Our Mission

Our goal is to fulfill as many fundraising campaign goals as possible through crowdfunding.
Please do not underestimate the power of crowdfunding: small amounts of money donated by large amounts of people.

Collectively, we can all play a SIGNIFICANT role in securing the safety of our beloved brothers and sisters in Gaza.

Our Top Six Campaigns are first priority.

Once a goal is reached, we then move campaigns from the full directory up to the top six spot.

Our ultimate goal is to fulfill as many campaign goals as possible, and as quickly as possible.


  • Hala & Raneem & Miral

    “I am Rawan, and my husband is Ahmed Abdel Qader, and I want to share with you the story of my three daughters: Hala, & years old, who dreams of becoming a doctor to care for patients; Raneem, 6 years old, aspires to become an architect; Miral,

    4 years old, is enjoying her time in nursery. We once lived in a beautiful, spacious house surrounded by trees and flowers. But the occupation destroyed our home and

    neighborhood, and forced us to move three times.”

  • 2. Ali Shaheen

    “I am Ali khalil shaheen , I had lived a rosy and safe life with my family before the war came and stole everything from me.

    My safety,dream, security,my home has been destroyed during the war . Literally, I have lost everything my home, my lovely work as a teacher also I have lost members of my of my extended family and lovely friends.

    My 2 sons Zain and Taym 3 & 2 years old are living a very dangerous and bad situation here in Gaza actually, It's eating me up inside seeing my two little kids living this dangerous life here.”

  • 3. Mohammed AbuIssa's Family

    “Dear friends,

    My name is Mohammed AbuIssa. I am a doctor from Deir Al Balah looking to raise funds to evacuate my family and reunite them with my brother's in Egypt. My mother and father, Samah and Saed are currently in Deir Al Balah with my two younger sisters, Hala who is 10 years old and Jana who is 8 years old. Our aim is to secure a safe reunion with my brothers, Amro (24 years old) and Saeb (20 years old). Both are medical students at Al Mansoura University in Egypt. Both have felt completely helpless since this genocide started. Both attempted to request evacuation from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Egypt, sadly to no avail. I have created this GoFundMe campaign in an attempt to evacuate and rebuild the lives of my loved ones.”

  • 4. Israa Al-Safadi

    "Israa, a single mother of three beautiful children – Sadan, 8 years old; Wateen, 5 years old and Ahmad, 3 years old – has faced unimaginable hardship during the inhuman genocide on the people of Gaza. On the 9th of October 2023, their home in Gaza City was destroyed by Israeli aerial bombings. Subsequently, the house where they sought refuge was also bombed, resulting in severe injuries to Sadan, with a lacerated skull and fractured foot. Israa had to navigate unimaginable hardships with her children, facing starvation, illness, and constant displacement.."

  • 5. Mohammed Owda

    “I was supposed to travel to Romania a month ago to complete my master's degree in computer engineering, but I couldn't because of the war. Things are very bad here and life is harsh. Now that I have booked a flight ticket from Cairo, prepared travel health insurance, and have a scholarship to cover my tuition fees, I cannot go to Egypt because of the costs.”

  • 6. Mohammed Miqdad

    “The ongoing conflict with Israel has plunged us into an unimaginable crisis. In an instant, we lost family, friends, and homes, transforming our lives into a living nightmare. Words can't convey the depth of our despair. We lack basic necessities—food, medicine, and clothing. My father urgently needs medical treatment unavailable here, and children have been robbed of their innocence, surrounded by pain and death. Escaping Gaza is our only hope, but we can't do it alone.”

Top Six