Arestin beta 1

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Arestin, beta 1

PDB prikaz baziran na 1g4m.
Dostupne strukture
1g4m, 1g4r, 1jsy, 1zsh
SimboliARRB1; ARB1; ARR1
Vanjski IDOMIM107940 MGI99473 HomoloGene2981 GeneCards: ARRB1 Gene
Pregled RNK izražavanja
RefSeq (mRNA)NM_004041NM_177231
RefSeq (protein)NP_004032NP_796205
Lokacija (UCSC)Chr 11:
74.65 - 74.74 Mb
Chr 7:
99.41 - 99.48 Mb
PubMed pretraga[1][2]

Arestin beta 1, ARRB1, je protein koji je čoveka kodiran ARRB1 genom.[1][2]


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Za članove arestin/beta-arestin proteinske familije se smatra da učestvuju u agonistima posredovanoj desenzitizaciji G protein-spregnutih receptora i uzrokuju specifično prigušivanje ćelijskog responsa na stimuluse kao što su hormoni, neurotransmitera, ili senzorski signali. Arrestin beta 1 je citosolni protein koji deluje kao kofaktor u beta-adrenergičkom receptorskom kinazom (BARK) posredovanoj desenzitizaciji beta-adrenergičkog receptora. Pored centralnog nervnog sistema, on je izražen u visokim nivoima u perifernim krvnim leukocitima, i stoga se za BARK/beta-arestinski sistem da ima značajnu ulogu u regulaciji receptorom-posredovanih imunskih funkcija. Alternativno splajsovani transkripti kodiraju različite izoforme arestina beta 1. One su bile opisane, međutim, njihove precizne funkcije nisu poznate.[2]


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Za arestin beta 1 je bilo pokazano da interaguje sa delta opioidnim receptorom,[3] Arf6,[4] paratiroidnom hormonu srodnim proteinom,[5] RALGDS,[6] PSCD2,[4] DVL2[7] i Mdm2.[8][9]


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  1. Parruti G, Peracchia F, Sallese M, Ambrosini G, Masini M, Rotilio D, De Blasi A (May 1993). „Molecular analysis of human beta-arrestin-1: cloning, tissue distribution, and regulation of expression. Identification of two isoforms generated by alternative splicing”. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 268 (13): 9753–61. PMID 8486659. Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2005-01-03. Pristupljeno 2014-05-10. 
  2. 2,0 2,1 „Entrez Gene: ARRB1 arrestin, beta 1”. 
  3. Cen, B; Yu Q, Guo J, Wu Y, Ling K, Cheng Z, Ma L, Pei G (March 2001). „Direct binding of beta-arrestins to two distinct intracellular domains of the delta opioid receptor”. J. Neurochem. (United States) 76 (6): 1887–94. DOI:10.1046/j.1471-4159.2001.00204.x. ISSN 0022-3042. PMID 11259507. 
  4. 4,0 4,1 Claing, A; Chen W, Miller W E, Vitale N, Moss J, Premont R T, Lefkowitz R J (November 2001). „beta-Arrestin-mediated ADP-ribosylation factor 6 activation and beta 2-adrenergic receptor endocytosis”. J. Biol. Chem. (United States) 276 (45): 42509–13. DOI:10.1074/jbc.M108399200. ISSN 0021-9258. PMID 11533043. 
  5. Conlan, Lindus A; Martin T John, Gillespie Matthew T (September 2002). „The COOH-terminus of parathyroid hormone-related protein (PTHrP) interacts with beta-arrestin 1B”. FEBS Lett. (Netherlands) 527 (1-3): 71–5. DOI:10.1016/S0014-5793(02)03164-2. ISSN 0014-5793. PMID 12220636. 
  6. Bhattacharya, Moshmi; Anborgh Pieter H, Babwah Andy V, Dale Lianne B, Dobransky Tomas, Benovic Jeffery L, Feldman Ross D, Verdi Joseph M, Rylett R Jane, Ferguson Stephen S G (August 2002). „Beta-arrestins regulate a Ral-GDS Ral effector pathway that mediates cytoskeletal reorganization”. Nat. Cell Biol. (England) 4 (8): 547–55. DOI:10.1038/ncb821. ISSN 1465-7392. PMID 12105416. 
  7. Chen, W; Hu L A, Semenov M V, Yanagawa S, Kikuchi A, Lefkowitz R J, Miller W E (December 2001). „beta-Arrestin1 modulates lymphoid enhancer factor transcriptional activity through interaction with phosphorylated dishevelled proteins”. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (United States) 98 (26): 14889–94. DOI:10.1073/pnas.211572798. ISSN 0027-8424. PMC 64954. PMID 11742073. 
  8. Wang, Ping; Wu Yalan, Ge Xin, Ma Lan, Pei Gang (March 2003). „Subcellular localization of beta-arrestins is determined by their intact N domain and the nuclear export signal at the C terminus”. J. Biol. Chem. (United States) 278 (13): 11648–53. DOI:10.1074/jbc.M208109200. ISSN 0021-9258. PMID 12538596. 
  9. Shenoy, Sudha K; Xiao Kunhong, Venkataramanan Vidya, Snyder Peter M, Freedman Neil J, Weissman Allan M (August 2008). „Nedd4 mediates agonist-dependent ubiquitination, lysosomal targeting, and degradation of the beta2-adrenergic receptor”. J. Biol. Chem. (United States) 283 (32): 22166–76. DOI:10.1074/jbc.M709668200. ISSN 0021-9258. PMC 2494938. PMID 18544533. 


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  • Lohse MJ, Benovic JL, Codina J, et al. (1990). „beta-Arrestin: a protein that regulates beta-adrenergic receptor function.”. Science 248 (4962): 1547–50. DOI:10.1126/science.2163110. PMID 2163110. 
  • Calabrese G, Sallese M, Stornaiuolo A, et al. (1995). „Assignment of the beta-arrestin 1 gene (ARRB1) to human chromosome 11q13.”. Genomics 24 (1): 169–71. DOI:10.1006/geno.1994.1594. PMID 7896272. 
  • Parruti G, Peracchia F, Sallese M, et al. (1993). „Molecular analysis of human beta-arrestin-1: cloning, tissue distribution, and regulation of expression. Identification of two isoforms generated by alternative splicing.”. J. Biol. Chem. 268 (13): 9753–61. PMID 8486659. 
  • Iacovelli L, Franchetti R, Masini M, De Blasi A (1997). „GRK2 and beta-arrestin 1 as negative regulators of thyrotropin receptor-stimulated response.”. Mol. Endocrinol. 10 (9): 1138–46. DOI:10.1210/me.10.9.1138. PMID 8885248. 
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