Which Legally Blonde Character You Are, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

As 'Legally Blonde' celebrates its 23rd anniversary, find out which character you are based on your zodiac sign

Horoscope, Which Legally Blonde Character You Are, According to Your Zodiac Sign
Horoscope, Which Legally Blonde Character You Are, According to Your Zodiac Sign. Photo:

Shutterstock (3)

It may be 23 years since the iconic Legally Blonde hit theaters, but the “bend and snap” still works every time.

From Elle Woods’ effortless glamour and Barbiecore aesthetic to the highs and lows of her journey through Harvard Law in hopes of winning Warner back, everything about this 2001 girl-power masterpiece remains timeless.

Legally Blonde is a vibrant celebration of female empowerment, proving that true strength lies in embracing confidence and authenticity. Released on July 13, 2001, it’s no surprise that this trailblazing feminist film premiered during Cancer season, a zodiac sign ruled by the Moon, which is also symbolic of the divine feminine.

It gets even more interesting as Mercury, Jupiter and the North Node were also in Cancer on this day while responding to a pioneering Aries Moon. This alignment not only highlights Cancer's intuitive, nurturing and emotional qualities but also emphasizes the assertiveness and desire for independence of an Aries Moon. In astrology, Aries (Reese Witherspoon’s Sun Sign) is associated with courage, passion, war and breaking new ground.

With Mars (Aries’ planetary ruler) in Sagittarius during this time, there was a dynamic interplay between Aries' desire to take the lead and Sagittarius' philosophical outlook. Together, this celestial synergy allowed the opportunity to challenge and heal traditional masculine (Mars) belief systems, encouraging bold actions and a broader perspective on gender roles and empowerment.

With Jupiter (Sagittarius’ ruler; the planet of expansion, education and wisdom) in Cancer, the lesson and “battle” (with Mars in this Fire Sign) revolved around the need for a new outlook on education and gender roles. This alignment encouraged embracing qualities traditionally associated with femininity — such as intuition, empathy and vulnerability — as strengths essential to leadership and one's personal development.

It also highlighted the importance of inclusive educational environments that support diverse perspectives and empower individuals from all walks of life to thrive. Elle Woods couldn't have said it better: "It is with passion, courage of conviction and strong sense of self that we take our next steps into the world, remembering that first impressions are not always correct. You must always have faith in people... and most importantly, you must always have faith in yourself."

Read on to discover which character from Legally Blonde aligns with your zodiac sign.

Aries: Kyle O'Boyle

Legally Blonde, UPS Guy.


"I got a package!" Governed by the assertive and carnal planet Mars, Kyle O'Boyle epitomizes this audacious Fire sign's bold and action-oriented nature. Everything about his character — from his straightforward approach to his overly confident demeanor — captures the essence of Aries.

O'Boyle is also a smooth talker, which makes him all the more irresistible to Paulette Bonafonté every time he walks into the nail salon.

Taurus: Mrs. Windham Vandermark

Legally Blonde, Mrs. Windham.


"So I hear that little tart from California shot poor Heyworth." As if the opening scene with the luxurious spa treatment, face mask and cucumbers in her eyes weren't enough of a giveaway, Mrs. Windham Vandermark embodies Taurus' love for comfort, stability and material pleasures.

Her poised and Venusian demeanor, along with her lack of a filter, reflects this Earth sign's grace and brutally honest persona. "Haven't you seen the cabana boy?"

Gemini: Emmett Richmond

Legally Blonde, Emmett Richmond.


"Speak up in Callahan's class. He really likes people who are opinionated." Curious and open-minded, it isn't hard to spot Emmett Richmond's mercurial side. His character also resembles the messenger planet and the myth of Hermes, particularly in the way he mentors and guides Elle down the right path.

Richmond's cleverness really shines through when he outsmarts everyone in the courtroom and strategically asks Enrique Salvador for his boyfriend's name, which is very Gemini.

Cancer: Elle Woods

Legally Blonde, Elle Woods.


"Oh, are you thirsty? Okay, let's get you some water, sweetheart. You're just, like, parched." Genuine, hyper-emotional and a source of nurture to those around her, everything from Elle Woods' tenacity to her ability to lead as president of her sorority and eventually graduate at the top of her class resembles Cancer’s formidable essence. 

Her journey through Harvard Law not only highlights this Water sign’s resilience and determination but also underscores the importance of emotional intelligence and empathy in achieving personal growth and success. Despite being a crybaby at the peak of her break-up with Warner, Woods’ strength lies in her ability to go within and trust her intuition.

Leo: Enrique Salvador

Legally Blonde, Enrique Salvatore.


"Don't stomp your little last season Prada shoes at me, honey." From his undeniable swagger and flamboyant aesthetic to the scandalous dramatics of his scorned lover (Chuck), it wasn't hard for Enrique Salvador to hog the spotlight.

Leave it to Leo to put on a show and lie under oath ... but just like the Sun, Salvadore's mere presence brought light to unspoken truths that helped crack a high-profile case.

Virgo: Vivian Kensington

Legally Blonde, Vivian Kensington.


"Nice outfit." Savvy and sophisticated, Vivian Kensington embodies Virgo's conservative and meticulous approach, which on the dark side, includes her hypercritical nature and tactical strategy to humiliate Elle Woods.

Initially uptight and under pressure, hoping to meet the expectations that come with being Warner Huntington III's fiancée, Kensington's transformation and character development towards the end of the film resembles the intriguing depth of this Earth sign.

Libra: Paulette Bonafonté

Legally Blonde, Paulette Bonafonte.


"I'm taking the dog, dumbass!" A quirky and romantic hairstylist, Paulette Bonafonté embodies Libra's relationship-driven nature and desire for love and harmony.

Her warmth, empathy and desire for companionship resonate with this Venus-ruled sign, particularly in how she can relate to Elle and lend her a shoulder to cry on.

Scorpio: Chutney Windham

Legally Blonde, Chutney Windham.


"I got up, got a latte, went to the gym, got a perm and came home." Vengeful and secretive, Chutney Windham epitomizes Scorpio in more ways than one. Everything from her manipulative actions and jealousy towards Brooke reflects this Water sign's intense passion and desire for power.

Windham is an enigmatic character throughout the film, which also adds a layer of intrigue and complexity to her essence, resembling Scorpio's ability to navigate hidden motives and strike when no one's expecting it.

Sagittarius: Warner Huntington III

Legally Blonde, Warner Huntington III.


"If I want to be a Senator, I need to marry a Jackie, not a Marilyn." Warner Huntington's desire for societal recognition and superficial aspirations to marry for politics stems from his belief systems, which resonates with Sagittarius's celestial ruler, Jupiter, the planet of wisdom and experience.

Although he remains incredibly driven to succeed throughout the film, Huntington's pursuit of status contributed to his selfish and reckless relationship dynamics, prompting him to reconsider what truly matters beyond external appearances.

Capricorn: Professor Stormwell

Legally Blonde, Professor Stormwell.


"If you're going to let one stupid prick ruin your life... you're not the girl I thought you were." On top of being an intimidating and highly respected professor in Harvard Law, which is already Saturnian (Capricorn's planetary ruler) in nature, Stromwell is equally blunt as she is empowering.

Although she occasionally catches her students off guard, she instills the importance of integrity and perseverance, which reflects the essence of pragmatic Capricorn. This Earth sign's commitment to success is evident in Stromwell's character and relationship with Elle Woods.

Aquarius: David Kidney

Legally Blonde, David Kidney.


"Uh, my name is David Kidney. I have a masters in Russian literature, a Ph.D in biochemistry, and for the last eighteen months, I've been deworming orphans in Somalia." An eccentric and innovative law student, David Kidney resembles Aquarius' intellectual persona and forward-thinking mindset.

Governed by revolutionary Uranus, this Air sign values humanitarianism and Kidney's role in advocating for social justice and equality reflects its commitment to the greater good of mankind.

Pisces: Brooke Taylor-Windham

Legally Blonde, Brooke Taylor-Windham.


"I'd rather go to jail than lose my reputation." Brooke Taylor-Windham's character epitomizes the glamorous and elusive essence of Pisces' planetary ruler, Neptune. Her decision to secretly undergo liposuction and then deny it (to not sacrifice her reputation) proves that things aren't always as they seem.

Taylor's unwavering faith in Elle Woods also reflects this Water sign's idealistic nature. Her quiet strength amidst the murder accusations and public scrutiny is no exception.

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