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The inner anatomy o the human vulva, wi the clitoral huid an labia minora shawn as lines. The clitoris extends frae the visible bit tae a pynt ablo the pubic bane.
Location o clitoral glans (2) an clitoral huid (1)
PrecursorGenital tubercle
ArteryDorsal artery o clitoris, deep artery o clitoris
VeinSuperficial dorsal veins o clitoris, deep dorsal vein o clitoris
NerveDorsal nerve o clitoris
Anatomical terminology

The clitoris is a female sex organ at kythes in mammals, ostriches an a feck o ither beists. In humans, the ledgin pairt - the glauns - is at the foreside infa o the labia minora (inner lips), abuin the apen o the urethra. The penis, the male marrow tae the clitoris, haes a selsame affgaun lang afore birth, bit they sinder forther in the oncome. For it is blin, the clitoris is unpurpose tae mak watter or for reproduction. While few ainimals mak urine thro the clitoris or uise it affaerin tae reproduction, the spottit hyena mair bi token is kenspeckle for a gye muckle clitoris nor it uisses for makkin watter, mow, an giein birth. A feck o ither ainimals, sic as lemurs, pugs, an moudiewarts hae a muckle clitoris forby.[1]

The clitoris is the human female's maist kittlie pairt an maistlins the foremaist bodily wallee o human female sexual pleisur.[2] The clitoris is a quirkie lith, an its bin an kittliness micht differ frae woman tae woman. The heid o the human clitoris is nae mair in its binn nor a pease, an is thocht tae hae 8,000 sensory nerve endins or thereby.[3]

Sexological an medical debate hae focused on the clitoris, an it haes an aw been the subject o sociological (includin social constructionist) analyses an studies.[4] Sic discussions range frae anatomical accuracy, gender inequality, orgasmic factors an thair physiological explanation for the G-spot.[5] Awtho, in humans, the anerly kent purpose o the clitoris is tae provide sexual pleisur, whather the clitoris is vestigial, an adaptation, or serves a reproductive function haes been debatit.[6] Social perceptions o the clitoris include the significance o its role in female sexual pleisur, assumptions aboot its true size an depth, an varyin beliefs regairdin genital modification sic as clitoris enlargement, clitoris piercin an clitoridectomy.[7] Genital modification mey be for aesthetic, medical or cultural reasons.[7]

Knawledge o the clitoris is significantly impactit bi cultural perceptions o the organ. Studies suggest thit knawledge anent its existence an anatomy is scant in comparison wi that o ither sexual organs, an that mair eddication anent it coud help alleviate social stigmas associatit wi the female bouk an female sexual pleisur; for ensaumple, that the clitoris an vulva in general are visually unappealin, that female masturbation is tabu, or that men shoud be expectit tae maister an control weemen's orgasms.[8]


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