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Maniphest T310762

"Question mark" button in template dialog obscures input field
Closed, ResolvedPublic2 Estimated Story Points


Design changes / requirements

  • Decrease ? button size from 50x50 px to 44x44 px (keep icon same size)
  • Decrease ? offset from edge from 23px to 16px
  • Increase outer margins of the content area from 48px to 54px


While scrolling
before-scrolling.png (239×671 px, 16 KB)
after-scrolling.png (265×681 px, 35 KB)
Final field/bottom of content pane
before-last field.png (303×681 px, 49 KB)
after-last field.png (247×664 px, 34 KB)

Background/Ticket as submitted


When editing a template invocation in VisualEditor, there is as of recently late a "question mark" button floating over top of the input fields, such that it often obscures the last input field in a way that I believe a typical editor is not navigate around in order to type or read the text there.

Screenshot 2022-06-16 at 01.48.39.png (946×1 px, 129 KB)

As a hack, I added some line breaks and scrolled down, to see behind it:

Screenshot 2022-06-16 at 01.48.45.png (933×1 px, 112 KB)

Unsolicited general feedback

Perhaps this is an irrational response to "moved my cheese", or perhaps it is a useful anecdote. I find the button confusing and could not predict or understand what kind of support or help it would provide. I was half expecting it to open a web page (and unclear whether it would correctly open in a new tab or lose the edit).

I found its visual appearance and prominent position suggesting that it is a required or suggested step to take, or something for the welcome experience that you can close after clicking once in order to focus on editing. It feels distracting and asking for attention.

It also reminds me of the FAB as popularised by Android (Floating Action Button), which is typically linked up to the most common action taken from the current screen (e.g. Submit Form, Save Settings, New Email, Send Message, etc.). I cannot think of anything in our current ecosystem that uses a round button with this design, less so something with this design and a similar action attached to it.

Some suggestions:

  • Place it on the bottom left corner where it is visually more ignorable.
  • Reserve a bottom margin for the height of the button (whether left or right), such that when scrolling to the end of the form, it is not obscuring or otherwise overlapping any information or input fields.
  • Consider a square or rectangular{F35245252} button like other buttons in our ecosystem.
  • Consider a textual label ("Help?", "Support?") with smaller icon, or even no icon.

Similar purposes with different design:

Screenshot (168×936 px, 27 KB)
Screenshot  (152×936 px, 25 KB)
Screenshot (182×928 px, 23 KB)
Screenshot (235×558 px, 19 KB)
Screenshot (424×1 px, 101 KB)
Screenshot (418×697 px, 41 KB)
Screenshot (864×690 px, 116 KB)

Event Timeline

+1 to the issues raised here.

I think the large round button is based on this: however in this context I agree it doesn't need to be as prominent (or maybe just for the initial deployment period while the feature is "new")

Thanks @Krinkle for making a ticket about this. It's an issue we are aware of and would also like to improve.

@Esanders is correct, we re-used this pattern from the growth team since there is really no other good place to put the help button in the dialog where it is consistently visible/findable, and it's clear that the help is about the dialog as a whole and not help related to a specific piece of content (like a specific template or a parameter). The intention is also that the link to leave feedback is removed soon but the ? button itself stays to keep access to the help page and the keyboard shortcuts. For this reason, I'll update this ticket with a few small design/spacing adjustments which ensure that the final field in the dialog is visible and fully editable.

lilients_WMDE set the point value for this task to 2.Jul 6 2022, 11:15 AM

Change 811722 had a related patch set uploaded (by Andrew-WMDE; author: Andrew-WMDE):

[mediawiki/extensions/VisualEditor@master] Update styling for the floating help button

Change 811722 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/VisualEditor@master] Update styling for the floating help button

awight subscribed.

Question mark bubble is oval when it should be a circle.

@ECohen_WMDE to review conditions under which the question mark should become invisible. Currently it's invisible in "narrow screen" mode. Perhaps we want to make it (also?) invisible in the mobile view.

Changing zoom level causes the bubble to change size relative to the fields, and decenters the question mark.

Change 815240 had a related patch set uploaded (by Thiemo Kreuz (WMDE); author: Thiemo Kreuz (WMDE)):

[mediawiki/extensions/VisualEditor@master] Template dialog: Fix oval help button

Change 815240 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/VisualEditor@master] Template dialog: Fix oval help button