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Danger! Scissor Boy

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Beast Wars II: Super Lifeform Transformers ep 11
"Danger! Scissor Boy"
危うし! シザーボーイ ()
(Ayaushi! Scissor Boy)
Production company TV Tokyo, NAS, Ashi Productions
Airdate 10 June 1998
Writer Yukiyoshi Ōhashi
Director Yoshio Yamazaki
Animation studio Ashi Productions
Continuity Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity

Scissor Boy is taken hostage by the Autorollers, and gets Tasmania Kid rolled into his mess as well.




Exiting the Galvaburg II, the Autorollers Autocrusher, Autostinger and Autojetter set off to destroy their mortal foes, the Insectrons, once and for all. At their base, Scissor Boy, Powerhug and Drill Nuts have just heard about the other Insectrons' recent battle with the Autorollers and recall their past troubles with them. Although he'd love to take them all on by himself, Scissor Boy decides to contact the Maximals for help, as they'd recently become friends. Scissor Boy collects all the Insectrons' data regarding the Autorollers onto a disk with the intention of delivering it to Tasmania Kid.


On his way to make the delivery, Scissor Boy spots Autostinger. He attempts to take him captive, only to find he was baiting a trap. Now surrounded by Autocrusher and Autojetter, who intend to gun him down, Scissor Boy thinks quickly. He gets all nostalgic and reminds the Autorollers of all the good times they had together as friends. The Autorollers remind him that they were never friends and Autojetter prepares to shoot his head off. Autocrusher stops him, saying they should use him to find the remaining Insectrons. Scissor Boy says he'll gladly take his "old war buddies" back to see Powerhug and the others, who miss them as well. In reality, he doesn't know what the heck he's going to do.

Up on the Moon, Artemis laments the pickle Scissor Boy has gotten himself into. Moon says he has no other choice, while Artemis prays someone will come along to help him soon.

Back on Gaia, Powerhug has decided to take a proactive approach and find the Autorollers first. Drill Nuts encourages him to take his new and improved hate-detector. He swears that it will work properly this time, as it has the Autorollers' data entered into it.


Elsewhere, the Autorollers hear a noise and, along with their hostage, decide to hide in wait for it. The noise turns out to be Tasmania Kid, humming joyfully as he brings a bouquet of freshly picked flowers to the Insectrons (insects like pollen, he believes). The Autorollers prepare to ambush him, but Scissor Boy attempts to talk them out of it, explaining that Tasmania Kid is the smallest and weakest of the Maximals and wouldn't be much sport. Autostinger won't hear it, and tells Scissor Boy to capture Tasmania Kid himself, and if he makes any false moves, he'll blow him up with a missile. Reluctantly, Scissor Boy scrambles out into the meadow and tackles the confused Tasmania Kid. In the scuffle, Scissor Boy explains the situation to Kid and "convinces" him to play hostage alongside him. Scissor Boy brings the "defeated" Tasmania Kid back to the Autorollers, explaining that he'd just bested the strongest of the Maximals. Autostinger says he thought he said Kid was the weakest (much to Kid's irritation). Scissor Boy backtracks, explaining it was a slip of the tongue, and that they should bring the defeated Kid back to the Predacons as a present for Megastorm. The Autorollers agree, but decide to hunt down the remaining Insectrons first.

Meanwhile, Drill Nuts and Powerhug are fiddling with the hate-detector. It ends up leading them to Starscream and BB, who are flying overhead. Powerhug registers his disappointment in Drill Nuts's mechanical ingenuity.

Back at the death march, Kid and Scissor Boy decide to lead the Autorollers back to the Maximals so that Lio Convoy can defeat them. As they pass a river, Scuba spots their approach. Scuba relays his findings via NAVI to Lio Convoy and the others aboard the Yukikaze. Lio Convoy orders the Maximals to hide behind some rocks and await the approach of the Predacons.


Not far off, Powerhug and Drill Nuts are still following the hate-detector, and much to Drill Nuts's joy, it leads them right to the Autorollers. They decide to save their comrades by causing an avalanche, and while the falling rocks catch the Autorollers off-guard, they leap down into the fray. Their cunning plan, unfortunately, knocks the Autorollers, Kid and Scissor Boy and themselves off the cliff, where they land at the base of the Galvaburg II. Megastorm exits and the Autorollers present their catches to him. The Insectrons realize there's no other choice and decide to fight it out with the Autorollers. Megastorm attempts to summon the Combatrons, but Tasmania Kid opens fire on him to keep him from sending the communication. As Drill Nuts takes on Autojetter, they argue over whether it is better to be recklessly impulsive (like Autojetter) or a gloomy brainiac (like Drill Nuts). Autocrusher and Powerhug then pit their strength against one-another to see who comes out on top. Then, Autostinger and Scissor Boy go at it; Autostinger revealing that, via promotions, the Autorollers hope to rule their own planet one day, while Scissor Boy says that freedom and friends is even better.

Megastorm decides to end the skirmish by transforming to tank mode and opening fire. He puts the enemy on the ropes until Lio Convoy and the Maximals arrive. They make short work of the Autorollers and Megastorm, who board the Galvaburg II and retreat. The Combatrons then decide to show up, much to Megastorm's fury.

Powerhug apologizes for ruining Kid's strategy and curls up into a ball in embarrassment. Scissor Boy gives his disk full of Autoroller data to Kid, as Drill Nuts is pleased that his hate-detector actually worked.

Artemis & Moon II Report

In this installment of "Artemis & Moon II Report", they go over the Maximal base; the Yukikaze. Having crashed into the North Continent of Gaia, it cannot fly, but that's okay, because it's surrounded by a beautiful landscape. The Maximals can use smaller, operational aircraft to set-up sub-bases all over Gaia for convenience's sake. The Predacon's ship, the Galvaburg II, is operational and can fly anywhere on the planet. Moon looks over to Artemis and sees her scribbling something in a notepad. Turns out, she's planning to use this information to strategically decide the most romantic time to meet Starscream. Moon thinks she's abusing the data.

Featured characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)

Maximals Predacons Insectrons Others


Continuity notes


Home video releases

All releases listed are in Japanese audio unless otherwise noted.

Japan 1998 — Beast Wars II: Super Lifeform Transformers — ACT. 4 (Pioneer LDC)

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