Viral Project for the Event

Here are some flyers and videos in fifteen languages, to share the core critical information for the Event quickly. The purpose here is to share them everywhere at the time of the Event :

  • By email to all your contacts
  • On social media, Facebook, Twitter, etc. You can use hashtags like #TheEvent, #FinancialReset, #BanksClosed, #MassArrests, #Disclosure, #Truth, #GoldenAge, etc
  • Flyers can also be printed, given out and placed in local shops and other public places.

They can also be shared before the Event to get the message out and to make sure everybody has them handy for when the time comes.

If you would like to translate this into your own language, please e-mail [email protected]

English :


Arabic :

Chinese :

Click here for Chinese video

Croatian :

Click here for Croatian video

French :



Click here for French video


German :

Greek :

Hungarian :

Click here for Hungarian video

Italian :

Japanese :

European Portuguese:


Click here for Portuguese video

Russian :

Slovenian :

Click here for Slovenian video

Spanish :

Click here for Spanish video

Swedish :

Click here for Swedish video