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Formula C29H32F2N2O2 
Mol. masa 478,572
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SNAP-94847 je lek koji se koristi u naučnim istraživanjima. On je selektivni nepeptidni antagonist melanin-koncentrirajućeg hormonskog receptora MCH1. U životinjskim studijama je pokazano da proizvodi anksiolitičke i antidepresivne efekte.[1][2] On isto tako redukuje unos hrane, tako da on potencijalno ima i anoreksno dejstvo.[3]


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  1. David DJ, Klemenhagen KC, Holick KA, Saxe MD, Mendez I, Santarelli L, Craig DA, Zhong H, Swanson CJ, Hegde LG, Ping XI, Dong D, Marzabadi MR, Gerald CP, Hen R. Efficacy of the MCHR1 antagonist N-[3-(1[4-(3,4-difluorophenoxy)phenyl]methyl. (4-piperidyl))-4-methylphenyl]-2-methylpropanamide (SNAP 94847) in mouse models of anxiety and depression following acute and chronic administration is independent of hippocampal neurogenesis |journal=The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics |volume=321 |issue=1 |pages=237–48 |year=2007 |month=April |pmid=17237257 |doi=10.1124/jpet.106.109678 |url=}}
  2. Smith DG, Hegde LG, Wolinsky TD, Miller S, Papp M, Ping X, Edwards T, Gerald CP, Craig DA (February 2009). „The effects of stressful stimuli and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activation are reversed by the melanin-concentrating hormone 1 receptor antagonist SNAP 94847 in rodents”. Behavioural Brain Research 197 (2): 284–91. DOI:10.1016/j.bbr.2008.08.026. PMID 18793675. 
  3. Nair SG, Adams-Deutsch T, Pickens CL, Smith DG, Shaham Y (July 2009). „Effects of the MCH1 receptor antagonist SNAP 94847 on high-fat food-reinforced operant responding and reinstatement of food seeking in rats”. Psychopharmacology 205 (1): 129–40. DOI:10.1007/s00213-009-1523-6. PMID 19340414. 

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Šablon:Neuropeptidni ligandi