

Organy ochrony porządku publicznego

Frontex, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, is one of European Union's most dynamic & fastest-growing agencies.


WHO WE ARE Frontex, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, is one of European Union's most dynamic and fastest-growing agencies. We support EU Member States and Schengen Associated Countries in the management of EU’s external borders and fighting cross-border crime. The agency is a centre of excellence for border control activities at the EU’s external borders, sharing intelligence and expertise with all EU Member States, as well as neighbouring non-EU countries affected by migratory trends and cross-border crime. Among its many tasks, the agency coordinates the deployment of border and coast guards, along with boats, airplanes, patrol cars and other equipment, to EU countries facing exceptional pressure at their external borders. We are based in Warsaw, Poland. We also have offices in Piraeus (Greece) and in Catania (Italy) and deploy liaison officers to various EU and non-EU countries. WHO ARE WE LOOKING FOR Whether you’ve worked for many years or just starting your career, we are looking for candidates with different profiles and experience from all across the EU. Over 2000 people are currently working at Frontex, and there will be hundreds more joining us in the coming years, which requires a steady flow of new hires. We have a diverse staff coming from 30 Member States and Schengen Associated Countries. Our experts are involved in operations, work as analysts and on operational logistics. Frontex relies on a strong administrative staff to support all of our activities. So, if you are looking for an exciting career in a dynamic and international environment – join our team. To stay up to date check our website and LinkedIn profile regularly. EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES Frontex applies an equal opportunities policy and accepts applications without distinction on grounds of age, race, political, philosophical or religious conviction, sex or sexual orientation and regardless of disabilities, marital status or family situation.

Organy ochrony porządku publicznego
Wielkość firmy
1 001-5 000 pracowników
Siedziba główna
Agencja rządowa
Data założenia
Border management, Cross-border crime, Counter-terrorism, Risk analysis, Situation monitoring, Coast guard, Readmissions, Research and Innovation, Training, International and European cooperation i Integrated border management


Pracownicy Frontex


  • Frontex ponownie to opublikował(a)

    Zobacz profil użytkownika Hans Leijtens; grafika

    Executive director Frontex (European Border and Coast Guard Agency)

    Effective border management or complying with fundamental rights? Sometimes I’m confronted with the question whether we should focus on effective border management or on complying with fundamental rights. As if they are opposites. For me, working in border security for 35 years, they’re not. In Europe the rights of migrants are part of our professional standards and standards are there to be met. And no, we don’t meet them 100% but we aspire to and we are committed to do so. And we can’t do it on our own. Because our success as a European agency is not just about what we do at the borders—it’s about the entire ecosystem that supports us. I thought about this over the past couple of weeks during my meetings with some of our key stakeholders. Last week in the meeting of LIBE and this week with UNHCR - with whom we agreed on a letter of intent for cooperation. Today, we concluded the Frontex Management Board meeting, where I met with representatives from each EU Member State, Schengen-associated countries, and the European Commission. There were some fierce discussions about the situation at Europe’s external borders and how national and European authorities uphold our practices. Not on paper but in the complex circumstances our women and men operate in. We discussed our shared challenges and how best to address them. Leaders in border management need to shape an effective operational environment for our people in the field. Because border guards across Europe are dedicated to give their best today and to do even better tomorrow. Making sure our borders remain safe and strong.

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Frontex; grafika

    84 442 obserwujących

    📢 Wanted: two experienced officers in the Frontex Return Division! The job requires know-how in various areas: 🔹 at least 3 years of experience in leading/managing small teams 🔹 experience in cooperation and negotiations with EU countries and institutions, as well as Schengen and non-EU authorities; 🔹 good knowledge of the relevant general EU framework, processes and procedures. More details in the vacancy notice: 📩 Send your application by 3 October or share it within your network!

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Frontex; grafika

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    📢Apply now for the upcoming Industry Days! ❗Would you like to showcase your novel solutions and technologies that can support law enforcement activities for border management? Do you want to contribute to ensuring safer EU borders? Frontex Online I-Days are a great opportunity to engage with the European Border and Coast Guard Community. Join us on Webex on 26 and 27 November 2024. 👀We are looking for innovations in the field of technologies for improved border management, solutions for visualising/simulating different scenarios related to border surveillance or border checks and management of enlarged datasets for border management, e.g. machine learning; secure technologies for classifying or storing. ✍️The application is open till the 11th of October! Read more and apply here: #industrydays #FrontexiDays #technology #bordermanagement #euborders

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Frontex; grafika

    84 442 obserwujących

    Strengthening Collaboration Through Knowledge Sharing: JHAAN Staff Exchange Program 🤝 Last year, under the EUAA's Presidency of the JHAAN (Justice and Home Affairs Agencies' Network), a successful pilot staff exchange program was launched among the 9 JHA Agencies. This year, eu-LISA's Presidency continued this initiative, coordinating the second edition. Six agencies are participating: #Frontex, eu-LISA, Europol, European Union Agency for Asylum – EUAA, European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, and European Institute for Gender Equality.   Key objectives: 🎯 Share knowledge and expertise among agencies 🎯 Gain new insights and learn about different working methods 🎯 Expand professional networks 🎯 Foster stronger bonds between JHA Agencies   ⭐ Highlights of the 2024 Program: Participation: 49 confirmed matches between the participating agencies. Frontex leadership: Frontex is hosting 14 guests and sending 25 staff members, making up over 79% of the program. 👉 Looking forward: We are excited to see the valuable insights and collaborations that will emerge from this year's JHAAN staff exchange program. By sharing knowledge and best practices, we are strengthening the cooperation between JHA Agencies and working towards a more secure and just Europe.   #StaffExchange #Collaboration #KnowledgeSharing #Security #Justice

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Frontex; grafika

    84 442 obserwujących

    We are proud to announce a new chapter in our partnership with UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency 🤝 Together, we are working towards even more effective border management while ensuring the protection of people seeking safety. This agreement means: ➡️ Enhanced coordination and sharing of expertise ➡️ Greater focus on both secure borders and humanitarian protection ➡️ A strong commitment to upholding the dignity and rights of those seeking asylum. By building on our existing cooperation with UNHCR, we are stepping up to meet the evolving challenges of migration in a way that respects fundamental human rights. 💬 As Executive Director Hans Leijtens puts it: “This partnership ensures that Europe’s borders remain secure while respecting the rights of those who seek protection.” Together, we are building a future where border management and humanitarian protection go hand in hand 🌍

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Frontex; grafika

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    We are very happy to welcome in #Frontex Carmina G. Europol Liaison Officer! When it comes to ensuring safety and security in Europe, cooperation is something crucial. That’s why Frontex and Europol have been cooperating for nearly 20 years!   The role of the liaison officer will further facilitate joint work of the Agencies in addressing the emerging security threats. We are looking forward to the next milestone in our cooperation!

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Frontex; grafika

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    🌳 This park in #Warsaw hosts the neoclassical Łazienki Królewskie Palace, surrounded by ponds, fountains, and even a Roman-inspired amphitheatre. Each Sunday between May and September you can hear recitals of Frederic #Chopin by renown pianists at the foot of the Chopin Monument 🎹 Discover #Poland through the eyes of Frontex #staff 🇵🇱 Meet Anita, a #Frontex Fundamental Rights Monitor, and learn about the Łazienki Park, where nature and architecture exist in perfect harmony ☯ Would you 🫵 like to join our Agency? Take a look at the #vacancies and apply today! 📝

  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Frontex; grafika

    84 442 obserwujących

    📣 FROM EU EXTERNAL BORDERS: JANUARY-AUGUST 📉 In the first eight months of 2024, the number of irregular border crossings into the European Union fell by 39% to 139 847. 🗺 Among the main migratory routes, the Central Mediterranean saw a 64% drop in irregular border crossings. The Western Balkans route also continued to show a strong decrease of -77%. 📈 Eastern Land Border and Western African route showed the highest rises of 193% and 123%, respectively. 🔗Read more:

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