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Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) General Search Information

The UCC online search enables you to search the UCC database by:

  • Debtor Name
  • Secured Party Name
  • Filing Number

Use of this website constitutes your acceptance of the Terms and Conditions including the extent to which users may rely on the information contained within and search results generated by your actions.

Search using the following steps:

  1. Select the applicable option for the type of search you would like to perform: Debtor, Secured Party or Filing Number. Optional search filter options include Active Only/Active with Lapsed +1 year and Filing Date. Filing Date gives the option to perform an update UCC search or a specific date range. These filter options are located in the top right corner of the page.

  2. Enter the search term and then click the Add button. Note that the space character is the wildcard character. Any records found meeting your search criteria will then be displayed in the Search Term Results section.

    Search Tip: Less is more! If you are having trouble finding what you are searching for, try entering less text. For example, if you are looking for filings with a debtor name of Greenhouse Incorporated try entering the text green to determine the exact debtor name on file and then search with that name. Spaces between letters or words act as “wild cards” and should pick up anything in between. This could help with misspelled words, index errors or variations of the name.
  3. Select the applicable name or filing number from the Search Term Results to see the list of filings for that item.

  4. Lastly, select the filings from the Filing Results section that you wish to add to your search order.

  5. Once you have added all of the filings to your order, enter your contact information and proceed to the checkout.

The search order will be sent to the email address entered in the contact information section after the payment is processed successfully and the search order is generated. Note that it can take up to five minutes to generate a search order depending upon the number of filings in your order.

Regular Search Information

Use the “Regular Search” option to order copies of filing documents. Note that no certificate is included with a regular search and you will receive copies only for the filings selected. If you need a certified search with a certificate use the Certified Search option.

Certified Search Information

The “Certified Search” feature enables you to complete a certified search that produces one of four different certified search certificates along with copies of each filing meeting the search criteria:

  • Regular Certified Search Certificate: A regular certified search certificate will provide you with a listing of all filings as of the date and time of your search that meet the search criteria. To generate a regular certified search be sure to include no additional search options such as filing date.

  • Date Range Certified Search Certificate: The date range certified search will provide you with a listing of all filings between the “From” and “To” Filing date specified that meet the search criteria. To generate a date range certified search you must enter both the from and to filing date parameters.

  • To Date Certified Search Certificate: The to date certified search will generate a certificate for all filings up to and including the “To” filing date specified that meet the search criteria. To generate a to date certified search certificate you must enter only the “To” filing date filter.

  • No Search Results Found Certificate: The no results found certificate may only be generated when there are no results found matching the exact search term entered. To generate a no results found certified search, check the box for “Generate no records found certified search certificate.” In the Search Term Results section. Note this option will only present when no filings are found meeting the exact search criteria entered.​

If we may be of any further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us:  304.558.8000   toll free 866.767.8683  email:   [email protected]
