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Specifics: Fiction
This article is about the Beast Wars Neo Maximal. For the Kre-O Predacon, see Corhada.
Colada is a Maximal from the Beast Era of the Generation 1 continuity family.
Quando este colpe a ferido Colada la preçiada. / Vio Diego Gonçalez que no escaparie con el alma.

Colada (コラーダ Korāda, aka Cohrada[1] and Corahda[2]) is perhaps the most problematic of the new Maximal recruits serving under Big Convoy. This arrogant snake ‘bot scoffs at his teammates at every turn, viewing them as lesser, and impediments to his own skill. Unlike Break, who also goes through bouts of arrogance, Colada loathes to work as a team, and chafes under rules. He often lets out his frustration with having to follow regulations on the Maximal Sub-Commander Longrack, who he teases endlessly. Though the other trainees wish they could do something about the smug serpent, the problem is that Colada actually does have prowess on the battlefield. With his shockwave creating whip, ever sharp Hand Vute, and mastery of desert climates, he has certainly earned his role of Ground Trooper. Hopefully someday, Big Convoy can temper Colada’s crippling egotism in order to transform him into both an effective warrior, and a good teammate.

I don't wanna be playing along with guys like you.Colada's first words to the other recruits, "Big Convoy, Move Out"



Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity

Beast Wars Neo cartoon

Voice actor: Makoto Ueki (Japanese), Yeong-seon Kim (Korean)
Who needs fingers when you have a gun and a whip?

Colada was among a group of five new Maximal recruits chosen to serve under Big Convoy as his trainees. The snake ‘bot saw himself as above the others, insisting that they shouldn’t pretend to like one another. Longrack told him to knock it off, much to his chagrin. Break then suggested testing their instructor’s strength, which Colada agreed with, thinking it’d be “fun”. Thus, when Big Convoy eventually entered the training room, he, along with the others, attacked him. Convoy was able to disable them all quickly with his legendary strength, though. Although he appreciated the gesture, the Maximal leader told the group that their real training had to begin, which involved traveling to the planet Gaia to investigate Lio Convoy’s disappearance there. Once in orbit of the planet, the group was told that Big Convoy would be remaining on the ship, and the rest of them would be led by Longrack on the ground. When deploying to the surface, Colada struggled to control his transportation vessel, and was met with even more unfortunate luck when the Predacons confronted them. When questioned on what to do, Longrack implemented an “every man for themselves” type of strategy, which resulted in Stampy fleeing and getting caught by Sling. Colada and the rest of the group attempted to leave without him, but Big Convoy fired on them, and told them that none left without the rabbit ‘bot. Magmatron then utilized the hostage Stampy as a means of locating the Maximals, and prepared to fight Big Convoy. As the Predacon leader readied himself for battle, Longrack suggested that all rush him at once to take back their teammate. As Colada and the others attempted to do so, they were once more confronted by Predacon forces, but this time, Heinrad froze time for long enough to rescue Stampy, and return back to Convoy, unscathed. Guiledart then took the initiative to teleport all Predacons back to HQ before things got messy, which left the Maximals alone on Gaia to complete their mission: recovering a black box recording of Lio Convoy detailing his disappearance, and the loss of Angolmois capsules across the universe. Back on the ship, Colada and the others had a new goal: recovering the Angolmois energy before the Predacons could use it for evil. Big Convoy, Move Out

Colada was with Big Convoy and the other Maximal recruits when they saw a volcano floating in orbit above the planet Godbless. Although some of the trainees didn’t seem to care about investigating what was going on with the planet, Colada included, Longrack monologued on the importance of being peacekeepers of the galaxy, which meant that unnatural goings on had to be investigated. The snake ‘bot poked fun at him for this, naturally, and Longrack responded in kind. Big Convoy took Longrack’s side in the dispute, though, and traveled closer to the planet, before having their ship impaired by the arrival of a supposed “God of the Maximals”, causing the vessel to crash down to the surface. Colada and Longrack were both chosen to scout the planet, with the former getting distracted at things like oil, much to the latter’s chagrin. During their expedition, they learned from a native that people from his village had been seeing a god of their own, but instead one that resembled their own species. This “god” of theirs was making them give away their oil, which was crippling the locals. They reported this information back to Big Convoy, before making their way up to the volcano, and seeing the “Maximal God” once more. Colada himself wanted to attack the being, but Longrack insisted he hold back and be patient. Sure enough, when the “god” attempted to squash the Maximals, it disappeared instead, revealing itself to be an apparition. Longrack had an “I told you so” moment, which frustrated Colada, but before things could escalate they found a strange flower. The local fauna tried to smack the snake Maximal, before revealing itself to be the Predacon Saberback. The Predacon had used Angolmois energy to create illusions to scare off the Maximals and bend the locals to his will, and now intended to take the remaining energy back to Magmatron. Saberback stood off against Longrack and Colada, before leaping into orbit with the Angolmois capsule. The pair tried to catch up to him, but were stopped by Dead End, Sling, and Guiledart. They then received their own reinforcements in the form of Stampy, Break, Heinrad, and Big Convoy, causing a huge brawl to break out for the capsule. In the end, the Maximals won, and sealed the energy safely away on their vessel. Before they departed back into space, Colada tried to take some more of the local oil, but was told off by Longrack, causing yet another argument between the two. Afterwards, the group shot back into space, intent on finding more Angolmois. Chase the Mysterious Capsule

Colada was among the Maximal recruits who ended up traveling to the supposedly warm, paradise-like planet of Solid. With the others, he descended to the surface of the planet in the Gung Ho in order to retrieve the Angolmois capsule located there before the Predacons could. He quickly noticed that the planet was anything but warm, however, with ice spires and frozen-over bodies of water being abundant. He questioned NAVI on whether it was supposed to look like this, to which the AI responded that it normally shouldn't. Although Break volunteered to be the sole explorer of the planet, Big Convoy insisted that it be a team mission, meaning that Colada and the others had to enter the wintery hellscape laid before them. Immediately met with frigid winds, he attempted to transform into snake mode to warm himself, but to no avail. Because of the team's general suffering and Break being the only competent warrior on ice, the majority of the team, including Colada, remained behind with Big Convoy as Break surveyed the planet. Later on, the Predacons Saberback and Sling buried the Maximals underneath piles of snow, and Colada had to thaw everyone out with his flame breath. He continued to create a path through the snow with his fiery abilities, until Big Convoy realized that a more efficient means of transport would be sliding across the planet on a large slab of ice. Using this slab, they were able to meet up with Break and save the Angolmois capsule from being stolen by Dead End. After it was safely sealed away back on their ship, Colada and the others rocketed off to find more Angolmois. Burning Heart Below Freezing

Colada participated in target practice with the other Maximal recruits, who were using one another as targets. When Stampy felt uncomfortable with the prospect of getting hurt, Colada coiled around him to hold him in place to be shot at. Stampy bit the snake 'bot's coils, causing Colada to let go of him, and call Stampy a coward. Before the group could tease Stampy any more, Big Convoy came into the room, interrupting the game. Later on, the Maximals touched down on Maderan to find the Angolmois capsule located there. Colada wanted Stampy to be on the exploration team with him, but the rabbit 'bot instead opted to go with Break instead, leaving Colada with Heinrad. The pair quickly found what they thought to be an Angolmois capsule, but what was in actuality an electric trap placed by the Predacons Dead End and Saberback. Dead End whipped Colada for the trouble that he had caused them, but the Maximals were temporarily freed by Stampy. Upon the arrival of Magmatron, however, they were swiftly recaptured. Soon after Magmatron's entrance, Big Convoy arrived, alerted by Stampy of Predacon presence on the planet, and freed the Maximals again, causing the Predacons to retreat. Colada was with the other Maximals when they thanked Stampy for his bravery, and apologized for their cruelty towards him. Hang in There, Stampy

On the Gung Ho, Break and Colada got into an argument between one another, much to the dismay of the other recruits. Seeing an opportunity to encourage teamwork, Big Convoy sent the two as a pair to investigate the planet Donovan, where an Angolmois capsule was located. As their bickering began to cool down, Break was afflicted by the mirages of the planet, and in the confusion threw a stone at Colada to determine if he was real or not. Needless to say, their arguing started back up soon after. While wandering, Colada and Break stumbled upon Sling, who immediately attacked the former. Colada questioned Sling on why he was so frustrated, but he was only met with cannon blasts. When Dead End showed up to assist Sling in taking down Colada, the dimetrodon refused, thinking that the other Predacons would take credit for his work. While the two bickered, Colada managed to escape, and tried to track down the capsule on his own. He eventually met back up with Break, who was frustrated at him for trying to strike out on his own, but Colada angrily responded that he wished Break was a Predacon, so that he could just get rid of him. Shortly after this, the Predacons found the pair, and began to attack. During the battle, Break extended a hand of friendship to Colada, which the loner snake 'bot happily accepted. Working as a team, they held off the Predacons long enough for Big Convoy to show up, save them, and retrieve the Angolmois. Mirage of the Sand

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Dinosaur Combiner Magmatron Duel in the Labyrinth The Black Hole Crisis Sub-Commander Longrack Waa! They Got Eaten Planet of Time Lonely Hydra Break Is a Predacon? Ship's Log Mach Kick Voluntarily Enlists!? Planet of the Ultimate Weapon Troubled DNAVI Attack! Randy Bump the Physicist Hardhead Is Hardheaded Personal Combat in the Deep Sea!! The Stolen Gung Ho Survive the Hot-Blooded Instructor Assemble! New Warriors Mysterious Beast Warriors!? The Stolen Capsules Pursue the Blentrons! Angry Magmatron Illusion? Lio Convoy Unicron Revived!? Unicron's Ambition Fight! Maximals End of the Maximals!? The Final Battle Graduation Ceremony!!

Beast Wars Diorama Story

At some point, Colada was transported back in time to the planet Energoa, during the original Beast Wars between the Maximals and the Predacons. Optimus Primal Chapter There, he battled the also time-lost Archadis. Colada Chapter Archadis Chapter Soon, several Autobots and Decepticons from another universe appeared. A battle broke out between the Maximals, Predacons, Autobots and Decepticons. Tigatron Chapter Colada joined with the other Maximals and Autobots in a final strike against the combined Predacon-Decepticon forces. Motorarm Chapter

Beast Wars Neo manga

Colada was born and lived on the planet Jörmungandr before the other inhabitants were massacred by the Blentrons. From then on, he joined the Maximals, swearing for revenge. A Battle Fought Alone

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The 5 Rookies There Are 7 Capsules 100000000000000000 Grains of Sandron!! Double Cross

While exploring the planet Wednesday in the search for an Angolmois Capsule, Colada and the rest of Big Convoy's crew were attacked by an enormous jellyfish. Though Colada and Break were ready to dispatch the creature, their attack was interrupted by Stampy, who had deduced that the jellyfish was in truth a Transformer under the Angolmois Capsule's influence. After freeing Queen Rage of the capsule's power, the Maximals continued on their way in the search for more capsules. To Jellyfish with Love! Cry Out, Stampy Blade

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Return to Zero

After the conclusion of his adventures serving under Big Convoy, Colada took the name "Cobrarge" and went off to colonize a planet similar to his homeworld in an effort to build a new Jörmungandr. What Became of the Five....

3H comics

Colada was a member of the Maximal High Council after the Great Transformation. He, along with his fellow council members, disbelieved Optimus Primal when he warned them of the threat of Unicron. Homecoming

2006 IDW Beast Wars continuity

If you like piña Cohradas / And getting caught in the rain...

Cohrada was part of the Gung Ho crew under Big Convoy that defeated Magmatron. After Magmatron's defeat, Cohrada left the official Maximal army to work as an independent agent, since he had little patience for the rules and laws of peacetime. Beast Wars Sourcebook #1

Serving as part of Big Convoy's task force on the trail of Cybertron's illicit trade in Angolmois, Cohrada was present when the Maximal leader located the newly risen tower headquarters of Shokaract. He speculated that this was in fact a structure from an older era of Cybertron, thrust to the surface of the planet by an unknown force. Of course then Shokaract decided that he and the other members of the task force had to die. The Ascending #3 While Cohrada did in fact die originally, this was undone thanks to the Pack using time travel to show up just as Shokaract began massacring the task force. With Shokaract distracted, Big Convoy's team traveled to the Pack's crashed ship, where a suspicious Cohrada stuck a gun in Bump's face. After the situation was made clear to them, the Maximals teamed up with the Pack and the reinforcements there had brought to defeat Shokaract once and for all. The Ascending #4


Weaving through the streets like a... a...

Colada was among the inhabitants of the multiversal hub city of Axiom Nexus. Transcendent: Part 4

Beast Wars: Uprising

Corahda was a fighter assigned to the third Resistance expedition against Fortress Maximus. During the team's ascent of the massive Builder, their rear guard Buzzclaw radioed that an additional Micromaster team was approaching from the west below. When Buzzclaw refused to commit to taking down the Builders himself, cocky Corahda impulsively leapt down to confront the reinforcements himself. Unfortunately, Buzzclaw had underestimated the number of reinforcements, and Corahda found himself facing an entire brigade. Still, he managed to kill Dirt Digger, Spark Grid, and the Race Track Patrol before falling to blaster fire. Head Games

Legends World

In the Legends World, Colada was a delinquent high school student. When he learned his class was getting a new teacher, he hoped it would be someone he could boss around, hopes that were dashed when the large and fierce-looking Big Convoy arrived. Year 3, Class B Big-sensei To the class's confusion, Big's personality was actually that of a big nerd and he began teaching them about the Transformers franchise. First Lesson First Wanting some money to play around with, Colada tried to shake down Stampy for cash but was caught and reprimanded by Big, who decided to be nice and give him a little something. To Colada's disappointment, however, it wasn't money but a handful of Cyber Keys. Delinquent Colada During sports day, he attempted ice skating and got crushed under Big's weight during the cavalry battle. Hot-blooded Break To Colada's shock, Big eventually began acting like a normal teacher. Preparatory Reviewer Longrack One day, he came to class and found Big asleep. Bonus Edition Vol. 59

2005 IDW continuity

Colada was one of Onyx Prime's Maximals. When this bestial horde invaded Cybertron, he was one of the many warriors who wound up battling Arcee. Endless Forever


Beast Wars

Best feature? His wiggles.
  • Colada (Deluxe, 1999)
  • ID number: C-30
  • Release date: January ??, 1999
  • Accessories: "Arm Machine Gun" water-squirter
  • Known designers: Takashi Kunihiro (TakaraTomy)
Part of the first wave of Beast Wars Neo products in the Takara's Beast Wars toyline, Colada is a Deluxe-sized figure that transforms from an organic cobra to a robot with vaguely-cowboy-ish styling. His tail is segmented to swing and wiggle freely like many cheap plastic snake toys. Also included is his soft-plastic "Arm Machine Gun", which is located inside his beast mode mouth and squirts water by pressing on the panel at the top of the snake-mode's hood. Both gimmicks are available in his robot mode; his tail becomes the "Hand Whip", forming his right arm, while the Arm Machine Gun mounts on his left wrist and is now activated when squeezing the bladder directly. His Maximal spark crystal is also located on his left arm.
He also features a third "Battle Mode", a gun emplacement, focused around his Arm Machine Gun and was commonly operated by his comrade Stampy in the cartroon (though any Basic-sized figure can "operate" it).

BWN-toy VS-30-box.jpg DX-02 Cobrio VS Stegorat Sonokong.jpg
Left: Takara packaging pictured
Right: Sonokong packaging pictured
  • Desert Showdown: Colada VS Saberback (VS set, January 1999)
  • Takara ID number: VS-30
  • Sonokong ID number: DX-02
  • Release date: January ??, 1999
  • Accessories: "Arm Machine Gun" water-squirter
Colada was also available in a "Desert Showdown" (砂漠の対決 Sabaku no Taiketsu) two-pack with the "Destoron" Saberback. Both toys are identical to their individual releases.
Sonokong also released this vs-pack in Korean Beast-War Neo markets. "Cobrio" is identical to the Takara releases of Colada, other than the packaging and Tech Spec cards.

Beast Wars Telemocha Series

  • Colada (Deluxe, 2007)
  • ID number: TM-07
  • Release date: March 22, 2007
  • Accessories: "Arm Machine Gun" water-squirter
Released in the first wave of Takara's Beast Wars Telemocha Series, Colada is an extensive redeco of the figure above, with a more muted version of the original color scheme to better blend the figure with the other toys in the line, which got paint jobs hewing very closely to the Mainframe models of the CGI show's cast.
He comes with a DVD featuring the Japanese dub of the Beast Wars episode "A Better Mousetrap"... an episode (and show) that the character was never featured in.
More information on Telemocha Colada at


Beast Wars Gum

  • Colada (candy toy, 1999)
A snap together model kit of Colada was available as part of Kabaya's Beast Wars Gum, sculpted entirely from blue plastic. He could transform from robot to beast mode by being broken down into its component parts, then rebuilt into a new mode. It came with a stick of gum.


  • Colada's name is likely taken from either the drink piña colada, which is represented in Japanese as pinya korāda (ピニャ・コラーダ), or the sword Colada.

Foreign names

  • Korean: Cobrio (코브리오 Kobeurio)


  1. Transformers: Beast Wars Sourcebook was the first English fiction with the character in it, and it uses the "Cohrada" spelling (likely thanks to that being the spelling Ben Yee used on his website).
  2. "Corahda" is the spelling used in Beast Wars: Uprising and is closer to the Japanese pronunciation.
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