The Congressional Award

Congressman Raskin encourages all Eighth District youth to participate in the Congressional Award Program.

The Congressional Award is the United States Congress’ award program for youth and is open to all 14- to 24-year-olds.  Every young person who completes the challenges will obtain the award. 

The Congressional Award recognizes young people who set and achieve goals that fall within each of the Award’s four focus areas:

  1. Voluntary Public Service;
  2. Personal Development;
  3. Physical Fitness; and
  4. Expedition/Exploration Activities.

Participants earn Bronze, Silver and Gold Congressional Award Certificates and Bronze, Silver and Gold Congressional Award Medals by logging the hours they invest in projects in each of the Award’s focus areas. Each certificate and medal represents a threshold of hours logged and months spent working toward the award. To see all reward requirements, view the Congressional Award Program Book available here. Gold Medals are presented at an annual ceremony every summer in Washington, D.C.

Involvement in activities like 4-H, Scouting, aerobics, school and community sports, camping and other outdoor activities, high school clubs and activities, and other extracurricular activities can help you achieve medal status in the Congressional Award.

While earning the award, participants can move at their own pace, working either alone or with friends. This is not an award for past accomplishments. Instead, participants are honored for achieving their own challenging goals after registering for the program. The Congressional Award has no minimum grade point average requirements and accommodates young people with special needs or disabilities who are willing to take the challenge.

The program encourages young constituents to better both themselves and their communities through service, personal development, fitness and curiosity about the world around them. To start the challenge and be a changemaker, visit the Congressional Award website. Contact [email protected] for any questions.
