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Environment & sustainability | Browse more environmental research

Climate Policy

Published in partnership with Climate Strategies

2019 Impact Factor: 4.011*

Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association

Official journal of the A&WMA

2019 Impact Factor: 2.245*

Public health | Browse more health research

Ethnicity & Health

2019 Impact Factor: 2.554*

Women & Health

2019 Impact Factor: 1.095*

Military & strategic studies | Browse more strategic studies research

Terrorism & Political Violence

2019 Impact Factor: 1.792*

Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

A publication of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

2019 Impact Factor: 1.367*


A publication of the IISS

2019 Impact Factor: 1.241*

Public administration & management | Browse more public affairs research

Hydrological Sciences Journal

Official journal of the IAHS

2019 Impact Factor: 2.186*

Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems

2019 Impact Factor: 1.636*

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*Copyright: 2019 Journal Citation Reports®, Clarivate Analytics, 2020.
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Governing institutions publishing with us include the World Health Organization, the United Nations, and the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

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