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This article is about the Beast Wars II Predacon. For the Prime Arms Micron, see B.B. (Prime).
BB is a Predacon Combatron from the Beast Wars II portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.
You'll shoot your eye out, kid.

BB (BB (ビービー) Bībī) isn't particularly intelligent. You can tell by looking at him and especially by listening to him. His personal dictionary begins and ends with the word "Roger" which he uses as an affirmative, as a query, and as a complete sentence. BB opts to let his partner Starscream do most of his thinking for him and unquestioningly goes along with all his power plays.

Luckily for BB, intelligence isn't necessarily required to make use of the firepower he's packing. Loaded to capacity with missiles, missiles, missiles, BB will carpet bomb his enemies back to the Stone Age before they even hear him say "-ger". And in addition to his jet and tank modes, BB can combine with Starscream to create the Formation Scream, as if he wasn't tough enough already.

Eventually, BB was upgraded by Angolmois Energy into the Cyborg Beast Max-B (マックスビー Makkusu Bī). While it didn't improve his intellect, the power boost has made him even stronger in combat. It also slightly improved his expressive vocabulary with the word "Max".





Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity

Beast Wars II cartoon

Voice actor: Takeshi Watanabe (Japanese), Yeong-seon Kim (Korean)
"Get em', Knuckles!"

BB was the brawn of a Combatron jet duo with Starscream. They served Galvatron aboard the Galvaburg II when he brought his Predacons to the planet Gaia, in search of the amazing powers of Angolmois Energy. The New Forces Arrive! When Galvatron fell into a coma shortly after arriving on the planet, BB aided in Starscream's conspiracy to ingratiate themselves with the new self-appointed Emperor of Destruction, Galvatron's younger brother Megastorm. They planned to be the first to capture the mysterious white lion that had caught the interest of both Galvatron and Megastorm. While aiding Starscream during the capture mission of the white lion, BB mistakenly fired a missile payload at it—something the comedy duo, Dirge and Thrust witnessed. Being humiliated, Starscream had BB block their competition out in a smokescreen missile, leading Dirge and Thrust to crash into a cliffside. Starscream and BB then captured the lion in a net missile and presented the net humbly to Megastorm back at base. Unfortunately, the lion was actually the Maximal commander Lio Convoy, who unleashed his rage and arsenal on the Predacons for the damage they had done to the creatures and natural order of Gaia. Starscream, BB, and Megastorm were quickly driven into retreat. White Lion, Run!

BWII Starscream Riding BB.jpg

After the last debacle, Megastorm wanted the chance to redeem himself against Lio Convoy and take credit for dispatching him. He ordered his subordinates to find Lio Convoy but not engage, merely report the Maximal commander's position to him. Starscream and BB avoided conflict with other, less-important Maximals while on their search and dispatched Dirge and Thrust in a rockslide to prevent any competition. The Maximal Bighorn would not be denied, however, and his thirst for combat finally forced Megastorm, Starscream, and BB to fight with him, where he proved surprisingly effective. Bighorn's Rage

BB was present when Starscream orchestrated a plot to catch the Maximals in a lakeside trap. When the plan was spoiled, BB started firing missiles in the tight hallways of the pressurized, underwater base. Megastorm, deciding to cut his losses, remotely blew up the base with his men still inside. The Lake Trap

BB continued taking part in Starscream's plans to gain Megastorm's favor. Galvatron Revived However, after retrieving the recently woken—and recently put back into a coma—Galvatron without Megastorm's consent, Starscream and BB left Megastorm off-balance on whether they were conspiring against him. Mystery of the Ancient Ruins

When Dirge and Thrust were trounced thoroughly by Insectrons native to the Southern Continent, Starscream confidently told Megastorm he could devise a plan to eliminate the threat. Starscream and BB set up a series of energy nets in the Insectrons' territory, planning to capture the bugs and then free them, claiming the traps had been set by the Maximals. They successfully made contact with Bigmos and Tonbot this way, and left the Insectrons with a falsified data disc containing information on the Maximals. This sent Bigmos and Tonbot into a battle with Lio Convoy's crew, which Starscream and BB secretly intervened on by trying to collapse an entire ravine on the two factions with their missiles. The Maximals and Insectrons survived, but Starscream and BB's involvement in the rockslide was left undiscovered. The Insect Corps Arrive

For his next trick, Starscream and BB fired upon the Maximals Diver, Bighorn, and Tasmania Kid, luring them into the nest of another group of Insectrons, Scissor Boy, Powerhug, and Drill Nuts. He begged his Insectron "friends" to save them from the pursuing Maximals, leading to another fight between the two groups. When the Maximals dropped low on power from fighting the Insectrons, BB and the other Combatrons emerged to finish them off. Unfortunately, Lio Convoy and the other Maximals arrived to reinforce their ailing friends. Friend or Foe? The Insect Robos

BB once again aided Starscream in his final plot involving the Maximals and Insectrons. Alas, when Galvatron found Starscream's special stash of oil used to fulfill his plan, their drunken leader's rampage proved to be the final catalyst for the Maximals and Insectrons joining forces and making a lasting peace. The Strongest Tag Team?

After their previous failures, Megastorm had the Autorollers dispatched to deal with the Insectrons. Disgraced, Starscream and BB shadowed the Autorollers and discovered their leader, Autostinger, was owed a debt from the Insectrons' leader Bigmos from long ago. Stinger tried to get Bigmos to return the debt by stepping aside so the Autorollers could eliminate the Maximals, but Bigmos escaped the debt another way and challenged Autostinger to a duel. As the Maximals, Insectrons, and Autorollers present entered a cave system for the bout, Starscream saw an opportunity. He had BB blast the mountain with missiles, hoping to eliminate his competition and enemies in one act. Unfortunately for Starscream and BB, all the combatants survived the sneak attack. Autorollers Roll Out!

Starscream and BB were out on patrol when the Autorollers brought their captives Tasmania Kid and Scissor Boy back to the Galvaburg II. Megastorm tried to call the Combatrons back to help him when the Maximals and Insectrons arrived to protect their friends, but they arrived too late and Megastorm had to move the ship to escape their enemies' onslaught. Danger! Scissor Boy

Starscream was spying on the Autorollers' fortress operation after their failures led to the unit being removed from Insectron duty. Rejected, the Autorollers planned to undermine Starscream's standing in the Predacons and eliminate the Insectrons in one swoop by causing explosions of Angolmois Energy around the continent using their underground pipelines. To preserve his status, Starscream had BB shut down the main pipeline, causing a build-up back at the Autorollers' fortress that would destroy the would-be-usurpers permanently. Starscream's dazzling victory dance was interrupted when simple BB asked if Starscream would be doing the Autorollers' heavy-lifting assignments once they were destroyed. As Starscream stopped short to consider the indignity of manual labor, the rampaging Galvatron pierced the pipelines and began guzzling Angolmois Energy, growing to gigantic size. As his former leader-turned-kaiju started stomping through the countryside, Starscream motioned to BB and they fled before anyone realized what they had done. Galvatron Rampages

As Megastorm ordered a massive attack on the South Continent, Starscream, BB and the Combatrons fought against the Maximals and Insectrons once more. Predacon General Offensive!

Soon, Galvatron was back on his feet and in control of his own mind. Starscream's boot-licking immediately shifted back to Galvatron instead of Megastorm, much to the Duke of Destruction's chagrin. Starscream and BB were dispatched to locate a mysterious ship making a forced landing on Gaia, and got into a battle with the Maximals over the wreck. They were soon confronted with the pilots, however, a trio called the Jointrons in their combination form as Tripledacus. Tripledacus humbled Starscream and BB, sending them fleeing back to the Galvaburg II. Galvatron wanted this mighty warrior dealt with, and sent the duo back out to find him. However, they had no idea Tripledacus was a combiner, and ignored the Jointrons when they first spotted them. The Combined Giant, Tripledacus

BW II e16 Starscream BB Combine.jpg

BB continued to aid in Starscream's attempts to seek Galvatron's favor, subtly undermining Megastorm and putting him down while advancing his own position. The Festive Jointrons In an attempt to eliminate the Jointrons, Starscream and BB coated two of the three Jointrons with their bacteria bombs, leaving them incapable of forming Tripledacus and on the run. Unfortunately, Lio Convoy and the other Maximals arrived to teach the Jointrons a lesson in teamwork, and the trio shared energy to eradicate the bacteria bomb's effects, driving off Starscream and BB once more. A Fearsome Combination Plan?

Galvatron modified his orders, dictating that the Jointrons be captured so that their transformation sequence could be analyzed for the creation of a Predacon combiner. Starscream and BB rigged some net missiles and staked out one of the Autorollers' fortress sites to catch their prey. The Jointrons were squabbling with each other, making the Predacons' job that much easier. Starscream left the mission of transporting the individually-snared Jointrons to BB, Dirge, and Thrust, staying behind to monitor the Autorollers' fight with the remaining Maximals. BB and the other two Combatrons returned, admitting they all lost their catches. The Jointrons reunited, formed Tripledacus, and Starscream's men were forced to flee. Who Is the Leader!?

Who framed Roger Rabbit... Roger?

Later on, the Autorollers uncovered an unknown device in the ancient ruins. Starscream evaluated the device and determined it was a Copy Machine. At Galvatron's command, Starscream tested the device on BB, creating a Copy BB. The clone proved to be inherently opposite of the original, prompting an idea by Galvatron to deposit the Copy Machine where the Maximals could find it. Sure enough, Tasmania Kid soon used the device to create Copy Convoy, an evil copy of Lio Convoy who broke free on his own. Starscream and BB found Copy Convoy running through the forest, and Starscream found the evil Convoy respectably diabolical and a little bit snuggly. When Copy Convoy fired on Starscream and BB they left, but Starscream privately told BB the Copy did that because the Maximals were watching, and respected his deviousness. The Black Lio Convoy

When Artemis and Moon compared the strength of the Maximals and Predacons, Starscream defended BB when his partner was compared to Bighorn, stating BB's firepower and strength were far greater than mere strength alone. Who Is the Strongest Warrior!?

Starscream's efforts to undermine Megastorm finally provoked a reaction. When Galvatron needed a recon team to determine the threat posed by the Space Pirate Seacons, Starscream naturally volunteered himself and BB. Megastorm shot down Starscream's request, however, and gave the assignment to Dirge and Thrust instead. Galvatron still allowed Starscream and BB to carry out the next Seacon mission, over Megastorm's objections. The Tentacular Scuba BB was present during Starscream's comments towards Megastorm's math after the latter made contact with the Seacons. Megastorm's Reckoning BB was seen on board the bridge of the Galvaburg II when Galvatron manipulated Halfshell and the Seacons into attacking the Maximals without payment by wounding his ego. Showdown in the Sea

After performing a scan on the Seacons' Photon sailer, Starscream determined they were in need of some particular parts for repairs. With Galvatron's approval, he approached the Seacons for another negotiation to eliminate the Maximals. Unlike Megastorm, Starscream retained the upper hand during the negotiations with Halfshell, and managed to draft a fair deal with the Seacon captain. Starscream and BB later joined the Seacons in battle with the Maximals and Tripledacus, but were driven off. Face the Setting Sun

While eavesdropping on the Seacons, Starscream and BB learned of a duel between Lio Convoy and Halfshell. He proposed to Galvatron that the Predacons secretly observe the fight, hoping Lio Convoy lost and being ready to strike down the surely weakened Maximal commander even if he won. Unfortunately for Starscream's plan, Megastorm insisted on coming along and jumped the gun by firing off his Mega-Cannon. Not only did he fail to kill Lio Convoy with his sneak attack, he set off a deposit of Angolmois Energy and ended the bout prematurely. The Final Battle

As Galvatron's artificial planet Nemesis approached Gaia, its influence began to corrupt the Angolmois Energy on the planet, making it volatile. Starscream and BB were present to observe Galvatron enter a geyser of Angolmois Energy and seemingly get consumed by the eruption. They looked on knowingly as Megastorm cheered his brother's apparent demise and showed disappointment when Galvatron emerged more powerful than ever. Enter Lio Junior

BB aided Starscream in numerous plots to overthrow Galvatron and take leadership of the Predacons, even going so far as to dunk Megastorm into a pit of Angolmois Energy (this, however, only upgraded Megastorm into Gigastorm). Megastorm Reborn The New Weapon, Tako Tank Gigastorm's Treachery

Max Goof

They continued this for quite some time until, eventually, Gigastorm had enough. While battling the Maximals, Starscream and BB fell into a trap Gigastorm had set for the Maximals (an area riddled with bombs). Gigastorm held off at first, but after the Predacons were defeated, Starscream began to beg for mercy and even offered to switch sides. This disgusted Gigastorm, who then activated the explosives. The explosion dropped Starscream and BB into a pit of Angolmois Energy which upgraded them into Hellscream (a flying cybernetic shark) and Max-B (a flying cybernetic dog). The End of Starscream

Mighty Max!

When a mysterious teleport gate crashed on Gaia, Galvatron sent the Cyborg Beasts out to secure the site. Max-B and his comrades attacked Tasmania Kid and the Magnaboss team to gain control of the gate and its command key. Although they secured the gate itself and seriously injured Kid, Lio Junior escaped with the key. Galvatron later tricked Lio Junior into turning over the key to him, taking the cub prisoner as well. After the Predacons unleashed the power of Majin Zarak, Max-B and the Autorollers confronted the Maximals on the ground while Majin Zarak's firepower prevented any aerial attacks. The Predacon troops were all eventually routed by the Maximals, though. Lio Convoy in Imminent Danger!

As the artificial planet Nemesis zeroed in on Gaia, the Maximals stepped up their counter-attacks, and the Predacon response increased as well. Hellscream and Max-B were sent to stop the Maximals from freezing the volatile corrupted Angolmois Energy drawn out by Nemesis's presence. They encounter Tripledacus trying to stop the flow of Angolmois Energy with one massive iceberg. Max Roger! The Great Angolmois Freezing Tactic Later, they targeted a giant artillery cannon the Maximals intended to use to obliterate Nemesis before it reached Gaia. Hellscream was suspicious by how obvious the Maximals were in transporting the cannon, and had Max-B scan the area. Max-B's optic emitter located Scuba and the Tako Tank transporting a second cannon. Locate! Locate! Unfortunately for the Predacons, that cannon was also a decoy. Knock Out Nemesis

Lio Junior increased his attacks on Autoroller fortress operations, forcing Hellscream and Max-B to step up when Dirgegun and Thrustor once again proved inadequate. When Galvatron emerged on the battlefield to run a con on Lio Junior, however, Hellscream and Max-B wisely stepped back and allowed their Emperor to carry on his scheme. Lio Junior's Revolt!?

Hellscream's "peeping head" uncovered news of a robot from Mars found by the Maximals which could allegedly retake control of the Angolmois Energy. Galvatron ordered him and Max-B to prevent the Maximals from doing so, but Lio Junior and the combined Magnaboss held off Hellscream and Max-B so that Lio Convoy and the emissary robot could continue. Emissary of the Fourth Planet Once it was clear the emissary robot intended to "control" the Angolmois Energy by destroying the planet, Galvatron ordered his Cyborg Beasts to withdraw so the Maximals could deal with the situation for them uncontested. Max Clever! The Crisis of Planet Gaia

Hellscream and Max-B discovered a Maximal missile catapult, which the heroes planned to use to launch into space and confront the Nemesis. The Cyborg Beasts damaged the catapult, but failed to prevent the Maximals from leaving Gaia. Fly Out! Planet Gaia Max-B and the Predacons followed the Maximals out into space aboard the Galvaburg II. Revenge of the Space Pirates

On Nemesis, the Predacons shot down the Maximal ship and boarded the wreckage, only to find the Maximals weren't present. Empty! Empty! They barely escaped the pre-rigged self-destruct mechanism. Max-B and the Cyborg Beasts confronted the Maximals as Lio Convoy tried to shut down Nemesis at its Angolmois Energy core. Breaking into Nemesis When Galvatron emerged from the core, he told the assembled Maximals and Predacons that Lio Convoy and Lio Junior had been consumed by the Angolmois Energy he unleashed. Max-B and the Predacons cheered the death of Lio Convoy, but Galvatron bid them to be silent, mourning the loss of a valiant foe. Legend! The Green Warrior To everyone's surprise, Lio Convoy and Lio Junior emerged as the legendary Green Lion, powerful enough to drain all of Gigastorm's Angolmois Energy from him. When Galvatron left to reignite the sabotaged core, Max-B and the Beasts continued the fight against the remaining Maximals, despite the threat of Nemesis exploding at any moment. They eventually wised up, and the Cyborg Beasts got together and lugged the lumbering Gigastorm off of Nemesis before it exploded. Max Roger! Farewell! Lio Convoy

The Maximal Brainwashing Operation

BB captured Tasmania Kid and Diver while the two Maximals were out on patrol. He then brought the pair to Starscream, who brainwashed his captives into Predacons! BB then accompanied Starscream to oversee the altered 'bots ambush their former allies. After the initial sneak attack, the rest of the Predacons joined in on the assault against the Maximals. But while the attack was underway, Dirge and Thrust turned up fighting on the Maximals' side! Annoyed that Lio Convoy had "stolen his idea" to brainwash combatants, Starscream ordered BB to shoot the two jets out of the sky. As BB charged into the battlefield, the area was rocked by a powerful blast, courtesy of Megastorm. The Predacons were badly damaged by the explosion. BB hauled the unconscious Dirge and Thrust back to the Predacons' base when Galvatron called for a retreat. The Maximal Brainwashing Operation


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Concealment Struggle

Beast Wars II manga

BB joined Galvatron and his Predacons on Gaia in their quest for Angolmois Energy. After Galvatron absorbed some Angolmois Energy and fell into a deep sleep, Megastorm hooked up the Predacon leader to the machinery of the Galvatron Dekazura Tank to power it, and enlisted BB and his other fellow Predacons into piloting the vehicle against the Maximals. Their enemies soon came rushing towards them in a counter-offensive, and BB and Starscream manned the tank's turrets to blast them. Though they managed to shoot down Lio Convoy as he and Bigmos approached them from the air, they weren't as successful in stopping Tasmania Kid, who hoped over BB's head in scurried into the juggernaut. A secondary offensive from the Maximals led to the tank sinking into a nearby river, and finally Lio Convoy managed to battle Megastorm within it, resulting in the tank's self-destruct mechanism being activated. The Predacons were all blown away in the resulting explosion. Demolish the Superdreadnought Tank!

I want to tell you about the Transformers!

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Infiltrate the Mystery Island! Realize the Forbidden Love! Make a Surprise Attack on the Super Weapon Base! Recover the Bonds Lost! All Hands, Make a Special Attack on the Evil Planet!


Voice actor: Brian Dobson (English)

Max-B, a Megatron follower, was present at Scourge's interrogation of the captured Tripredacus Agent Flamewar. He was initially disguised as the Maximal K-9. Intimidation Game

2006 IDW Beast Wars continuity

I mean... "Roger".

BB was traumatized in a Maximal Prison "re-education center" before the Pax Cybertronia, and due to the psychological damage, retreated into himself and says only "Roger". He befriended Starscream at this time and his loyalty to the smaller robot was cemented when Starscream took BB with him during his escape from the facility. Beast Wars Sourcebook #1 To boost the power of his troops, Gigastorm exposed them to Angolmois Energy, and BB was transformed into Max-B. Beast Wars Sourcebook #2

Max-B later become a servant of Unicron and therefore a Herald of Shokaract. When Shokaract, the vessel for Unicron's return, engaged the Maximal field commander Big Convoy, Max-B and the other Heralds arrived on Cybertron with Angolmois Capsules from the furthest reaches of the galaxy. The Ascending #3 They proceeded to distribute the Angolmois amongst Cybertron's population, causing a frenzy of violence of mayhem. The Heralds fled when Shokaract disappeared and they were defeated by Ravage with a well-thrown grenade. The Ascending #4

Legends World

In the Legends World, BB was a worker at Starscream's "little brother cafe" in Akihabara. Windblade Sequel When Starscream was chewing out a new employee, another Starscream, BB stood next to him saying "roger". LG-18 Armada Starscream Super Mode Prologue

Beast Wars: Uprising

The female Max-B was a prisoner of the Darksyders, who died after they forced her to attempt to scan a beast mode. Hoping to refine the process, Leatherhide and Labrat autopsied her remains along with several other deformed victims of Megatron's experiments. Not All Megatrons


Duel Fight Transformers Beast Wars

When the super-powerful Energon Quartz was discovered on Gaia, BB was one of the several Predacons involved in the ensuing conflicts. He was not, however, directly involved in combat. Instead, he was sent on missions to traverse pit-riddled fields while fending off enormous bacteria opponents. Duel Fight Transformers Beast Wars


Beast Wars

It is unknown at this time exactly how illin' his gatling gun is.
  • Starscream & BB (March 1998)
  • ID number: D-13
  • Release date: March ??, 1998
  • Accessories: 12 "Bomber Missiles"
Part of the first wave of Beast Wars II products in the Japanese Beast Wars toyline, and packaged in an Ultra-sized set with his partner Starscream, BB is a redeco of Generation 2 Dreadwing, transforming into a Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit stealth bomber, with an under-slung, six-missile "BB Launcher". He can also form a more complete aircraft, the "Formation Scream", by plugging jet-mode Starscream into the open bay in BB' back end.
He also has a third "tank" mode which is partially activated by removing Starscream from their combined jet mode, which flips up his wings, then completed by opening up his legs to reveal treads and swinging the BB Launcher around to the top of the vehicle mode.
Twisting the back of the BB Launcher activates the "Gatling Launcher" attack, firing the six loaded "Bomber Missiles" one after the other. The Launcher has been slightly retooled on the inside to actually hold the missiles in place when loaded (the original kinda let them slide out), and the missiles are actually slightly shorter than the original versions as well to accommodate (making them incompatible with the Generation 2 version of the launcher). Each wing also holds three Bomber Missiles, which can be dropped by pressing small buttons on the tops of the wings. In robot mode, BB's BB Launcher winds up on his shoulder and functions the same way; the launcher's mounting arm has been retooled to hold it in place in this mode. Despite the difference in name between Starscream and BB's missiles, they are all the exact same and can be fired or dropped from any of the designated launchers.
BB's deco is based on—but not identical to!—the unreleased ATB Megatron & Starscream iteration of the mold. Importantly, BB uses silver plastic instead of Megatron's light gray, has much brighter yellow missiles, adds silver chrome to the front edges of his wings. And of course he has different stickers; an unfortunate case of bad transliteration results in the stickers on BB's arms calling referring to Starscream as "Starscrem".
Sonokong also released this figure in their Beast-War toyline as BB. Aside from the difference in packaging, the Korean release of the figure is identical to the Takara releases. In place of the bio cards of the Takara releases, BB comes with two "Jan-ken-pon" cards.
Generation 2 mold: Dreadwing
  • Hasbro:
  • Takara:
  • Beast Wars D-13 BB
  • Sonokong:
  • Beast-War D-13 BB

BWII-toy VS13-BighornBBStarscream.jpg
  • 2 Against 1 Showdown: Bighorn vs Starscream & BB (Multi-pack, March 1998)
  • ID number: VS-13
  • Release date: March ??, 1998
  • Accessories: 12 "BB Missiles"
The pairing of Starscream and BB were also made available in the "2 Against 1 Showdown" (2対1の対決, 2 tai 1 no taiketsu) vs-pack with the Maximal Bighorn, also released in the first wave of Beast Wars II toys.
All of the figures are identical to their individual releases.

Suddenly, the robot arms hanging off the dog chest are a lot less noticeable.
  • Max-B (Deluxe, 1998)
  • ID number: D-24
  • Release date: November ??, 1998
  • Accessories: "Back Slap" shield, "Tail Gun"/"Tail Hammer", 2 anchor-missiles
  • Known designers: Hisashi Yuki (TakaraTomy)
Part of the tenth wave of Beast Wars II products in the Japanese Beast Wars toyline, Max-B is a heavily retooled version of the American Beast Wars Deluxe Class K-9 toy (itself an extensive retool of Wolfang), transforming into a cyborg dog.
In beast mode, his back contains a spring-loaded missile launcher and spring-activated grabber claw—both of which are activated simultaneously by the same trigger to perform his "Slap Shot" attack. In robot mode, this entire assembly becomes his "Back Slap" shield. His tail also detaches to become a hand-held containing a spring-loaded "Tail Gun". Alternatively, there is another handle located closer to the barrel end of the weapon, allowing for it to be used as his "Tail Hammer" flail weapon.
Max-B's anchor-missiles store in grooves on his back, giving him a pair of spikes in his abdomen in either mode.
The original incarnation of this mold was also used to make the Predacon Wolfang.


I did this all just for you, Starscream.
  • "BB" was originally a tentative name, short for "Black Bomber".[1] According to a humorous comic strip from Comic Bom Bom, BB's name actually stands for "Bom Bom" because he is a regular reader of Comic Bom Bom.
  • Much like the rest of the new cast introduced from "Enter Lio Junior" onwards, Max-B received a completely original character model by Takashi Yamamoto for "Lio Convoy in Imminent Danger!", whereas his cartoon character model was designed by one of three other model artists. In Max-B's case, he notably features his "Backslap" shield attached to his back in robot mode.
  • BB is (strangely) a golden orange color in his Transformers: Beast Wars Sourcebook profile entry. The profile's author Ben Yee has gone on the record that this is in fact an error of the colorist.[2] It was corrected in the trade paperback.
  • As mentioned at the very top of this article, BB's speech quirk is his repetitive use of the word "Roger". When he got reformatted into Max-B this quirk was changed to "Max-Roger".

Foreign names

  • Korean: BB (비비 Bibi)


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