Tag Archives: evacuation


We are clearing out of Crete. Mention of 13,000 men being evacuated. [1] No mention yet of the total number involved. The most frightful impression will be created if we remove the British troops and leave the Greeks behind, though … Continue reading

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The number evacuated from Greece is now estimated at 41-43,000 but it is stated that we had less men there than had been supposed, probably about 55,000. Casualties supposed to be 3,000, and prisoners presumably 7 or 8 thousand, which … Continue reading

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The B.s, who only came up to London a few weeks ago and have seen nothing of the blitz, say that they find Londoners very much changed, everyone very hysterical, talking in much louder tones, etc., etc.  If this is … Continue reading

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No news, really. . . . Various people who have sent their children to Canada are already regretting it[1]. . . . Casualties, i.e. fatal ones, from air-raids for last month were given out as about 340. If true, this … Continue reading

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The French have surrendered. This could be foreseen from last night’s broadcast and in fact should have been foreseeable when they failed to defend Paris, the one place where it might have been possible to stop the German tanks. Strategically … Continue reading

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Impossible to tell how many men of the B.E.F. have really been repatriated, but statements appearing in various papers suggest that it is about 150,000 and that the number that originally advanced into Belgium was about 300,000. No indication as … Continue reading

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3.9.39. (Greenwich)

Have again been traveling etc. Shall close this diary today, & it will as it stands serve as a diary of events leading up to the war. We have apparently been in a state of war since 11 am. this … Continue reading

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Invasion of Poland began this morning. Warsaw bombed. General mobilization proclaimed in England, ditto in France plus martial law. [Radio] Foreign & General 1. Hitler’s terms to Poland boil down to return of Danzig & plebiscite in the corridor, to … Continue reading

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Foreign & General 1. No definite news. Poland has called up more reserves but this does not yet amount to full mobilization. German occupation of Slovakia continues & 300, 000 men said to be now at strategic points on Polish … Continue reading

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Foreign & General 1. N. Henderson has returned to Berlin with Brit. Gov.t’s reply & Parliament meets this afternoon when presumably the affair will be elucidated. 2. E[mergency].P[owers]. Act coming into force. Admiralty has not only assumed control of the … Continue reading

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