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JetBlue passenger confused over mysterious mist on her 4-hour NY-bound flight: ‘Raining in the cabin’

WetBlue Airways.

Passengers aboard a four-hour flight bound for New York were treated to a refreshing mysterious mist inside the cabin of their plane, much to the dismay of some onboard.

“Nothing better than being on a 4hr flight back to New York soaking wet and cold,” real estate agent Savannah Gowarty captioned her TikTok post on Wednesday showing the damp conditions of her flight.

Passengers on a four-hour New York-bound flight experiencing a mysterious mist raining down from the aircraft vents
Passengers aboard a four-hour flight bound for New York were treated to a refreshing mysterious mist inside the cabin of their plane, much to the dismay of some onboard. @savinnyc/TikTok

“What is this,” she asked in the video, with the words “The Pilot- It appears to be raining in the cabin,” overlayed onto the video.

“Four-hour flight, so cold,” the passenger says as she shows off her drenched hair and clothes.

The plane, which appeared to be a JetBlue A320, was clouded by the midst circulating throughout the fuselage as the unsuspecting passengers had no choice but to be soaked.

The “midst” is the result of water condensing on air-handling units and cooling coils when humid air comes into contact with the cool surfaces, according to the Federal Energy Management Program from the US Department of Energy.


Nothing better than being on a 4hr flight back to new york soaking wet and cold #flying #plane #vacation #pilot #fyp

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“On board aircraft it is sometimes possible to see the air conditioning system cooling and condensing the warm air from outside,” a spokesperson for easyJet told Newsweek following a similar incident on a plane from France to London last summer.

The condensation is completely safe for passengers.

Gowarty attempted to make the most of her situation and tried air-drying some of her clothes on her armrests during the flight.

While the departure location for the flight was unknown, the free inflight shower tends to be a common occurrence in the southern US states, especially as summer weather nears.

“I live in the south and have flown multiple times, including 12 in the last 6 months. it happens often lmao,” one commenter said.

The now-viral post, which has been seen over 2 million times as of Thursday morning, has divided the comment section.

“I hate being wet and cold. I’d be in full meltdown mode,” one person said.

“No I love this. This would be my dream flight. Nothing worse than that dry stuffy hot air on a plane,” another responded.

Gowarty attempted to make the most of her situation and tried air-drying some of her clothes on her armrests during the flight.
Gowarty attempted to make the most of her situation and tried air-drying some of her clothes on her armrests during the flight. @savinnyc/TikTok

“4 hour flight plus free misty refresh for dewy skin.”

“The way I would immediately think I was about to die in an anthrax attack or something.”

In January, passengers aboard a Jetstar flight in Australia were surprised when they experienced the phenomenon while traveling in the Northern Territory of the country.

The Post reached out to JetBlue for comment