Two people in an office space engaging in conversation Two people in an office space engaging in conversation

Expand your marketplace revenue channels with multiparty private offers

Multiparty private offers empower you to join forces with other Microsoft partners to create personalized offers with custom payouts on the commercial marketplace.

Explore multiparty private offer resources

Get the information you need to activate our ecosystem of over 500,000 partners, simplify the selling process, and create personalized offers for your customers on the marketplace.
Multiparty private offers allow you to sell other partners’ software solutions to your customers. And when customers have a cloud consumption commitment, eligible purchases of your offers can count toward their commitment.

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Package software solutions with your services
Join forces with partners who develop software solutions, differentiate your offerings, and access new revenue opportunities when you create multiparty private offers.
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Unlock new ways to scale
Go to our Inspire session to learn how you can activate multiparty private offers, package another partner’s software solution with your offer, and tap into new revenue streams.
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Enhance your sales and better meet customer needs
View the multiparty private offers webinar to learn more about selling with partners who develop software—and get answers to frequent partner questions.
With multiparty private offers, you can deliver your software solutions alongside other partners’ service offers—and achieve the flexibility to make and close custom deals within minutes.

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Activate your extended sales force
Get the information you need to start creating multiparty private offers—and access completely new, repeatable revenue channels.
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Start selling your solutions more efficiently
View our Inspire session to learn how multiparty private offers can help you capture enterprise customers’ pre-committed cloud spend and sell directly through the marketplace.
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Scale through our partner ecosystem
Visit our webinar to discover how you can create offers alongside our expansive network of partners who provide services—and connect with new customers.

How partners are finding success

Two people conversing in an outdoor workspace Two people conversing in an outdoor workspace

Dynatrace and Trace3 expand their sales potential

Learn how Trace3 was able to solve their customer's technology need by engaging Dynatrace. Together, they built a multiparty private offer that the customer could purchase through the marketplace and count toward their cloud commitment.

Find a partner to sell with

Interested in growing your business through multiparty private offers? Explore our directory to find a partner whose solutions are a right fit for your selling goals.