their parents, citing climate change, student debt and inflation as some of the reasons behind their decisions.

“I think it is an unambiguously positive thing for people who don’t want kids to not have them,” one user posted on X in response to Eringman’s video.

“Maybe some people just don’t want kids,” another wrote. “Like flat out don’t want any at all and there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s so annoying when people hit them with ‘Oh in (x) years you’re gonna want some and can’t have any.’ “

Others defended having children.

“SIK (single income with kids): there is no greater alignment of purpose in the universe, and sacrificing and working for the people you love the most is the pinnacle of human existence. grateful for family and responsibility that comes with it,” one person tweeted.

“Congrats on being a #DINK if you are one (Dual Income No Kids),” another enthused.

“Just so you know, I’m quite happy being a parent of 2 kids. Easily the best thing I’ve ever done in this life is help create these kids & love them infinitely. They [amaze] me everyday. Enjoy your latte.”