Tag Archives: communists


Empson tells me that there is a strict ban by the Foreign Office on any suggestion that Japan is going to attack the USSR. So this subject is being studiously avoided in the Far Eastern broadcasts while being pushed all … Continue reading

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Several of the papers are growing very restive because we are not doing more to help the U.S.S.R. I do not know whether any action, other than air-raids, is really intended, but if nothing is attempted, quite apart from the … Continue reading

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This morning an air-raid warning about 3 a.m. Got up, looked at the time, then felt unable to do anything and promptly went back to sleep again. They are talking of rearranging the alarm system, and they will have to … Continue reading

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They have disabled the French battleship Richelieu, which was in Dakar harbour[1]. But no move to seize any of the French West African ports, which no doubt are not strongly held….. According to Vernon Bartlett[2], the Germans are going to … Continue reading

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No real news yet of the German terms to France. They are said to be “so complicated” as to need long discussion. I suppose one may assume that what is really happening is that the Germans on the one side … Continue reading

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Yesterday to a group conference of the L.D.V.[1], held in the Committee Room at Lord’s…Last time I was at Lord’s must have been at the Eton-Harrow match in 1921. At that time I should have felt that to go into … Continue reading

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