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A new massacre at midnight tonight

40 martyrs and dozens of injuries in a horrific massacre committed by the terrorist Zionist occupation after bombing the tents of the defenseless displaced Palestinians in Hanyounis, south of the Gaza Strip.

There are entire families still under the sand, even though the area is classified as safe and the occupation is the one that asked the citizens to go there. Entire families have been erased from the civil registry, and this statistic of the number of martyrs and injuries is increasing.

The depth of the hole is nine meters underground, and a large number of missing persons are still unable to be recovered by civil defense due to the lack of tools and capabilities.

What you see in the video are children's toys, bicycles, and clothes. The toys remain, but the bodies are still unidentified.

By the way, this area was classified by the occupation as a safe humanitarian zone and people were asked to go there.


Guys this vile attack carried out by the IOF in the al-mawasi "safe zone" in khan younis, and yet again they are spreading lies that there was a "terrorist command centre" present in the civilian tent camps, when hamas denied presence of any of their fighters in that area. It has been nearly a year of this, how many more times will we have to see the same thing play out over and over again?

This has happened very nearby to where siraj and his family of 23 PEOPLE are encamped, TEN OF WHOM ARE CHILDREN, oldest of whom is just TWELVE YEARS OLD.

I dont know what else we can do right now but keep sharing and donating to Siraj's fundraiser right now in case he needs to relocate once again. If so, this will be around the ninth time he and his family will have been displaced since october 2023.

Please take this seriously. Siraj and his family need your help, they cant afford to have you look away right now especially when they are so close to their goal.

Sept 10th: $75,882 CAD raised of $82,000 goal 


This is beyond ridiculous. Just because it's not an evacuation fund doesn't mean it's not important. Siraj is responsible for 23 family members. He's already stressed as it is. Even after days he's not making any significant progress toward his goal. The snail's pace at which it's going is worrying him

Siraj needs to raise $78.5k by the end of the day. Do not fail Siraj, he deserves so much better than his life being destroyed by a settler colony


Hello everyone,

Let's help my friend, Bilal Salah (@bilal-salah0)! He is a 22 year old Palestinian who is living in Germany. Unfortunately, his stay there has been nothing but awful. He has been evicted and terminated from his work as immigration revokes his visa. He finds himself getting deported! Since then, he has been searching for a lawyer, a place to stay, and work to do, while he raises funds for his family's evacuation. 

You can read more about it here

Now, things are looking up for him. He will no longer be deported, and he has found an apartment to live in! At the same time, I have been speaking to Bilal over the past week or so. He is such an incredible person. He has been telling me, along with showing me pictures, of how much time and effort he makes the best out of his situation. He is learning German, searching for a job, studying for his driver’s license, and has been teaching me how to speak Palestinian Arabic! And he is doing all of this at 22 years old! 

Despite it all, Bilal has informed me that his former employer has extorted €4,800, claiming that he still owes them money. This leaves Bilal with no other option but to withdraw funds from his campaign since he does not have income. He also has to pay for expensive transfer fees to send money to his family in Ghazzah!

Click here to read more about it. 

So please show him compassion and kindly give what you can. He works so hard, carrying so much on his shoulders, and it would be great if we could lift the burden! We need to raise the total amount of €110,000 by September 15th. Let’s try to achieve it before then!

As of writing this, €103,909 has been raised! 

There is only €6,091 left to go and 8 days remaining!


Bilal's family was very nearby to where the IOF attacked refugee camps at al mawasi khan younis. What was meant to be a "humanitarian safe zone" is where the occupation decided to drop at least 3 missiles on civilian tents, claiming that it was a hub of terrorist activity. They are living a nightmare. Everyday Germany finds new ways to weigh Bilal down while he is separated from them and already loses sleep over their safety.

At the time of queuing, there is still around €5.4k left to raise so bilal can meet his goal. Please help however you can.


Emergency campaign

Hey guys. I need some serious cooperation right now. I spoke with Mahmoud Qassas' wife and they have a plan to get her, him, the kids, all out of Ghazzah for his treatment. They need 8000 USD. As you may know, he currently has shrapnel lodged in the back of his brain and it's causing severe brain damage. Another issue I don't think has been mentioned prior on his account is they're currently separated. He was injured while traveling to another part of Ghazzah, far away from his wife and kids and other relatives. They need a way to get to him, to then go to the border together, to then get out of Ghazzah. They currently have a deal with the border authorities that will allow them all to go through together after paying 8000$. I'm really hoping this works but knowing the disgusting border authorities, there is no guarantee they will all be able to travel together. If we get them to 8000$ I will keep you guys posted on if they manage to evacuate or not. Please do not hesitate to help!!!! This is an extremely time-sensitive situation and I'm worried I might lose my good friend Mahmoud.


Since I posted this, 745€ have been donated to the campaign. In USD this is

823.45$ / 8000$


While this news is amazing, Mahmoud's wife just posted on his blog that he has entered a comatose state. The clock is ticking on my friend's life and I fear the worst, as does his family

Keep spreading the fundraiser to people you know!!! Thank you to all who have donated and to all who have reblogged and shared!!


I wanted to shed light on Amal Ashuor's campaign, a mother from Gaza who's fundraising to keep her family safe in the midst of genocide. @amalashuor's campaign is vetted #175.

As a mother myself, I can't even begin to imagine what the past 11 months have been like for someone like Amal, whose entire goal is to protect her daughter who was only 9 months at the start of this aggression. I can't imagine the pain that comes with watching your baby hitting their milestones in the middle of all of this horror and destruction.

The campaign started as Amal was fundraising to evacuate her family of 3. However, with the only exit being closed by Israel and Israel's relentless evacuation orders, Amal details how she has been displaced by Israeli orders multiple times, each move costing insane amounts.

As a mother, she can't expect her 18 month old daughter to walk unknown distances, yet getting transportation cost between $600 and $2000. She had to buy a tent that cost her upwards of $800, which was later burnt by Israeli shelling and rendered useless. For that, Amal now has to pay rent which is $2,500. On top of that, considering neither she or her husband are working at the moment, they need funds to feed their daughter, buy formula and diapers, a task and an anxiety that kills me just thinking about it.

Amal's campaign had raised €37,500/50,000 as of today (September 12, 2024) which is quite close to the goal. Please remember that donating to this campaign doesn't only allow Amal to provide basic needs for her daughter but it also gives Amal the only glimmer of hope in the midst of the grim reality that they're living through.

Show Amal support and give her some ease of mind by sharing this here and with your friends and family and/or by donating if you're able to. No amount is too little.

Don't give up

A friend of mine wrote it for me here on Tumblr, because for the first time I didn't reach my goal on time.

This message had a great impact on me, and I decided to share it with you.

  • Here stands next to me a team called the Champions Team. This team does not know the meaning of surrender. They are strong in every sense of the word.
  • Here stand by my side are friends, followers, and supporters who put the determination and will within you.
  • We will not give up, and from here I tell you that at the end of this day, Friday, I will reach the seventh goal.

Show me your support, strength and determination, and share this post with your friends and relatives.

Now $69,000 and only $1000 left to reach the goal.



Saba, the infant daughter of a friend of mine, is critically ill in Gaza. She was born during the ongoing invasion, and has been plagued with health problems from birth. She is malnourished, and has been suffering from severe, constant diarrhea and vomiting for many weeks. My friend was able to take her to see a specialist in Gaza, who has performed special tests to be able to diagnose her. The tests are not complete yet, as testing capabilities in Gaza are minimal right now. And unfortunately, the diagnosis will probably be of limited use, as there are few to treat the condition due to the occupation’s sabotage of Gaza’s medical infrastructure.

For Saba to survive, she requires medication for her stomach problems, as well as a special diet. The cost of these things is exorbitant in Gaza due to the occupation, and Saba’s family requires direct support in order to afford the necessities that are keeping Saba alive. They have a GoFundMe to provide for their family’s needs, but it has received very little support.

Please help this baby girl survive genocide!!!


Hello dears! I am asking you to support my campaign to help me reach my goal. I am in dire need of your support now to help me stay alive and safe. Gaza is a very dangerous place both in terms of living and lives. The family consists of 20 members, most of them are young children. I need your financial support to enable me to get the basic needs for my family until the Rafah crossing is reopened to transport my family to safety and peace. Please help a family stay alive through your small donations or through your shares to others. Thank you very much for standing by those in need. My campaign 90-ghoset has been documented


Today's vetted fundraisers

My name is Ayaa, a 24-year-old teacher from Gaza City. I used to live a peaceful life with my family in our home, a 6-story building that we built through years of hard work. Sadly, it was completely destroyed, leaving us homeless.

My brother and I ran a language training center where we taught English to kids, teenagers, and adults. We were passionate about our work and had big dreams, but the war shattered everything. One morning, we woke up to the news that our center had been destroyed, along with our family car, which my mother had bought by selling her jewelry.

We have lost everything, and now we turn to you for help. Your kindness and support would mean the world to us as we try to rebuild our lives.

Palestinians have been desperately digging for their loved ones in the deep craters left by an Israeli air strike on a so-called humanitarian zone, where "entire families have disappeared in the sand", the civil defence said. Um Mahmoud, a displaced Palestinian in al-Mawasi, described seeing women and children "torn to shreds" after the strikes.
"We have been here for nine months, we have not seen a single resistance member entering the area," Um Mahmoud told Middle East Eye.
Alaa al-Shaer, who has been staying in the displacement camp with his family, said he had a message to Israelis "conducting a genocide against us".
"I have my sister, my sons, my daughters. Would I logically put between them someone wanted by the Israelis? This does not make sense."
"The Israelis said, 'go to the safe areas' and that is what people did," he added.
As the sun rose, more people headed to the area to try to support rescue efforts. Others were looking through the remains of their tents, in apparent attempts to salvage anything from them.
Those trying to leave struggled to work their way through the giant craters left in the ground.
Tearfully standing outside Khan Younis' Nasser Hospital, a woman mourned her sister, who was killed in the attack.
"My sister was martyred, she was 35 years old," she told MEE. "Her husband disappeared when the Israelis took him six months ago."
The woman, who was just a street away from her sister's tent, says she is survived by six daughters and two sons.
"How can you see a girl get orphaned? No mother, no father, no grandparents, no one," she said.

Hello friends 💜🫂

I'm Ayoush from Gaza 🍉🇵🇸🦋

Asking for help is not easy for anyone 😭😭

I hope you can help me with a very small donation 🙏💔

I'm asking you to donate a small amount from $20 to $25 please it helps me a lot 🫂💜

I take care of my family and they are 6 people 🙏 My father and mother are elderly 💔😭 and have chronic diseases 💔😭 so any small donation makes a difference in my campaign 🙏🦋

So please help me 🙏🫂❤️‍🩹

I need your help if you can 🙏

Please donate to save my family and my life 🙏🍉

Every donation,even if it small will🫂🇵🇸

Make a big difference in my life 😭❤️‍🩹

Help me and my family 🫂🙏❤️‍🩹


Another fundraiser I trust!

My vetter Moh Ayesh has let me know about this fundraiser!

5 members of this family have been martyred. "On November 18th, we were trapped for 12 hours in a building belonging to our relatives, under constant airstrikes from planes and tanks. The upper floors were targeted and completely destroyed, and the Ragheb brother's and 5 members of my family martyer... but by the grace of God, we miraculously escaped under heavy gunfire and shelling. Ragheb was injured in his desperate attempt to escape danger, and now he suffers from a foot injury, exacerbated by the lack of medical care and malnutrition due to the famine we are facing."

This family has faced unimaginable tragedy and need your help.


please take a second to read this and donate to mohammed’s new campaign. this is #192 on the vetted gaza fundraiser list. heres my longer post about him and the new campaign

mohammed @save-mohamed-family has been through so much. at the start of the war his mother, father, four sisters, and their entire families were murdered by israel in a bombing. he lost his home, his job, and was badly injured but he told me he doesn’t care what happens to him, he just wants his remaining family to be safe- his wife and three young kids.

his wife has uterine cancer but hasnt been able to get treatment because israel has destroyed cancer treatment centers. his kids suffer from skin diseases and are scared by the bombings which are constant and relentless. available medicine is really expensive and your donations are the only source of income for him and his family.

please put yourself in his shoes and think about how absolutely devastating it is to lose your entire immediate family, your home, your job, everything you had. everything about your life before gone and destroyed. what would you do to try to save the loved ones you still have? please help him and his family survive this genocide and eventually be able to evacuate from gaza.

remember that a lot of our tax money and resources are actively going towards the army and government that killed his family and is continuing to destroy gaza, i think the least we can do is donate and support him

$4,912 raised of $50,000

can we get this to $5k tonight? the recent massacres in gaza have been so horrific. in the same 24 hours that israel bombed hundreds of displaced people with u.s. bombs, both us candidates argue about how much they support israels “right to defend itself.”

please share and donate, every donation helps


so yeah, I'm just sorry with how this summer was with my ocd compulsions and not doing a better job with dealing with my intrusive thoughts better because i know for a fact that before this shitty summer started I was actually doing mentally better and had normal chats with both @determinate-negation and @spider-xan and @strangestcase too and that everything was fine before that happened and I know that last year, the summer was alot for my ocd as well but it was never like this so my ocd was just alot stressful this summer and im just sorry in general and I just wish I could have @spider-xan and @strangestcase's trust in me again as a person.

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