Check out our new ‘How-to’ guide for the TRAVEL FRESH shift. It includes all the info on how to approach this in a step by step way, with resources, guides, tips, links and more.

What is travel fresh?

Get rid of private vehicles (if you can).

Many of us have become accustomed to owning a car, and sometimes more than one. Car ownership levels have been growing globally and are expected to double again by 2040, leading to a huge climate problem. 

If you were planning on buying a car, see if you can hold off and find alternatives which can get you where you need to go. If you’re feeling brave, get rid of the car/s you have, or see if you can join a car-sharing scheme to share the benefit (and the emissions)!

Stop using your car for the ‘Take the Jump’ period and avoid buying one if you were intending to. This is based on a target to eliminate private vehicles and move only to shared and public transport. Of course, there are exceptions to this. Some people are disabled, or may live in remote areas, so need a car to get about.

Why travel fresh

Globally, transport is responsible for about a quarter of overall greenhouse gas emissions, and more than two thirds of this comes from the engines of road vehicles. The increasing use of private vehicles also causes congestion, noise pollution and air pollution, which is one of the main global health risks humans are facing.

There have been improvements in the fuel efficiency of traditional cars, but rather than reducing emissions, it has just enabled us to travel more for the same cost, and purchase bigger, heavier vehicles. 

Whilst there is a lot of emphasis on the role of electric vehicles (EVs) in tackling climate change, a bigger effort needs to go towards reducing the number of cars on the road. This is because a significant source of emissions is in the manufacture of vehicles - even EVs. Also, switching to EVs won’t help congestion, and still causes air pollution from tyres and brakes. 

Cars have been made a status symbol beyond their perceived convenience and false economy, but are literally killing us in the process.

How to travel fresh

Check out our ‘How-to’ guide for TRAVEL FRESH

It covers:

  1. What is TRAVEL FRESH?


  3. Step by step guide to TRAVEL FRESH 

    1. Take it step by step

    2. Start with the right approach 

    3. Connect with others for support

    4. Having fun with TRAVEL FRESH

  4. Resources to help

    1. Apps

    2. Websites

    3. Podcasts

    4. TED talks

    5. Movies

Here’s a sneak peak to whet your appetite…


Even if you can’t keep to it 100%, you can still ‘Take the Jump’ and just do your best.

Just start! Take the Jump by choosing how long you want to try the shifts for: