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Maniphest T138766

[Story] highlight Wikidata and query editing in embedded query result view
Closed, ResolvedPublic


When using the items-with-same-statements-widget, the users should be able to play with the data and realize where it is coming from.

Thus, the embedded view of a query result should have the Wikidata logo (linked to and an edit icon (linked to with prefilled query).

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There is already a link on the bottom, but we could make it more obvious.

pasted_file (1×1 px, 544 KB)

Yeah. People don't perceive this link right now it seems. They don't make the connection that this will lead them to a query and so on.

They don't make the connection that this will lead them to a query and so on.

I suppose we can improve this.

Partly users may not be interested in making this connection though, since the widget is already pretty useful in itself. So we should make it easy to understand that the data in the widget was generated by a query and that one can edit this query but it should not be obtrusive for those who are currently not interested in queries.

Please keep in mind that the embedded view is not just used in the easyquery gadget but should be used on other websites outside Wikimedia as well.

They don't make the connection that this will lead them to a query and so on.

I suppose we can improve this.

Partly users may not be interested in making this connection though, since the widget is already pretty useful in itself. So we should make it easy to understand that the data in the widget was generated by a query and that one can edit this query but it should not be obtrusive for those who are currently not interested in queries.

Yes it shouldn't be too in your face. But people are starting to share the embedded view on Twitter for example and then get questions what the underlying query is.

@Jonas @Lydia_Pintscher
We tried some different ways – what about »created with the QueryService by Wikidata [WD Logo goes here]«?
Alternatively: »See how this was created«

We also had wordings like: "Edit Query" (but that is not very good for users who don't know about querys) or "customize results" (But this sets the expectation of editing what is shown directly, not the query that generated it)

How about just an edit icon and the Wikidata logo?

We could have a toolbar like that appears on hover.
We may want to add more functionality there in the future like switching result views or controls from timeline and graph.

@Lydia_Pintscher: "Edit" or 🖉 would be ambiguous, users might not know what a query is and expect they can edit the underlying data or change the color of the graph etc.

@Jonas: We can to that; I'm a bit unsure about the hover *if* the functions are essential (findability)

After talking to @Jonas : suggesting »edit this on« as linktext.
Required for this is, that the query is run when the user visits the query, so the familiar visualization from the embedded view is visible, otherwise clicking on »do something with that what you see here« and than seeing nothing familiar is irritating.

Change 302685 had a related patch set uploaded (by Jonas Kress (WMDE)):
Change embedding link text

Change 302685 merged by jenkins-bot:
Change embedding link text

Jonas moved this task from Review to Done on the Wikidata-Sprint-2016-08-02 board.