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Maniphest T365606

List of infobox templates in Special:CommunityConfiguration/GrowthSuggestedEdits is ignored
Closed, ResolvedPublic2 Estimated Story Points


At, users are able to configure a list of infobox templates, which is then used in features like Add Image to exclude articles with infoboxes. Unfortunately, this setting is currently fully ignored.

This is happening, because the GrowthSuggestedEdits provider mixes information of two separate types. Namely, it includes:

  • list of suggested edits task types (and details about them): this is interpreted as data, and it is not MediaWiki configuration,
  • a list of templates to be considered infbooxes: this is a MediaWiki configuration variable

As of now, features at map in a 1:1 manner to providers, and one provider can be only of only type (so it can only contain data or configuration).

This means that as of now, GEInfoboxTemplates is not properly recognized as a CommunityConfiguration-provided variable. It also means adding levelling up-related variables (cf. T360471#9804253) is tricky.


Figma designs

Acceptance Criteria:
  • Infobox templates are configurable via its own field under the "Suggested edits" configuration form.

Event Timeline

Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper. · View Herald Transcript

There are two possible solutions here, I'll call them option 1 and option 2.

Option 1: Move all MediaWiki configuration variables elsewhere (out of, and leave only suggested edits task type in This would mean moving them to, or possibly a fully new provider/feature.

Option 2: Create a fictitious provider in GrowthExperiments, which would present as a mw-config provider, and load data from GrowthSuggestedEdits. That way, the data could be edited in a single form, but would be internally presented as two separate providers.

After a discussion with @Sgs, option 1 is more appealing to me, for a couple of reasons:

  • Option 2 is hacking around CommunityConfiguration, and trying to make it behave in a way it was not designed for. It will likely work, but it will be harder to maintain in the long run, increasing our level of Technical-Debt.
  • Conceptually speaking, none of the proposed variables is really related to suggested edits task types (which is the main purpose of The list of infoboxes is currently only used in Suggested edits, but in reality, it makes Search aware of what templates are infoboxes and what templates are not, making it possible for anyone (not just Suggested edits, or not just Growth) to use this information. Similarly, while Levelling up highlights Suggested edits, it is really a feature of its own, rather than a part of Suggested edits (in other words: Suggested edits can work just fine without Levelling up; they just might end up being used by fewer people).

For those reasons, @Sgs and me suggest to do the following:

Solution proposal

Within this task, we need to:

The renaming is suggested in order to make the decision about "what configuration option is where" more obvious. As of now, all config options we have in Community configuration relate to the Homepage (more or less): Suggested edits are a part of Homepage (they cannot be accessed without using the Homepage first); Help panel links are presented not only in the Help panel, but also in the Homepage; Mentorship module is primarily advertised on the Homepage; etc. As a result, the "Newcomer Homepage" feature plays the role of a catch all already, and the suggested renaming makes that more obvious.

Once this is done, we would then be able to work on T365612: Growth features: Add Levelling up related configuration and add Levelling up to CommunityConfiguration.

Urbanecm_WMF renamed this task from CommunityConfiguration: Recognize MediaWiki config variables in Suggested edits to List of infobox templates in Special:CommunityConfiguration/GrowthSuggestedEdits is ignored.May 22 2024, 2:56 PM
Urbanecm_WMF updated the task description. (Show Details)
Sgs triaged this task as High priority.May 22 2024, 3:59 PM
Sgs moved this task from Inbox to Up Next on the Growth-Team board.

To me there are several other options we could consider:

  • Option 3: Change GEInfoboxTemplates to be treated as data instead of a config variable inside of GE, when using CC is enabled.
  • Option 4: Split up and integrate GEInfoboxTemplates into the tasks that actually make use of it. Unless that would duplicate the "Articles containing templates defined here will not be shown to users as tasks for this task type"-field? (I'm not sure I fully understand what the difference is, to be honest.)
  • Option 5: Treat all of SuggestedEdits as config. While it would be pretty complex config, that is still not unheard of, and it is still pretty much distinct in kind from just a list of mentors where experienced editors self-enroll.

My main concern with the chosen Option 1 from above is that it would seem to me to be a significant reduction in the understandability of our configuration if one option to affect SuggestedEdits is buried in a different form for, from the admin's perspective, no good reason.

However, I can see that Option 1 is likely the quickest to implement. And with good copy, we should be able to somewhat mitigate the impact of this structured tasks configuration being spread out over multiple forms.

That all being said, I agree that the leveling up configuration probably does not belong on the suggested edits form. These notifications are, to my (lacking!) understanding, merely a way to surface these tasks, they don't affect the tasks themselves the way GEInfoboxTemplates does.

To me there are several other options we could consider:

  • Option 3: Change GEInfoboxTemplates to be treated as data instead of a config variable inside of GE, when using CC is enabled.

That would work, it would also be pretty concise since it seems it is only used in HomepageHooks.php#1467 aside from SpecialEditGrowthConfig

  • Option 4: Split up and integrate GEInfoboxTemplates into the tasks that actually make use of it. Unless that would duplicate the "Articles containing templates defined here will not be shown to users as tasks for this task type"-field? (I'm not sure I fully understand what the difference is, to be honest.)

This option also implies option 3 but it requires deeper changes. Infobox templates are only used for image tasks afaik, they could serve other purposes but they don't and haven't in a while. So it maybe a good idea for the future.

  • Option 5: Treat all of SuggestedEdits as config. While it would be pretty complex config, that is still not unheard of, and it is still pretty much distinct in kind from just a list of mentors where experienced editors self-enroll.

I would not push unnecessary options to "server config", maybe we should have some "guideline" around this.

My main concern with the chosen Option 1 from above is that it would seem to me to be a significant reduction in the understandability of our configuration if one option to affect SuggestedEdits is buried in a different form for, from the admin's perspective, no good reason.

I agree with this arguments, that's why I'm leaning towards option (3) over (1). However I feel classifying config options per-feature is to strict in the sense that it locks the config option to a single usage while this might not always be true. While the infobox template case seems indeed specific to the suggested edits feature and the "image_recommendation" newcomer task, maybe we should come up with a guideline for this. eg: Config options used by different features should have its own provider.

However, I can see that Option 1 is likely the quickest to implement. And with good copy, we should be able to somewhat mitigate the impact of this structured tasks configuration being spread out over multiple forms.

I'm leaning towards option (3) over (1) unless @Urbanecm_WMF has strong concerns against.

That all being said, I agree that the leveling up configuration probably does not belong on the suggested edits form. These notifications are, to my (lacking!) understanding, merely a way to surface these tasks, they don't affect the tasks themselves the way GEInfoboxTemplates does.

Indeed. From a GrowthExperiments product perspective I think the taxonomy of Leveling up is: GrowthExperiments > Positive reinforcement > Leveling up. Changing the title removing "homepage" makes sense to not lock us. I think last @KStoller-WMF proposal is “Newcomer onboarding”.

I agree that option 3 is the way to go – given the self-containedness of the usage, it makes sense to go for that option. Thanks @Michael for listing the options!

That all being said, I agree that the leveling up configuration probably does not belong on the suggested edits form. These notifications are, to my (lacking!) understanding, merely a way to surface these tasks, they don't affect the tasks themselves the way GEInfoboxTemplates does.

Indeed. From a GrowthExperiments product perspective I think the taxonomy of Leveling up is: GrowthExperiments > Positive reinforcement > Leveling up. Changing the title removing "homepage" makes sense to not lock us. I think last @KStoller-WMF proposal is “Newcomer onboarding”.

+1 to that interpretation.

Change #1036635 had a related patch set uploaded (by Sergio Gimeno; author: Sergio Gimeno):

[mediawiki/extensions/GrowthExperiments@master] Config: move GEInfoboxTemplates to newcomer schema

Sgs set the point value for this task to 2.

Change #1036635 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/GrowthExperiments@master] Config: load infobox templates from newcomer tasks loader

✅ (1) the current implementation includes Infobox templates for image suggestions tasks and it matches the production cswiki Special:EditGrowthConfig
figma mockup doesn't reflect the implementation,

Screen Shot 2024-06-05 at 3.40.24 PM.png (1×1 px, 440 KB)

The implemented UI:

Screen Shot 2024-06-05 at 12.06.14 PM.png (878×2 px, 276 KB)

I read the comments and it seems that the implemented UI correctly reflects the decision that was made.

✅ the per wiki configuration settings are preserved (2) Would be the current lists of infoboxes templates (and other templates that wikis have on Special:editGrowthConfig) be copied/migrated to Special:CommunityConfiguration/GrowthSuggestedEdits?

Etonkovidova updated the task description. (Show Details)

(2) Would be the current lists of infoboxes templates (and other templates that wikis have on Special:editGrowthConfig) be copied/migrated to Special:CommunityConfiguration/GrowthSuggestedEdits?

It should – the maintenance script we run during deployment should do that. If that is not the case, we should definitely take a look at why.