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Debris is the secret base used by the Wreckers when they are not hanging out with the other Autobots in any of the regular bases.



Marvel The Transformers comics

Debris appeared exclusively in the UK portion of the Marvel Comics continuity.

Debris was located on Cybertron. When the Autobot Triple Changers were done posing as Decepticons and beating up Impactor, they left for Debris. Springer told Impactor they would see him there later, leaving the latter confused as, outside of the Wreckers, no one knew about Debris. Except... Target: 2006

2005 IDW continuity

SotW1 Debris.jpg

Debris was an old, crumbling space station used as a containment facility before it became the Wreckers' headquarters. It was equipped with advanced security systems and medical equipment, and the bodies of deceased Wreckers were interred there in the Zone of Remembrance. Zero Point When Springer was picking out new Wreckers for Operation: Retrieval, Debris was in orbit around Klo. Bullets Following the loss of most Wreckers in said operation, it was moved to Hydrus 5 and was crewed by Roadbuster and Whirl as they watched over a comatose Springer, until Whirl's attempt to euthanise his leader led to Roadbuster kicking him out of both the station and the Wreckers, Interiors leaving Roadbuster alone there to read Fisitron's datalogs aloud in the hope they would jar Springer's "zero point" and allow his spark to recover. Zero Point

Some time after the war ended, Hubcap became an administrator on Debris, accompanying Impactor, Roadbuster, and comatose Springer for a while. Sins of the Wreckers #1 Ultimately working for Tarantulas, Hubcap would continue digging for dirt on Prowl right from the Wreckers' base. Sins of the Wreckers #4 Impactor hid a portal to the Noisemaze beneath his own grave marker in the Zone of Remembrance, later using it to force part of Debris itself into the Noisemaze. Sins of the Wreckers #3 Tarantulas ordered Mayhem to force the space station back out before its size would cause the Noisemaze to collapse, leading to Tidal Wave attacking it Sins of the Wreckers #4 and rupturing the Zone of Remembrance, causing many caskets to spill out. When the Noisemaze began collapsing, the Wreckers retreated back to Debris and had it leave the dimension. Sins of the Wreckers #5

Regeneration One

Regeneration One continues from the Marvel US series, and does not include the UK stories or any subsequently published stories.

Debris Barracks were located in the Iaconian border regions, and contained a Strategy-Tank, a solid light simulation room where Kup was seen taking on holograms of Bludgeon, Galvatron, and Megatron until Springer interrupted.

Later, Kup announced to the assembled Wreckers there that he intended to go AWOL to deal with the "loose ends" of the Transformers' war on Earth, Nebulos, and elsewhere, and was shocked when every single one of them chose to join him. Loose Ends, Part 1

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