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Between 1905 and 1936 Dezső Kosztolányi wrote continuously for Hungarian newspapers and weeklies: fiction columns, chronicles, short stories, poems, translations, reviews, brief notes on aesthetics, linguistics, and literature. Journalism... more
Between 1905 and 1936 Dezső Kosztolányi wrote continuously for Hungarian newspapers and weeklies: fiction columns, chronicles, short stories, poems, translations, reviews, brief notes on aesthetics, linguistics, and literature. Journalism must be understood in a completely original sense, inevitably since most of Kosztolányi's famous novels were also published as serial novels in magazines and newspapers. The short stories are in keeping with Kosztolányi's aesthetic belief that reality is more unlikely than fiction: "Life is unlikely. Life is bold". In the few lines of the newspaper columns, the language is necessarily clear, the rhythm calculated, the conception resolute. Outside Hungary a little anthology in French was published in the early 2000s, but thousands of these superb short "tales" are available only in Hungarian. Italian readers will find in this paper five pieces translated for the first time into Italian.
About the question how to edit critical edition of state letters written by humanists. Presentation of Salutati's state and familiar letters to the members of the Malatesti Family. Critical editions of three letters of Salutati.
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Unexplored material related to diverse aspects of Hungarian history is still considerable in Italian archives and libraries. Although efforts have already been made at unearthing such material, the use of the discovered sources is greatly... more
Unexplored material related to diverse aspects of Hungarian history is still considerable in Italian archives and libraries. Although efforts have already been made at unearthing such material, the use of the discovered sources is greatly hindered by the lack of any systematization. The project running under the name of Vestigia ( between 2010 and 2015 accordingly aimed at simultaneously exploring new material and presenting it in a systematic manner. Yet
an inherent feature of any such auxiliary study is the fatal shortness of the available time span to carry the project to complete fruition, while no Hungarian project can be planned ahead for more than five years. The research of Hungarica material necessitates continuous work, and the Vestigia – in case it could be continued – aims at completeness with regard to collections in Florence and Venice. Italy in general, however, will still off er a great amount of evidence for the researchers of Hungarian history.
... Cambiar idioma Idioma Català. Cambiar. Per le lettere edite e inedite di ColuccioSalutati nel codice 17652 della Biblioteca Nacional di Madrid. ...
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Coluccio Salutati (1332-1406) was the most sensible inheritor of Petrarch's doctrine in Florence. An example for this is the continuity from Petrarch's Vires illustres to Salutati's Famosi cives, that is, to illustrate paintings depicting... more
Coluccio Salutati (1332-1406) was the most sensible inheritor of Petrarch's doctrine in Florence. An example for this is the continuity from Petrarch's Vires illustres to Salutati's Famosi cives, that is, to illustrate paintings depicting famous people with verses. Filippo Scolari (1369-1426), better known as Pippo Spano or Ozorai Pipó, spent a major part of his life in Hungary. The paper considers an unsigned official state letter sent to Scolari in 1405 from Florence to have been written by Salutati. It signals the first step towards the Scolarian myth as a devoted statesman, eventually immortalized by Andrea del Castagno in his frescos of Florentine figures. Many other of Salutati's state letters offer similarly interesting material to study the onset of humanism in Europe and the relationship between Florence and the Hungarian Kingdom.
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Il contenuto assai ricco e variegato del volume – che spazia dalle traduzioni alla storia degli studenti ungheresi in Italia, ai saggi, come quello comparato ungherese/francese, sulla filologia, sulla traduzione, sulla letteratura da... more
Il contenuto assai ricco e variegato del volume – che spazia dalle traduzioni alla storia degli studenti ungheresi in Italia, ai saggi, come quello comparato ungherese/francese, sulla filologia, sulla traduzione, sulla letteratura da Janus Pannonius allo Halotti beszéd, per arrivare alla moderna poesia fatta col computer – non pretende di descrivere una formidabile carriera e una ricchissima bibliografia: quelle di Péter Sárközy sono note e promettono ancora molti frutti; piuttosto è un omaggio alla sua straordinaria attività didattica. Ancor prima della loro pubblicazione i suoi scritti su Attila József e Ferenc Faludi, l’ormai classico Letteratura italiana, letteratura ungherese e le sue lezioni sui monumenti ungheresi in Italia e sulla presenza storico-letteraria italiana in Ungheria, avevano già conquistato gli studenti. Il professor Sárközy è un costruttore di ponti, ha aiutato i suoi studenti a relazionarsi con altri studenti, studiosi, docenti, senza rivalità o invidie
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