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Platonic solid

Frae Wikipedia, the free beuk o knawledge

In Euclidean geometry, a Platonic solid is a regular, convex polyhedron wi congruent faces o regular polygons an the same nummer o faces meetin at each vertex. Five solids meet those criteria, an each is named efter its nummer o faces.

(fower faces)
Cube or hexahedron
(sax faces)
(aicht faces)
(twal faces)
(twinty faces)






Geometers hae studied the mathematical beauty an symmetry o the Platonic solids for thoosands o years. Thay are named for the auncient Greek filosopher Plato who theorized in his dialogue, the Timaeus, that the classical elements wur made o thir regular solids.[1]

The five platonic solids as dice


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  1. Zeyl, Donald. "The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Plato's Timaeus".