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Maniphest T51584

labels for UI controls in ULS panels are not loaded in the Malayalam Wikipedia
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Author: manojkmohanme03107

ULS Malayalam W7 Firefox

ULS Not Loading in malayalam wikipedia. OS: W7, Browser:Firefox. Screen shot attaching.

Version: master
Severity: major


469103_598072183545139_877164544_o.jpg (800×1 px, 77 KB)



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Medium.Nov 22 2014, 1:50 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz49584.

Changing the subject according to the screenshot.

I couldn't reproduce it using crossbrowsertesting on Firefox 21 in Windows 7.

Does this still happen? If it does, then:

manojkmohanme03107 wrote:

It's not my problem. User Reported this in our community facebook group and am reposting this for him. as per his comment This Problem is in Firefox using Malayalam Wiki (Chrome have no problem). Tamil Wiki Working Fine and also ml.wikisource.

Cannot reproduce with Firefox 18 on Fedora Linux onപ്രധാന_താൾ . Does that still happen after clearing the browser cache, see ? Is there any error output under "Tools > Web Developer > Error Console" in Firefox when this happens?

I cannot reproduce this in Firefox 21 on Windows 7 with UI language set to "ml". Please follow directions as in comment 3 to provide more details. Hypotheses are (a) local cache issues, (b) enabled extensions or gadgets that cause JavaScript issues.

I experienced this problem once. The proble was solved after resetting user preferences.

manojkmohanme03107 wrote:

ULS Ubuntu 13.04 Firefox.20

ULS Some times giving smiler output for me. Attaching Screen Shot From My Machine. (Ubuntu 13.04 Firefox.20)


പകാല_മാറ്റങ്ങൾ_-_വിക്കിപീഡിയ_2013-06-15_19-45-21.png (442×1 px, 123 KB)

manojkmohanme03107 wrote:

JS Console Error Output (Ubuntu 13.04, Firefox.20)

Attaching JS Console Error Output.


Screenshot_from_2013-06-15_19:48:01.png (768×1 px, 343 KB)

manojkmohanme03107 wrote:

The Problem only in Some Times. :P Check Current ScreenShot

(In reply to comment #7)

Attaching JS Console Error Output.

TypeError: $.ime.sources[imeId] is undefined looks interesting.

Related URL: (Gerrit Change I9f5615d8b6729d76feae04e195a5ec6f26676bda)

(In reply to comment #10)

Related URL: (Gerrit Change

This fixes the potential js error scenario.