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Captain America

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Captain America is a human from Marvel.
When Captain America throws his mighty shiiiiiiield, all those who chose to oppose his shield must yiiiiiiiiield...

Captain America, real name Steve Rogers, is the superhero leader of the Avengers. A legendary super-soldier, he leads his team with courage and skill, and is willing to make tough decisions in the name of liberty. He obtained his enhanced strength and stamina through an experimental bio-enhancement serum, and carries an extremely durable shield.



Marvel The Transformers comics

Shortly after Donny Finkleberg was fired, an image of Captain America was on the wall of his publisher's reception area. I, Robot-Master!

Combat Colin

"Captain America. God's righteous man. Pretending you could live without a war."

Combat Colin and Semi-Automatic Steve held a party in the Combat Shed to mark Christmas 1989. When Captain America arrived, Steve guessed who he was straight away. Christmas with Combat Colin

2005 IDW continuity

"I can do this all day."

Captain America, in contact with Director Hill, led the Avengers sent to investigate the conflict between Latveria and Symkaria. Arriving in Latveria, they found a strange domed structure unlike anything found on Earth. Entering it, the Avengers were attacked by the building's defenses and Spider-Man was kidnapped, which upset Wolverine and Luke Cage. Captain America decided to throw some insults their way. The three remaining Avengers were subsequently joined by Ms. Marvel and the Falcon, just in time to encounter a group of Autobots. Unknowingly under the insidious influence of the Psycho-Prism, Captain America ordered his Avengers to attack. Man and Machine, Part One

He's wearing red, white, and blue, so obviously he must be the leader of the bunch.

As the two teams skirmished, Ratchet planted an inhibitor device on Captain America, negating the Prism's effects. As the Avengers stood down, Doctor Doom joined them and vowed to help them defend his homeland against the Decepticons, who had stolen the Psycho-Prism from him. Cap summoned Iron Man and set to attacking the Decepticon Array. The combined efforts of the Avengers and Autobots failed to make a dent in it—until the fortress's walls opened up to reveal a team of Decepticons in mirror response mode! Man and Machine, Part Two

Captain America flew the Avengers' Quinjet into battle with the Decepticons' aerial forces, but soon found himself overwhelmed. With Iron Man's assistance, Cap, Falcon, and Ms. Marvel managed to ground the fliers, but found that their efforts had been in vain when Megatron and Doom announced that they had joined forces and taken Ratchet, Prowl, Spider-Man, and Luke Cage hostage, vowing to kill them if their teammates did not surrender. Cap sided with Bumblebee in his willingness to sacrifice the hostages to prevent a Symkarian-Latverian war, but Optimus Prime proposed another solution. Man and Machine, Part Three

Outside the Array, Captain America confronted Megatron with his allies. With the hostages successfully freed and the Psycho-Prism destroyed, the Avengers and Autobots decisively beat the Decepticons, forcing them to flee. Cap received word from S.H.I.E.L.D. that the Symkarians had called off their attack, and departed with Wolverine, Iron Man, and Spider-Man in the Quinjet—which seemed different somehow... Man and Machine, Part Four



Captain America got re-incarnated as a Transformer after Bucky stole his job.
  • Captain America (Marvel, 2009)
    • Accessories: Shield
Part of the third wave of the Marvel Crossovers toyline, Captain America transforms into a big, gas-guzzling, all-American Humvee with a mismatched paint job and a spare tire on the back. In robot mode, the tire becomes Cap's shield and can be affixed to either of his forearms. Pressing the star in the center causes the shield to pop open, increasing its circumference so it doesn't look dinky.
This mold was to be retooled to make the Punisher, but after that toy was canceled, it was used for Iron Man instead.

The Avengers

Mech Machines

People might just need a little old-fashioned.
  • Captain America to Assault Cruiser (2012)
    • Accessories: Shield
The Crossovers Captain America toy was redecoed for Mech Machines, a short-lived toyline promoting the Avengers feature film. This release features a brighter shade of blue plastic and black tires.

Flip & Attack

"There's only one God, ma'am, and I'm pretty sure He doesn't dress like that."
  • Captain America Flip & Attack 4x4 (2012)
Flip & Attack Captain America transforms from a vague armored vehicle into an "attack bot" with design cues taken from his costume in The Avengers. Like the Jumpstarters of 1985, he uses a pull-back motor in vehicle mode with a spring-loaded mechanism that flips him up into robot mode after being propelled a short distance.


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