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Please help my friends

I’m going to try to keep this as brief as I can. I would be very appreciative if you could take the time to read it.

  • Rajaa (@rajaagaza) and Khaled are a married couple displaced in Gaza. Rajaa is a medical analysis specialist and Khaled is a teacher and a chef. I am very lucky to call them both treasured friends.
  • They have a beautiful 18 month old son, Karam, who is very malnourished and suffering terribly as a result of Israel’s continued attacks.
  • Rajaa and Khaled are very close to achieving their evacuation goal, but their campaign has stagnated severely.
  • Khaled’s tumblr was recently deleted AGAIN which has significantly impacted their ability to raise the funds they need.
  • They only need to raise $1,228 CAD more to reach their short term goal of $16,000 CAD. This is urgent.

I am begging you to help. A donation of just $5 CAD is equivalent to $3.70 USD or 3.30 EUR. I am terrified for Rajaa, Khaled and Karam every day. Their sources of income have been destroyed, and we are their only hope for evacuation. Karam is only a baby. He deserves to live a happy life free from fear and deprivation.

They are SO CLOSE to their goal, but donations have never been slower. I don’t know how else to phrase these posts to emphasise how great their need is. Please don’t forget about Rajaa, Khaled and Karam. Please help them by donating what you can and sharing/reblogging this. They need our help and we can give it to them!

Thank you for taking the time to read this. Please, let’s all work together to help this beautiful family find safety and build a new life for themselves. Every donation makes a significant difference.

(verified by 90-ghost here)

(donating via p4yp4l allows Rajaa and Khaled to afford daily needs and food for their son, who once again is MALNOURISHED, while they continue to raise their evacuation fund)

The last donation was 21 hours ago and the one before that was 2 days ago! Rajaa and Khaled are so close to completing their campaign goal which will allow them to cross into Egypt when the border opens again. Please consider donating and please reblog!

(via furiousfinnstan)



Please help Hossam!

(This campaign has been shared by el-shab-hussein, and has been vetted by @moayesh, who is in Gaza verifying campaigns personally, and knows Hossam)


Hello! I’m making another post to draw your attention to the urgent campaign of Hossam @hossamalbardawel (who is in the pictures above).

I do not think I can even accurately convey the immense losses that Hossam has experienced at the hands of Israel’s repeated brutal attacks on Gaza. Hossam’s mother, father and all of his siblings were killed when their house was destroyed by an airstrike, leaving Hossam as the only survivor. He is now responsible for taking care of his siblings’ children and widows. Please take a moment to absorb the horror of that statement- to lose one’s entire family and way of life all at once in such a way is truly unimaginable, but it is Hossam’s reality.

Hossam and the remaining members of his extended family desperately need our help. They are displaced, living in a tent that does nothing to protect them from either the intense heat or the cold and rain that is now approaching. Hossam cannot reliably or consistently access the internet, and is also unfamiliar with tumblr. This means his campaign suffers from extreme stagnation despite the urgency and severity of his situation.

Hossam’s campaign goal is very achievable, and he has already reached the halfway mark thanks to this site’s generosity. I am imploring you to help Hossam secure the funds he needs in order to provide for his nieces and nephews.

Hossam has had to shoulder this immense burden by himself for too long already- please, let’s help him as much as we can so that he may have hope for the future and know that he is not alone. We must stand by him.

A donation of just $5 CAD is equivalent to roughly $3.70 USD or 3.30 EUR, so your money will go a long way if you’re from the U.S or Europe. I urge you to donate what you can, and to share and reblog this. Our collective efforts can accomplish great things.

$10,873 CAD raised of $20,000 CAD

Keep reading

The last donation was fourteen hours ago. Please reblog and please consider donating just $5 CAD if you can spare it!

(via shesnake)


i genuinely don’t think the haitians eating pets lie is something that should be laughed off bc the rhetoric literally rooted in some of the worst acts of colonial violence known to man but i just know liberals are going to try and meme it away. this isn’t a funny haha republicans are so stupid thing this is a hey they are trying to justify a resurgence of specific atrocities against this specific group of people

(via closet-keys)




Dr. Moath Abu Samra’s campaign has been active for months. I’ve been posting it on this site since February and it’s only meet 43% of it’s goal!

This campaign is on number 85 on Operation Olive Branch’s vetted fundraiser spreadsheet.

It is currently at $21,611 raised of its $50,000 goal. Please support this family. Every $10,000 will help a family member evacuate

thank you to the generous person who donated $500 <33333333 words can not express how much this helps.

currently at $22,661 raised of $50,000 as of september 7

last donation was 7 hours ago. please reblog if you can’t donate. if you would like to donate a nomad e-sim to the family so they can stay in contact with each other, please contact the fundraiser organizer, frances silney-bah.

(via womenintheirwebs)




I’m going to talk about being transfem and butch.

I get misgendered in public a lot. Never cruelly. Just a lot. Which makes sense.

I’m 190lbs of muscle with a deep voice. Which I enjoy. Typically I’m wearing leather and jeans. The vast majority of people are going to gender me as male because my gender presentation is inherently masculine, and other parts of me are also masculine.

This is a problem that cis butches face regularly, and that fact helps me cope with constantly being read as male. But it aches the most when I see other lesbians/queer women.

I don’t really get to be ‘publicly’ lesbian. If I see another dyke on the street, I’m just a man. There’s no quiet solidarity there. There’s no recognition.

Femmes don’t preen under my gaze at a bar. Instead, I have to walk up and explain my whole situation and hope that they’re cool. Which is rough, because sometimes they’re not. Or, worse, they say they are, but they aren’t. Which results in a lot of wasted time for everybody.

It takes a supreme amount of self-confidence to walk up to a cute girl and boldly declare yourself also a girl in a voice that immediately gives some kind of lie to what you’re saying.

So, baseline, I’m pushing and establishing boundaries. I’m already testing her just by talking to her. Which makes flirting hard, you see? If I feel like I’m already toeing a line, then I’m not going to make a sly comment about her dress. I am, instead, going to be as non-threatening as possible.

This is a great way to make new friends and acquaintances (I have a lot), but a terrible way to get laid.

So, my point is that if you meet a transbutch girl understand that she’s already putting up a LOT of work just be here. So, you know, maybe touch my her arm and give me her a compliment if you’re interested.

Hi, me again.

A lot of people relate to what I’ve said here, which is great. But a lot of people also don’t understand what a butch is. I’m not gonna explain that, but I am gonna explain some more about myself.

I enjoy being masculine.

I enjoy having a deep voice. I enjoy dressing in leather and jeans. I enjoy being muscular. And, while I do feel isolated, that’s just a result of my condition. Which I accept.

I’m not repressing myself. I’m not 'boymoding.’ And, most importantly,

I do not want to pass.

I do not want to look like a cisgirl. I do not want be mistaken for a cisgirl. I don’t want to read as feminine. I’m a trans dyke and I’m quite pleased with that.

I’m glad everyone relates and supports, but I think a lot of you are getting the wrong message.

Also, gay transmasc femboys you have my entire heart and I would die for you. You guys get it, may your quest for dick be fruitful.

I am talking, exclusively, to my sisters. Reblog if you feel like it.

Sometimes, I try to write this post over again. I want to nail down the feelings of frustration and isolation that I glazed over in the original. I want to take the nebulous blob of emotions that I’m feeling and pin them to a corkboard.

I’m sure you’re familiar with the quiet and often accidental ways transwomen get misgendered: assumptions, requests, warnings, expectations. Things that you can’t really say something about without sounding insane. Wounds that get triggered by something completely innocuous. And I’m sure you’re familiar with the latent paranoia that comes with all this.

I’m sure you’re familiar with the sensation of your teeth on your tongue.

I’m sure you’re familiar with the smile, the nod, and the gesture of acceptance. I’m sure you’re familiar with standing silently in the circle. I’m sure you’re familiar with politely excusing yourself and walking away.

I’m sure you’re familiar with taking a long drag off something that’s going to end your life sooner or later while you stare at Orion in the night’s sky.

I know you know. I know, too.

I know you think about why so many of us fetishize weakness.

I know that you’re walking through life this way because you don’t have a choice. I know that you choose everyday between yourself and the world.

It’s the looks and the whispers or it’s death, isn’t it?

No need to answer. I already know.

I love you so much.

(via womenintheirwebs)


btw its actually crazy that plantation tours are a thing that exist in the u.s. and that theyre not all set up like memorials similar to concentration camp museums like how is this marketed as a chill tourist activity or wedding destination and not extremely disturbing and depressing to see. worthless country

(via womenintheirwebs)



Don’t really know what to say about the Dick Cheney supporting Harris news other than yeah. Makes sense.

Nobody even likes him like what did they hope his endorsement would do

(via womenintheirwebs)



@shahdhatem is the one responsible for her family campaign that has been made in March 13th and sadly still have not reached the mid way point and @shahdhatem trying to balance surviving under a genocide and boost her family campaign and study for her online upcoming tests we need to 20k by the next Wednesday please I want my friend to live to experience life she only 20 years old and she full with ambition and dreams to open her dental clinic and be an author that she dreamed to become since she was young please help my dear friend and sister shahd reach her goal and evacuate safely from Gaza.

Vetted by Nabulsi

Donation Link

$17,323\$20,000 (8 September)

$2,677 Away From short-term goal


Message me for removal

Keep reading

(via womenintheirwebs)




I’m writing again to spotlight the GFM campaign of @nourfamily1989, a mother of five in Gaza.

If you’ve been following Nour’s story, you probably already know that last month was very difficult for her and her family. It began with Nour being injured in a bombing, and ended with the family being displaced yet again, this time to an area even more crowded than the last so-called “safe zone.”

Now her oldest son, Muhammad (13), has started bleeding from his ear, and Nour is worried he might lose his hearing if he can’t get medical treatment soon.

In her post about Muhammad, she writes:

We faced endless suffering for 11 months.

With the continued bombing day and night.

We kept wondering when this nightmare will end?????

Do you still hear our cries??

To those who have compassion. Don’t abandon us.

Let’s do whatever we can to make sure that Nour does not feel like she’s being abandoned. If you can, please donate; if not, then help by sharing.

Donation link (GFM)


For info about how Nour’s fundraiser has been vetted and organized, see this post by @/killy.

The goal for Nour’s campaign is now to reach the next milestone of $25,000. For every 5k we raise, we’re one step closer to ensuring her entire family will be able to evacuate if the Rafah crossing should reopen in the near future.

Currently: $20,991 / $25,000

Total GFM goal: $90,000

Currently: $22,548 / $25,000

I’m afraid Nour’s fundraiser is slowing down again, and we’re still only halfway through to our weekly goal. Any donations would be greatly appreciated right now!

Vetting info / Donation link

(via womenintheirwebs)


Please remember not to just share the fundraisers I post on tumblr alone! Share them with people you know offline as well! Make posters for them with their QR codes and post them in public! Speak with your local masjid or your university SJP, SPHR, or whatever other group you’re working with!

This is a group effort!

(via womenintheirwebs)


what day of the week were you born?








I was born on a Friday night when it was thunderstorming bad outside.

And while you’re here please share and donate to help a father save and be able to provide for his 5 children.

(via womenintheirwebs)


Channel 12 News has reported that, despite the colossal damage caused by the Israeli army in Gaza, “the latest information paints a worrying picture.”

“It is estimated that about 3,000 new fighters have been recruited into the movement, equipped with weapons and ammunition … This development raises great concern among security officials in Israel, as it indicates Hamas’ ability to recover, despite the severe damage it suffered at the beginning of the war,” the Hebrew news outlet cited security officials as saying.

Last month, a joint study by the Critical Threats Project (CTP) and the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) revealed that, after 10 months of war, the Israeli army managed to defeat only three out of a reported 24 battalions of Hamas’ Qassam Brigades.

“As of 1 July, only three of these 24 battalions were combat ineffective, meaning they were destroyed by the Israeli military,” CNN reported on 5 August, citing the study.

“If the Hamas battalions were largely destroyed [as Israel claims], Israeli forces wouldn’t still be fighting,” retired US Army Colonel Peter Mansoor told CNN. 

Former Israeli army ombudsman Yitzhak Brik said in late June that the numbers of Palestinian fighters the army claimed to have killed are false and that Israeli forces are taking severe losses while rarely coming face to face with them.

(via womenintheirwebs)



there’s been another bombing of a school-turned-refugee-shelter in North Gaza. today (September 7), early morning. over 20 people injured or in critical condition, at least 8 martyrs so far. almost every other day i open up the news and North Gaza has been specifically targeted.

iof consistently targets schools and food distribution centers. how much more bombings until you are convinced that this is a pattern? how do i hold your attention? how long until you believe that families in North Gaza need our help now more than ever?

my dear friend Hazem (@hazempalestine) has been working himself to the bone. going from work to school and then back to work. he’s barely slept for weeks. just to try and get funds for his family because his campaign has been STAGNATING. and he doesn’t want his family to lose their evacuation fund by using it to buy extremely expensive food.

Hazem, like many of us, is just in his mid-20s. he hasn’t been able to see his family (vetted #281) in 6 years. please help him keep his 5 younger siblings and his parents safe.

Only 4 donations in the past 3 hours. Hazem’s family needs funds for their daily survival such as food and water as well as for their monthly land rent for their tent. Please help.

€43,980 raised of €50,000 goal as of September 7. €6,020 more needed. Please help us raise €1,020 by the end of the day.

€44,676 / €50,000

€325 left to 45k and roughly 5k to the final goal. Please keep sharing and donating

(via womenintheirwebs)

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