Collaboration with the Department of Energy

October 18, 2016 External Website Policy

NCI is collaborating with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) as part of the inter-agency coordination activities defined in the National Strategic Computing Initiative (NSCI) Presidential Order (July 29, 2015) and announced during Vice President Biden’s Cancer Moonshot Summit on June 29, 2016. The NCI-DOE collaboration has initiated three pilot efforts that will simultaneously impact the future of cancer research and guide future advances in scientific computing. These pilots will characterize and help overcome key precision oncology challenges at the molecular, patient, and population levels during the next three years.

The NCI Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) Program and DOE’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) are responsible for co-leading the population-level pilot (Pilot 3). Three additional DOE laboratories, Argonne National Laboratory (ANL), Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) participate in the effort. This pilot will address the growing cancer surveillance challenges in capturing essential information for understanding the effectiveness of cancer diagnosis and treatment in the context of our complex medical and social environment. The computational strengths and subject matter expertise in deep learning at the DOE laboratories and the content expertise of SEER staff concerning cancer registries will be leveraged to rapidly move the surveillance community forward. The objective of Pilot 3 is to deliver an infrastructure that will support the development of algorithms and informatics tools to enable a comprehensive, scalable, and cost-effective national cancer surveillance program that enhances the existing system while also expanding the breadth of data captured to integrate biological, social, psychological and ecological variables to model for cancer outcomes.

The aims of Pilot 3 are:

As a part of the collaboration, the Pilot 3 management team is establishing a community of academic and commercial stakeholders to engage in this pilot. These stakeholders are interested in machine learning and NLP to support cancer surveillance.

NCI’s Pilot 3 management team members (all in the Surveillance Research Program) are Lynne Penberthy, Paul Fearn, Jessica Boten, Donna Rivera, Marina Matatova, and Steve Friedman. The DOE management team includes Gina Tourassi Joe Lake, and Gilbert Weigand (ORNL), Tom Brettin (ANL), Ana Paula Sales (LLNL), and Tanmoy Bhattacharya (LANL).

Stay tuned for future blog posts that will explain NCI-DOE collaborations with key stakeholders and provide updates on pilot initiatives.

Last Updated: 12 Mar, 2024