As a mathematician, I embody a modern-day peripatetic, having traversed the academic world extensively. I've been honored twice as a Marie Curie Fellow at Imperial College London, and once at Yıldız Technical University and Koç University (Istanbul, Turkey). My early career included roles as a Temporary Assistant Professor at the University of Paris-Sud/Orsay, an INRIA Research Fellow, and a Research Assistant Professor at UCDavis (CA), and subsequent positions at the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute in Berkeley, Duke University, and the Fields Institute in Toronto. Most recently, I served as a visiting professor at Johns Hopkins University. Currently, I am a Senior Scientist at Caltech's Department of Computing and Mathematical Sciences, an Affiliate Fellow of the Data Science Institute at Imperial College London, and an External Researcher at the Alan Turing Institute (London, UK). 

At the Alan Turing Institute, I am co-leading, with Prof. Robert Mackay, the Research Interest Group (RIG) on "Machine Learning and Dynamical Systems", click here for more details and here for a short video. Among the activities of the RIG is the seminar series on "Machine Learning and Dynamical Systems", click here for the Youtube Channel and here to get updates about the RIG. The schedule of the seminars can be found here. I am also a co-organiser for the One World Seminar Series on the Mathematics of Machine Learning, click here for more details.

Throughout my research career, I have sought to answer the pivotal question: How can complex systems be effectively analyzed? My investigations have branched into three key approaches:

My previous research interests focused on ``Dynamical Theory of Control'' that is Control Theory from the point of view of the theory of dynamical systems where the goal is the integration of concepts and ideas from dynamical systems theory and control theory into a framework that allows to develop both theories, emphasizing the analysis and control of systems with bifurcations.

My current research interests are at the intersection(s) of Machine Learning, Dynamical Systems, and Algorithmic Information Theory in view of developing a theoretical framework for Machine Learning in the following directions (please refer to the short video here for an explanation):

     Publications: Most of my papers are on Research Gate ORCID Google Scholar

Email: [email protected] 

Recorded Talks:

Some Talks: 

Academic Service: I am the Organizer of the "Machine Learning and Dynamical Systems" seminar series. I am also a Co-Organizer of the One World Seminar Series on the Mathematics of Machine Learning. I was the lead organizer of the following events