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Maniphest T114308

Requesting access to stat1002 for VBaranetsky
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Username: VBaranetsky
Full name: D. Victoria Baranetsky
Preferred shell user name: vbaranetsky
Project: Trademark portfolio requires access to statistics to determine what project logos and TMs should be prioritized moving forward.
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDXDLLO7xO3ORplUgyymQvLJZ7WB2FExGHjlxTKOSRwFGVPdAqbjAZVy84y+1+jAdbkwtMYtM+NaEZQ0iXsdCU6oY9mCoolJSc5LlvWv2I6mN2m9PW/2m2CH7wLaKlrv/a4flA07T4ZZwzPYXaqzCpNAOQzoOAwCoNuBBSz27Vocoqw3tNYo/7dxzTdq3EB+MeJFxQzCqK0LZe9DMfkImHNCwEWS+11JxZyfN752n+v5RBWjP4jGz5pRPN4gM0bOeYTyMHtzUR/+cWsSLx3I55ZmZ3FvYRVa7ALTKbqvmYm5il5rVbg7ViLLud1NbKrJPewJPGC5BJWB43khMiiQurB [email protected]

Event Timeline

VBaranetsky raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
VBaranetsky updated the task description. (Show Details)
revi changed Security from None to Access Request.Sep 30 2015, 10:58 PM
revi added a project: SRE-Access-Requests.
revi edited subscribers, added: revi; removed: SRE-Access-Requests.


Access to stat1002 is a bit complicated, as there are a couple of different groups. Your request reads " Project: Trademark portfolio requires access to statistics to determine what project logos and TMs should be prioritized moving forward."

What exact files/logs/services will you be using on stat1002?

That link shows there are two potential groups, statistics-privatedata-users or analytics-privatedata-users, please advise which you are requesting access to.

We will also need your manager to approve this access request on the task.

Once we have the above, there is a 3 day grace period for any objections. As it is Wednesday, no objects means this won't be able to be merged until next Monday.

Hi @RobH,

I am replying on behalf of @VBaranetsky. She needs to have access to Hive, hence to be added to the analytics-privatedata-users group.

Thanks a lot!


We also need @VBaranetsky's managers approval on this task for this access.

Hi @RobH,

Yes. We are following up on that and will get someone to vet for @VBaranetsky ASAP.

Thanks a lot for your help.


Cut and paste from email sent by Geoff Brigham (happy to forward you the email):


Geoff Brigham
General Counsel
Wikimedia Foundation
149 New Montgomery Street
San Francisco, CA 94105
+1 (415) 839-6885 ext. 6750
[email protected]

California Registered In-House Counsel


I've emailed Geoff directly. Forwarding an email approval isn't any kind of secure authorization, since anyone can type anything they want. This is NOT meant as an attack on your personal character, its just policy!

So, since email blindly into my inbox is also inherently insecure, we'll do a stop-gap measure. (These measures are non-ideal, it is easier if all managers just sign up in Phabricator.)

  • I've emailed Geoff out of band with the outline of what is needed
  • Geoff can reply back directly to me, quoting my email, to demonstrate it is him replying (not some random spoofed email.)
  • Once I have that confirmation from Geoff, we can proceed with the request.
  • The access won't go live until next Monday, as it has a 3 day wait period for objection.

I completely understand the need for following protocol. Thanks for
emailing him. Please let me know when he responds.


I've now communicated with Geoff out of band of this task, and he has approved the access of bastion group + analytics-privatedata-users.

As previously referenced, this access will go live next Monday (unless objections are raised.)

@VBaranetsky: What is your wikitech username? I don't see a VBaranetsky or anything similar (perhaps I've missed it?)

You'll need to register on for us to generate a user for you in production.

Please advise. (I'm creating your patchset now for this access.)

Summary: All approvals have been granted for the access request to give @VBaranetsky shell access to bastion group + analytics-privatedata-users. Unfortunately, I did not check for their wikitech username, and they don't appear to have one.

So once we have that info, we can process this request.

RobH triaged this task as Medium priority.Oct 6 2015, 9:36 PM

vbaranetsky is associated with the address. Seems connected to me.

Change 244227 had a related patch set uploaded (by John F. Lewis):
admin: create account for vbaranetsky add groups

Dzahn added subscribers: Cmjohnson, Dzahn.

@Cmjohnson can you follow-up here as part of the on-duty week? i confirmed the UID matches the labs user and it has a address. I did not specifically confirm the key and groups yet.

I also confirmed the UID matches, the user now has a wikitech account as per Rob's suggestion. It has been more than 3 days and merging the patch.

Change 244227 merged by Cmjohnson:
admin: create account for vbaranetsky add groups

Resolving this task. @VBaranetsky Please let us know if you experience any problems