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Apache is a Maximal from the Beast Era portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.
Mandrill Sergeant

Second-in-command of the Maximals stationed on Gaia, Apache (アパッチ Apatchi) is a short-tempered, no-nonsense sort of officer. A perfectionist, he demands nothing but the best from his troops... and even more from himself. Apache takes failure hard and tends to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders; if something goes wrong, it's all his fault. He's especially loath to lose face in front of Lio Convoy, whom he looks up to with awe and reverence.

Rigid and disciplined, Apache doesn't suffer reckless youths such as Tasmania Kid and Lio Junior particularly well, and he absolutely cannot stand the buffoonish antics of the Jointron brothers. His attempts to suppress his anger have combined with his own self-doubts, creating a subconscious dark side within the Maximal. On occasion, Apache will slip into his special third mode, a sort of artillery platform called "Angry Combat Mode", and explode into a destructive berserker. When he recovers, he has no memory of his third mode or any of the havoc it wrought.



Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity

Beast Wars II cartoon

Voice actor: Sanryō Odaka (Japanese)
He's dead Jim.

As a trainee, Apache fell on the battlefield during a live-fire exercise. A fellow trainee, Convoy, ignored their hot-blooded instructor's command to leave behind their fallen comrades, who had washed out of the program and should be left to die. Despite being almost out of fuel himself, Convoy shared what he had with Apache, and the two of them, greatly weakened, supported one another through the final leg of the exercise. Both warriors made it to the checkpoint and neither washed out. Since then, Apache vowed to protect Convoy as his deputy. Mystery of the Ancient Ruins

Not to be confused with Bruiser, the Berserker Baboon.

Having received a mysterious SOS signal from within an asteroid field, Apache and Convoy went to investigate in small, one-man scout ships. Confident in his ability, Apache split off on his own, only to encounter a massive planetoid-ship on a collision course with his vessel. Convoy opened fire on the planetoid, causing a massive explosion that sent Apache's ship hurling through space while Convoy himself vanished.

Returning to the Maximal Space Station where he and his friends were stationed, Apache blamed himself for their commander's disappearance and drowned his sorrows in cheap oil. When the other Maximals voiced their concerns that Convoy probably wasn't coming back, Apache assured them that he would, then named himself commanding officer in Convoy's absence and passed out. Bighorn took command instead and took the team with him to investigate an abnormal energy reaction on the planet Gaia. They flew off in the Yukikaze before Apache had a chance to wake up, leaving him to freeze in space as he held onto the outside of the vessel.

When the Maximals arrived at Gaia, the Yukikaze was shot down by Predacons, so Apache and his team had to flee to Gaia's surface in escape pods. The planet's atmosphere proved lethal to Transformers, however, so Apache scanned a local mandrill to protect himself. After joining up with the rest of the team, Apache went to investigate a mysterious black fog that was killing the flora and fauna around them. They discovered Galvatron and his troops, who had earlier blasted the Yukikaze out of the sky. Unfortunately, the Predacons rather easily paralyzed Apache and his friends, and were prepared to kill them when a white lion came to their rescue. The New Forces Arrive!

The lion led them back to the crashed Yukikaze and revealed itself to be Convoy, now going by the name of "Lio Convoy". While the other Maximals were taken aback by the lion's true identity, Apache had already figured it out. Nevertheless, he was delighted to have his commander back, and he cried tears of happiness when Convoy took back control of the troops. White Lion, Run!

Unable to locate the Galvaburg II again, Lio Convoy and Apache dispatched their soldiers to find the Predacon base. Somewhat haplessly, the Maximals lured Megastorm out into the open, and Apache and Lio Convoy arrived to back up their subordinates. Apache balked when Bighorn refused to stand down from battle with Megastorm at Lio Convoy's order, but Convoy allowed the buffalo to continue venting his rage on Megastorm. Bighorn's Rage Always a stickler for rules, Apache bristled at Tasmania Kid, Diver and Scuba failing to report back to base at the appointed hour. When the swimmers returned alone, Kid radioed in that he would have a special surprise for everyone soon. Apache chastised him for going off on his own to get the glory, and unwittingly continued dressing down Kid long after the transmission cut out. Sure enough, Kid was caught in a trap by the Predacons, and Apache and the other Maximals had to help rescue him. The Lake Trap

The Maximals were hard pressed to stop Megastorm's latest ploy to capture the planet's energy, dispatching an overwhelming quantity of autonomous robot drones to build fortresses for the Predacons. This became the least of their problems, however, when Galvatron emerged for the first time on Gaia. His dragon and drill tank modes proved virtually unstoppable, and Apache and the Maximals were barely able to slow him down. In the end, it was a sneak attack by Megastorm that upset his brother's footing and sent him tumbling into an open volcano, leaving the Maximals confused over who their secret ally was.Galvatron Revived

When the Maximals went to investigate a strange energy reading, Apache rigged a "draw straws" competition so that he could go with Lio Convoy. To his embarrassment, his commander noticed him cheating, and Apache confessed of his private vow to protect Lio Convoy ever since they were trainees together. When BB carpet-bombed the jungle to flush out the Maximals, Apache took a near-hit and collapsed, forcing Lio Convoy to drag him into the nearby ruins for safety. Apache lamented he was nothing but a burden, but Lio Convoy disagreed — pointing to a tunnel leading deeper into the ruins which they otherwise would never have found. Exploring deeper they were separated when Apache triggered a trap and was attacked by the Insectron Mantis, who strung him up as bait for his commander. Mantis attacked Lio Convoy and was about to kill him when Apache called upon previously-undiscovered inner strength to transform into a powerful weapons platform which caused the ruins to collapse. Afterward Apache had no memory of what he had done, but was pleased that Lio Convoy credited his performance. Mystery of the Ancient Ruins

What is your major malfunction!?!

With the Insectrons as a new potential threat, Lio Convoy cautioned the Maximals not to make enemies of the Insectrons unnecessarily. As a result, he sent out teams of two to locate the Insectrons, and ordered his men not to fire on them, but engage in dialogue. Apache and Bighorn were teamed together and were the first to encounter the Insectrons. Unfortunately, Starscream of the Predacons had already filled the Insectrons with false information about the "evil Maximals", and so Bigmos and Tonbot came out swinging. Apache tried to adhere to Lio Convoy's wishes, but the constant missile-fire made non-violent dialogue difficult. He and Bighorn held out until Lio Convoy and Kid arrived. When Lio Convoy started to talk with the Insectrons, though, a hidden Starscream and BB opened fire on the lot of them to avoid any peace. Apache and the Maximals saved the Insectrons from a rockslide by protecting them with their own bodies, leading to a temporary cessation of hostilities. The Insect Corps Arrive

Soon after, several Maximals were tricked into another fight with the Insectrons by the Predacons. Apache helped Lio Convoy and Scuba save their friends from an opportunistic Predacon attack after the Maximals were low on energy. Friend or Foe? The Insect Robos When Starscream drugged the Insectrons with special oil, Apache and the Maximals arrived to help stop the Insectrons from fighting amongst themselves. The two groups then teamed up against the revived Galvatron, and made peace. The Strongest Tag Team? After Bigmos and Tonbot refused to aid the Maximals in battle with the Autorollers, Apache approached them as a friend to find out what had changed. He came under fire from the Autorollers again, and soon learned Autostinger had called in a life-debt against Bigmos to tie his hands. Once Bigmos saw the opportunity to repay the favor and save Autostinger from and attack, however, he rejoined Apache and the Maximals in defending Gaa from the Predacons' exploitation. Autorollers Roll Out!

Apache and the Maximals intercepted the Autorollers after they captured Tasmania Kid and Scissor Boy, freeing their friends after a fight with Megastorm and his mercenaries. Danger! Scissor Boy Apache and the Maximals later joined forces with the Autorollers when Galvatron went on a rampage while engorged on Angolmois Energy. The two groups overfed Galvatron with Angolmois Energy until his bloated form nearly exploded from within, rendering him harmless. Galvatron Rampages

When the Predacons launched a massive offensive on the Southern Continent, Apache and the Maximals teamed up with the Insectrons to foil their plans once again. Predacon General Offensive!

The Maximals were soon met by a trio called the Jointrons, who arrived on Gaia's Eastern continent and demonstrated their powerful Tripledacus combination. Thinking they could take on the entire Predacon army by themselves, the Jointrons flew into battle, followed by Bighorn, Diver, and Kid, who were worried the Jointrons would take all the credit for a victory, or possibly get themselves killed. As the dust settled, Apache looked to Lio Convoy for a response, and the commander sighed (deeply) before acknowledging they should follow and keep the younger Maximals out of trouble. Apache and Lio Convoy soon joined Scuba in helping Tripledacus escape the Galvaburg II when he bit off more than he could chew. The Combined Giant, Tripledacus

¡Vamonos, Muchachos!

The Jointrons remained an annoyance for the Maximals in the days to come. They barged into the Maximal scout ship and decorated it for a fiesta, dressing up Apache and Diver in ponchos and sombreros. Apache's rage only increased when the Jointrons launched into a half-baked scheme to lure the Predacons to the Maximals advance ship and something clever they hadn't thought of yet. Diver and Apache couldn't stop the Jointrons from turning off the cloaking field, and sure enough Dirge and Thrust soon entered the ship and got the drop on them all. The unconcerned Jointrons invited the Predacons to the fiesta and got them really drunk, so they couldn't fight back when Lio Convoy and the other Maximals arrived to retake the ship. But when the Jointrons tried to call Maximal HQ to report their victory, they forgot the communications system was down and let Dirge and Thrust escape, making the whole day a wasted ordeal. The Festive Jointrons

While the Maximals were searching for the latest Predacon fortress, the Jointrons were exposed to a bacteria bomb that robbed them of their power. Apache and the other Maximals saved the Jointrons by posing as the massive Jointron II. They compensated for Kid and Diver's exposure to the bacteria by sharing energy between one another, in a proud display of teamwork. A Fearsome Combination Plan?

The Jointrons caused more chaos when they stole one of the base ships to approach a Predacon fortress from the air. Apache and the Maximals followed them in the second ship, but were rammed out of the sky by the Jointrons' poor piloting. The Predacons were engaged in an operation to kidnap the Jointrons and study their combination transformation. While the other Maximals worked to recover the kidnapped Jointron brothers, Lio Convoy and Apache made short work of the Autorollers back at the fortress, and the installation was soon destroyed. Who Is the Leader!?

One day, Tasmania Kid found a Copy Machine that scanned objects to create three-dimensional duplicates of the subject. Believing the machine could be used to bolster the Maximals' ranks, Kid shined the Machine's ray on Lio Convoy, creating "Copy Convoy". Unfortunately, the machine only created evil copies, and so Apache and the Maximals were forced to deal with a malevolent usurper that had all of Lio Convoy's knowledge and skills. He even captured the Copy Machine and used it to create "Copy Apache" and other copy Maximals. Fortunately, Diver's Niagara Base enhancements turned the tide in favor of the original Maximals. The Black Lio Convoy

Alerted to a new arrival on Gaia, Apache and the Maximals traveled to the Sea Continent and discovered a pirate ship from space. The Maximals were soon confronted by Halfshell, captain of the Space Pirate Seacons who intended to plunder the world of Angolmois Energy. Lio Convoy had the idea of flipping the snapping turtle on his back, rendering him helpless, but Halfshell's beast mode was designed to counter that strategy, turning him into the Big Wheel Cutter that rampaged over the hills. Matters only deteriorated further when Halfshell called his crew and formed the colossal God Neptune. Outmatched by the combiner's sheer power, Lio Convoy directed Diver and Scuba to seize control of the deserted pirate ship while the land-based Maximals kept God Neptune busy. The distraction worked, as God Neptune chased after his stolen ship, only to get caught in a detonation of Angolmois Energy the Maximals rigged before abandoning ship. The Space Pirate Seacons!

When Artemis and Moon compared the strengths of the Maximal and Predacon armies, Apache was evaluated as Lio Convoy's lieutenant next to Megastorm, Galvatron's lieutenant. Who Is the Strongest Warrior!?

Apache and Lio Convoy cautioned the other Maximals not to antagonize the Seacons until they were sure the pirates were truly their foes. Later that day, Apache and Convoy were helping their subordinates escape a battle with God Neptune after they antagonized the Seacons against orders, because of course they did. The Tentacular Scuba When Megastorm and the Seacons teamed up, each of the Maximals was lured to a separate location by an Angolmois Energy signal transmitter. Apache came to some rocky shoals where he battled Terrormander until they were interrupted by Megastorm's ineptitude. Megastorm's Reckoning

Tasmania Kid alerted Lio Convoy when Bighorn seemingly got a love letter from Scylla, the Seacon. The other Maximals feared Bighorn was being lured into a trap, and they were right—Bighorn and Kid were set adrift on a rock when the Seacons sprang their ambush. Trapped on land, Lio Convoy used his jump jets to launch out over the water where his troops were being assaulted, but was attacked by Halfshell himself. Apache followed Lio Convoy out into the sea, and activated his Angry Fire third mode. Interestingly defining his love and devotion for Lio Convoy with the same line Bighorn used earlier about Scylla, Apache unleashed a barrage that drove Halfshell back. The Maximals regrouped, but were confronted by God Neptune. Fortunately, the Insectrons arrived and turned the tide for their comrades. Showdown in the Sea

After receiving word of more hijinks involving Bighorn, Lio Convoy and Apache rushed to the scene and found a showdown between Tripledacus and God Neptune already in progress. They helped their Jointron comrades flush the Seacons back into the sea. Face the Setting Sun When the Seacons prepared to leave Gaia, Halfshell arranged to fight Lio Convoy one-on-one for the energy they needed to depart. Well, God Neptune is technically a "one". When Apache and the other Maximals heard about this technicality, they tried to race to the battleground, but were diverted by Dirge and Thrust. Apache made it through the blockade, but Lio Convoy survived the fight on his own anyway, and soon the Seacons departed the planet. The Final Battle

Apache was present when Lio Convoy first encountered the mysterious Maximal cub soon christened Lio Junior. The evidence indicated that Lio Junior was born out of the Angolmois Energy interacting with Lio Convoy's Energon Matrix when he first crashed on Gaia, effectively making Lio Junior his offspring. Apache gave his old friend and commander some serious side-eye as Lio Convoy refused to acknowledge even the possibility of Lio Junior being his son, but ultimately said nothing. Enter Lio Junior Apache also joined the Maximals in their first confrontation with the powered-up Megastorm, now the Angolmois-Energy-infused Gigastorm. Megastorm Reborn

Apache was part of a Maximal plan to destroy Gigastorm. The Archduke of Destruction was lured into a mountain pass where the Maximals destroyed the ground under his feet, then set off a natural gas explosion. Unfortunately, even this amount of devastation wasn't enough to deal with Gigastorm. The conflict was interrupted by the arrival of Scuba's new vehicle, the Tako Tank, which helped turn the tide against Gigastorm when the initial plan fell apart. The New Weapon, Tako Tank

After detecting a faint distress signal from space, Apache and the Maximals recalled their encounters with the Seacons. The Artificial Planet Nemesis

Apache was in the middle of discussing strategy with Lio Convoy, Santon, and Skywarp when they learned Lio Junior had led an impulsive raid on a Predacon Angolmois Energy facility. Fearing their younger colleagues had bitten off more than they could chew, Apache and the elder Maximals raced to support their comrades. Gigastorm's Treachery When Tasmania Kid got caught in the out-of-control Tako Tank, Apache and the others chased him down until Scuba could disable the tank. This also led them into a battle with Starscream and BB, who were reborn by Angolmois Energy exposure into Hellscream and Max-B. The End of Starscream After Tasmania Kid and Bighorn were attacked by the reborn Dirgegun and Thrustor, they radioed in to Apache at their base. Apache passed on a warning to Lio Convoy that these new warriors seemed to be after him specifically. The Lio Convoy Assassination Plot

When a mysterious ship crashed on Gaia, the Maximals prepared to investigate. Lio Junior volunteered to lead the expedition, but Apache and many of the others teased Junior for his youth and inexperience, saying a more seasoned Maximal should be in charge. Tasmania Kid stepped up to support Lio Junior and volunteered to assist him on the mission, leading to Lio Convoy's approval. The mission revealed the crashed ship was a teleport gate, able to summon warriors from anywhere in space and time. Although the Maximals captured the command key for the gate, the gate itself was seized by the Predacons and Tasmania Kid was seriously injured defending Lio Junior. Apache and the Maximals blamed Lio Junior for Kid's injuries, leading Junior to take on the Predacons alone. Kid finally climbed off his sickbed to tell Apache and the others to leave Lio Junior alone, as he was only trying to show them he was a worthy comrade, and win their trust.

With Lio Junior's command key, the Predacons summoned an apocalyptic beast known as Majin Zarak, and lay siege to Gaia. Apache and the Maximals were unable to get close enough to defeat Majin Zarak, but Lio Junior summoned Optimus Primal using the gate to supplement their forces. The Maximals lured Majin Zarak into a box canyon, where Lio Convoy and Optimus Primal combined the power of their Energon Matrixes to defeat the great beast. Apache watched on as Optimus Primal returned to his personal war through the gate. Lio Convoy in Imminent Danger!

With the artificial planet Nemesis creeping ever closer to Gaia, its influence on the Angolmois Energy was ever more keenly felt. Apache and the Maximals tried using freeze devices to cool the unstable Angolmois Energy before it upset the planet's core. The Great Angolmois Freezing Tactic The Maximals' next plan to foil the Predacons involved upgrading an artillery cannon from the Niagara Base and then feeding it with Angolmois Energy to blast Nemesis out of the sky. To divert the Predacons, Apache led Tasmania Kid, Diver, and Bighorn in brazenly transporting a decoy cannon to the target site, while Scuba transported another decoy underwater. Their actions delayed the Cyborg Beasts, but Galvatron and Gigastorm caught the Magnaboss team with the real cannon atop the volcano firing position. The cannon overloaded on Lio Junior's pure Angolmois Energy and self-destructed before its beam reached Nemesis. Knock Out Nemesis

Apache was planning further action against Nemesis with Lio Convoy when the commander suddenly showed signs of pain. Convoy abruptly asked for a status report on Lio Junior's mission before making excuses to leave and "scout around" for a while. Apache knew about the sympathetic connection between Lio Convoy and Lio Junior through their Energon Matrix, but made no comment to his friend and commanding officer. He merely smiled knowingly to himself and returned to his duties. Lio Junior's Revolt!?

The Maximals were working on breaking down the Yukikaze for Lio Convoy's latest plan against Nemesis when a UFO robot crashed nearby. NAVI determined the robot was sent by automatic signal from a Gaian colony temple on Mars in response to Nemesis's arrival. The emissary robot claimed it could stop the corrupted Angolmois Energy, and so Lio Convoy and Apache went to investigate. They found a mother computer in Gaia's ruins which relayed the history of the planet and how its people fled Gaia when they realized Angolmois Energy could be corrupted by the potential for evil. Emissary of the Fourth Planet Unfortunately, it turned out the robot planned to stop the corrupted Angolmois Energy by crashing the moon into Gaia and destroying everyone on it. Apache and the united Maximals attacked the mother computer to break through its defenses so that NAVI could reprogram it, saving the moon, Gaia, and everyone on both. The Crisis of Planet Gaia

Apache and Lio Convoy worked with NAVI and the Insectrons to finish construction on a launch tunnel to send their modified spaceship out to confront Nemesis. With Drill Nuts supervising construction, they worked in secret in the caves beneath the Rock Mountains to construct the launch track without the Predacons noticing and attempting sabotage. When Hellscream became suspicious of activity at the mountain, half the team was dispatched to stage a diversion at their Niagara Base. The track was finished, but Drill Nuts cautioned Apache and Lio Convoy that they had to leave imminently, else the launch window to intercept Nemesis would be closed. Many distractions and obstacles slowed the rest of the team from returning to the Rock Mountains, and so Apache and Lio Convoy prepared to confront Nemesis alone. Fortunately, the other Maximals leapt aboard the craft at the last moment, and the Maximal team broke free from Gaia's gravity to proceed into space. Fly Out! Planet Gaia

Apache and the crew were cut down in their flight to Nemesis by the Seacons, who had been mesmerized into Galvatron's service. They crashed on an asteroid and battled God Neptune and his component parts. After God Neptune was defeated and the Seacons restored to normal, they offered the Maximals their energon to recharge their ship, and Moon and Artemis led the Maximals through a slingshot maneuver around the moon that got them back on track to Nemesis. Revenge of the Space Pirates

As the Maximals arrived on Nemesis, they abandoned ship so the Predacons shot down an empty vessel. Apache and the others gathered by an exhaust port, which NAVI calculated could lead to Nemesis's core. While Lio Convoy and Scuba went spelunking to shut down Nemesis at the core, Apache and his fellow Maximals remained behind to defend their rear flank. Breaking into Nemesis After Galvatron pulled the full force of Gaia's Angolmois Energy into Nemesis, he emerged from the core claiming Lio Convoy was dead. Despite this disheartening news, Apache and the Maximals continued to fight on in the name of their commander. Legend! The Green Warrior

In the end, Lio Convoy was not dead, but had combined with Lio Junior into a powerful Green Warrior. Moreover, Scuba and the Tako Tank had reached the core and arranged for Nemesis's destruction. As Galvatron and the Green Warrior battled, the Cyborg Beasts continued to hassle the Maximals. When Nemesis finally erupted, Lio Convoy used all the strength of his Energon Matrix to preserve the lives of Apache and his Maximal brethren. Although Gaia was saved, the Maximals were left floating in the void, caught in a wormhole created by Nemesis's destruction. They took heart, however, in the appearance of a great light Lio Convoy said would lead them to their next adventure. Farewell! Lio Convoy

The Maximal Brainwashing Operation

An illusion of Apache was used to lure Diver and Tasmania Kid into a trap set by BB, after which they were taken to the Galvaburg II to be brainwashed into being Predacons. In the meantime, the real Apache was at the Yukikaze, where the Maximals were attacked by Dirge and Thrust. Lio Convoy shot them down and the ensuing shock to their systems made them think they were Maximals as well. When Diver and Tasmania Kid eventually turned up, Apache joined the other Maximals in investigating, but they were in for a surprise when their brainwashed comrades attacked them. Apache fought valiantly against Diver and Tasmania Kid, but, in the end, it was an errant shot from Megastorm that sent the Predacons fleeing and restored Diver and Tasmania Kid's original personalities. Not remembering any of their time as Predacons, Tasmania Kid and Diver were angry at Apache for "ambushing" them. The Maximal Brainwashing Operation

Beast Wars Neo cartoon

After the defeat of Unicron, Apache returned to Cybertron, where he slept during a meal hosted by Artemis. Graduation Ceremony!!

Beast Wars II manga

When the rainy season rolled around, most of the Maximals used the foul weather as an excuse to not go out on their regular patrols, infuriating Apache to the point that he fired on them! The troops were quick to snap to attention when Lio Convoy came on deck however, leading Apache to demand why the others didn't show him the same courtesy. Tasmania Kid bluntly informed the sub-commander that he simply didn't have as much class as their leader. The lot of them were forced into action soon enough, as Diver then reported that the Predacons were approaching their headquarters aboard an enormous tank. Apache and Big Horn led the Maximals' primary offensive while Lio Convoy and Tasmania Kid tried to infiltrate the vehicle. But Apache and Bighorn's attacks had little effect on the tank's impenetrable armor, and the pair changed tactics to running away! The pair led the tank into a nearby river, where Scuba and Diver were lying in wait. The aquatic Maximals planted bombs on the juggernaut's more vulnerable underside once it had splashed down, crippling it. Lio Convoy then took over the battle, and defeated Megastorm, making the Predacon accidentally trigger the tank's self-destruct mechanism in the process. Following the tank's spectacular detontion, the overcast sky cleared up, signaling an end to the rainy season. Demolish the Superdreadnought Tank!

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Infiltrate the Mystery Island! Free the Captured Matrix! Realize the Forbidden Love! Make a Surprise Attack on the Super Weapon Base! Recover the Bonds Lost! All Hands, Make a Special Attack on the Evil Planet! Win the Battle of Light and Darkness! The Beast Wars "Neo" Begin!!!

2006 IDW Beast Wars continuity


He looks almost identical to another guy.

Lio Convoy's deputy officer even back before the Pax Cybertronia was signed, Apache continued to serve him as a member of the covert special ops unit known as the Pack. Beast Wars Sourcebook #1 Apache was regaling his fellow Pack members with a tale of his recent encounter with a Predacon when Mach Kick received Razorbeast's distress signal. Lio Convoy ordered Apache and the other Pack members to prepare to travel to Earth in order to rescue their comrade. The Ascending #1

Apache (lower left) and the near-identical B'Boom (upper right). I think I'm a clone now...

En route to Earth's prehistory, Apache and the rest of the Pack adopted beast modes. Upon arrival, they stumbled upon the Earth-bound Maximals and Predacons fighting it out, and so joined in the brawl. Apache himself grappled with the Predacon Insecticon. The Ascending #2

A greater threat arose, however, when Razorbeast became infected by Angolmois by the recently arrived Blendtrons. Apache helped restrain the crazed Razorbeast before being ordered back to Cybertron to confront the greater threat; Shokaract. The Ascending #3

Though their shuttle was shot down upon travelling back to their homeworld, Apche and the rest of its passengers made it out, and met up with Big Convoy and Cohrada. After engaging the enemy, Apache was shot at by Shokaract's cannons, but they barely missed. The Ascending #4

2005 IDW continuity

Apache was one of Onyx Prime's Maximals. When this bestial horde invaded Cybertron, he was one of the many warriors who wound up battling Arcee. Endless Forever


Beast Wars

Tonto! Jump on it! Kemosabe! Jump on it!
  • Apache (Mega, 1998)
  • ID number: C-12
  • Release date: March ??, 1998
  • Accessories: "Apache Bazooka" missile launcher, 2 missiles
  • Known designers: Yuichiro Hira (TakaraTomy)
Released in the first wave of Beast Wars II products in the Japanese Beast Wars toyline, Apache is functionally identical to the American Beast Wars Mega Class B'Boom, transforming into a blue mandrill. In beast mode, pushing his right ear springs his mouth and eyes wide open. Once his mouth is opened, a slider on his back can be pushed forward to reveal his spring-loaded "Apache Bazooka" missile launcher and the two missiles on either side.
In robot mode, the Apache Bazooka and the two missiles end up stored just behind his head and can be used as a hand-held weapon. Among the molded details on his chest are twenty molded, non-firing missile pods. Additionally—and entirely based on the cartoon—either side of Apache's chest can be folded forward, and a slider on either side can extend his two "Apache Launchers". Apache also has an additional third "Angry Combat Mode"; complete with its own unique robot head.
The most notable differences between Takara's Apache and Hasbro's B'Boom are the blue plastic hues; B'Boom's is more of a greenish color, while Apache's is more of a violet. It is a very miniscule difference and isn't all that noticeable at first glance.
Apache's robot mode appearance in the cartoon left his gold heels folded away, with his Angry Combat Mode being the only mode to utilize them. The photography to the right reflects this choice of transformation. Also pictured is the alternate Angry Combat Mode configuration, as seen briefly in "Showdown in the Sea". For more, see "Notes" below.

  • Cannon Showdown: Apache VS Megastorm (Vs pack, 1998)
  • ID number: VS-12
  • Release date: March ??, 1998
  • Accessories: "Apache Bazooka" missile launcher, 2 missiles
Apache was also available in the "Cannon Showdown" (大砲の対決 taihō no taiketsu) vs-pack with the Predacon Megastorm, also part of the first wave of Beast Wars II toys.
Both toys are identical to their individual releases.

  • Telemaga Special Cybertron 6-piece Set (Multi-pack, 1999)
  • Accessories: "Apache Bazooka" missile launcher, 2 missiles
An olive, black and red version of Apache was part of a six-piece set of unique redecoes of the main Cybertron cast of Beast Wars II, the grand prize in the "New Beast Warriors Contest" in the February 1999 issue of TV Magazine. The details of this contest are currently unknown.


  • Beast Collection Special 10 (PVC set, 1998)
A clear-blue super-deformed PVC of robot-mode Apache, based on his animation model, was included as part of a ten-piece set of PVCs.
This set was also marked as a "Clear Version Special Set", but it's unknown if an opaque set was ever released.
This set also includes PVCs of Lio Convoy in both robot and beast modes, Galvatron in both robot and dragon modes, Bighorn, Scuba, Tasmania Kid, Megastorm, and Starscream.

Beast Wars Gum

  • Apache (candy toy, 1998)
A snap together model kit of Apache was available as part of Kabaya's Beast Wars Gum, sculpted from purple and gold plastic. He could transform from robot to beast mode by being broken down into his component parts, then rebuilt into a new mode. He came with a stick of gum.

Beast Fighters

  • Apache (candy toy, 1998)
Kabaya's Beast Fighters Apache was a small, super deformed PVC model which was hollow inside, designed to be used as a finger-puppet. It was available in a blindpack with fizzy "Ramune" candy.


"You wouldn't like me when I'm angry."
  • Apache has two different "Angry Combat Mode" character model designs used within the Beast Wars II cartoon. While the quadruped design appears to be the one that appears the most within the show, one can still find the other design used for a split-second in the episode "Showdown in the Sea."
    • Additionally, Apache's character model opts to have his golden heels left folded up in robot mode and only flipped out for his Angry Combat Mode.
  • As B'Boom had already been well established in The Gathering, when Apache was set to appear, Don Figueroa drew Apache with the shoulder cannons retracted. Furthermore, he was given a lighter coloration and made less stocky to distinguish him from B'Boom. This is especially apparent in the scene where both have to help secure an Angolmois-infected Razorbeast. This was not the only time a design adjustment was necessary.

Foreign names

  • Mandarin: Apache (Taiwan, 阿帕契 Āpàqì; China, 阿帕奇, Āpàqí)
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