
Subscription access

Provide easy access to the right research at the right time. We offer flexible journal purchasing options to support your organization's goals and suit your budget. Build your custom plan with comprehensive journal subscriptions across various subject areas and research disciplines.


F1000 provides open research publishing platforms and services to an array of research organizations, learned societies, institutions, and funders. Our own publishing platforms, including F1000Research, offer a rapid, transparent, author-centered experience for researchers in all disciplines.

Open Research

Every researcher should have relevant, realistic options to publish and share their work openly.  At Taylor & Francis we are helping to make this happen through Choose Open.

Reprints and ePrints

Whatever your marketing strategy, we can tailor a package of reprints and/or ePrints from Taylor & Francis’ portfolio of high-quality journals to support your goals. Capture the attention of your audience and amplify your marketing messages with the inclusion of peer-reviewed evidence from clinical experts.

Advertising Solutions

Reach an engaged target audience and position your brand alongside authoritative peer-reviewed research by advertising in Taylor & Francis journals. Our portfolio features high-quality journals covering subjects across medicine, pharmaceutical science, technology and engineering. Our expert team will help you choose the most effective positions for your adverts, helping you reach your target audience of key opinion leaders and decision makers in specialist fields.

Accelerated Publication

If time is critical in your publishing strategy, our Accelerated Publication options can help you get your research into a high-quality, peer-reviewed journal, fast.

Medical Communications Agencies

Taylor & Francis publishes the latest cutting-edge research across medicine and health. Complementing these journals are our digital hubs and a wide range of publishing solutions designed to help your research make an impact. Our experts are here to help your experts so get in touch today.

Digital Hubs

Our digital hubs are online communities for medical and scientific communities. Each hub focuses on a specific area of science or medicine – such as bioanalysis, regenerative medicine, or oncology. With valuable resources and over 220,000 registered members, they help you keep up to date with the latest news, opinions, and discussions in your field.

Journal Author Support

Our Author Services site is full of practical advice and information to support journal authors through every step of their research publishing journey.

Editing Services

Taylor & Francis offers a full range of pre-submission manuscript preparation services to help you maximize the impact of your research and improve the quality of your manuscript. Our list of services includes English language editing, translation with editing, manuscript formatting, plagiarism check, and technical review.

Library Support

The Taylor & Francis Librarian Resources site provides information, support, and insights to help librarians develop their collections, engage library users, enhance their institution's scholarly communications, and navigate the changing library and information landscape.

Journal Editor Support

Journal editors are the gatekeepers for quality and responsible research content. The Taylor & Francis Editor Resources website aims to provide insights and support for our journal editors to maximize journal impact, and connect them with the editor community.

Researcher Services

Publish your research fast, openly and without restrictions.  Share all your findings, from traditional research articles to null/negative results, small findings, case reports, data notes and others.  Signed peer reviews and author responses are published alongside each article.