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Destiny, Part Three

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The Transformers: Regeneration One #93
RG1 93 cvrB.jpg
"Destiny" Part Three
Publisher IDW Publishing
First published July 17, 2013
Cover date July 2013
Writer Simon Furman
Penciler Guido Guidi
Inker Stephen Baskerville
Colorist John-Paul Bove
Letterer Chris Mowry
Editor John Barber
Continuity Marvel Comics continuity

Ultra Magnus struggles to batten down Cybertron's hatches as Galvatron, Bludgeon, and Soundwave prepare for war, while Hot Rod and the Dinobots meet their maker.



Aboard the Warworld, en route to Cybertron, Bludgeon meditates, reflecting on his true motives. Although Soundwave believes that Bludgeon is helping him usher in a new era of Decepticon rule, the Metallikato master is, in fact, returning to his homeworld so that he may die a glorious death, thereby shedding himself of the shame brought on by his defeat on Klo and forever enshrining him in the annals of Cybertronian legend. Meanwhile, not far away, galactically speaking, the Ark also draws closer to Cybertron, aboard which Galvatron plots to make Ultra Magnus the first to fall at his hands.

Prowl streetwise runamuck destiny.jpg

On Cybertron, Ultra Magnus remotely coordinates the Wreckers in an attack on Fort Scyk, intending to root out Soundwave's Neo-Decepticons following their open acts of hostility. Shielded by optical camouflage, the team detects multiple life-signs within the fort and launch their attack, only to find it empty—and booby-trapped! The fort explodes, but the Wreckers all managed to survive the blast, and Kup reports in, leading Magnus to speculate that Soundwave's forces are shifting their operations into a second phase. He in turn checks in with Prowl (in the process of chasing down Runamuck), who confirms that all key Decepticons have gone off-radar, leaving only grunts like the Battlecharger visibly active. Sensing that something is looming on the horizon, but with no leads to follow, Magnus contacts the patrolling Aerialbots and has them return to base... fortunately, just before they run afoul of the lurking Soundwave, who laments this failure to reduce the Autobots' aerial forces. Soundwave dispatches Wingthing to alert the other Decepticon cells that the time to begin the next phase of their plan has come, and prepares to unleash the terrible Monstructor upon the planet!

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Back aboard the Ark, Galvatron is alerted by Shockwave to an intruder aboard the vessel, and personally investigates. No sooner has he left the bridge, however, than Starscream—no longer the lobotomized zombie Galvatron believes him to be—has Shockwave transfer control of the ship's functions to him. Galvatron discovers that the "stowaway" is actually a Guardian droid being remotely operated by Starscream, which opens fire on him. Galvatron easily destroys the drone, so Starscream deactivates the artificial atmospheric envelope sealing the Ark's damaged hull, resulting in decompression that blows Galvatron out into space. Starscream turns the ship's asteroid-smasher cannon on him, sending him tumbling into Cybertron's atmosphere, then flies the Ark away to avoid being detected by the planet's defense network.

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Deep within Cybertron, Hot Rod and the Dinobots arrive in the Primus chamber, where Hot Rod has a multiversal out-of-body experience and sees a vision of many multiple versions of himself across space and time. Hot Rod is shaken from his trance by the arrival of the Demons, who launch an attack, far less inclined to listen to reason than the Dinobots had been led to believe. Taking refuge behind Primus's face, the Autobots are pleasantly surprised to learn that the Demons will not follow them into Primus' shadow—though that feeling dissipates when they also discover that many crumbling corpses lie beneath their god's giant visage. Then, from the darkness, a figure emerges... at first, everyone believes that it is Grimlock, but as the glowing figure speaks, Hot Rod realizes it is Primus himself, possessing Grimlock's body!

Up on the surface, Ultra Magnus radios Cosmos, who is standing in for the Autobots' disabled early-warning system by patrolling the fringes of Cybertronian space. Small as he is, Cosmos doubts that he'll be able to spot anything, but finds the lie quickly put into his words when the Decepticons' Warworld appears in front of him and disintegrates him with a single blast. Magnus tries to put the planet on alert, but a laser beam strikes the ground in front of him courtesy of Galvatron, who descends from the skies with murder on his mind!

Featured characters

(Characters in italic text appear only in flashbacks or visions.)
(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)


"I have seen my death. And it is a good one. A warrior's passing. Soundwave believes, as I have led him to, that we are bound for Cybertron and glorious victory, the twilight of Autobot rule and the dawn of a reinvigorated Decepticon Empire. And perhaps we are. But I shall not see it. I am returning to Cybertron... to die. This fate holds no fear for me. It is merely an exchange... of one form for another! But on Klo...I faltered. Instead of seeping into Cybertronian Legend, I remain mired in the stigma of that ignominious defeat. This time, when the end comes, it will be epic...apocalyptic!


"We raise Megatron's battle standard once more. In his memory, there will be carnage and dire retribution."

—Even after his boss' latest death, Soundwave still remembers Rule of Acquisition 33.

"I am Galvatron. Scion of Unicron! Slayer of Primes! I have no peer."

Galvatron reciting his resume.


Artwork and technical errors

Continuity errors

Continuity notes

  • As explained in a footnote, the droid Galvatron clashes with is a Mark V Guardian, which previously appeared in issue #60. That's especially fitting, as this version of Guardian was the only version to appear in the original Marvel US series; the droid was a creation of the Marvel UK series, though many of the original model did appear during the first story arc of Regeneration One.
  • The Ark's asteroid-smasher cannon hearkens back to the ship's original mission in this continuity: to blast an asteroid storm out of the path of the wandering Cybertron.
  • Among the pile of corpses that Hot Rod and the Dinobots discover behind Primus' face are the remains of Runabout, who was dragged underground by the Demons in issue #75 and presumably eaten alive.
  • Monstructor makes his Marvel continuity debut, though his components did previously appear in issue #67. Soundwave's Action Master partner Wingthing, meanwhile, makes not just his first Marvel appearance, but his first appearance in any fiction ever!
Mirror Mirror on the wall, who's the most chosenest of them all?

Real-life references

Other trivia

  • This issue is artist Guido Guidi's first issue of the series.

Transformers references

  • Galvatron uses his cannon as a means of flight propulsion - an ability originally seen in The Transformers: The Movie.
  • Galvatron moves figures similar to chess pieces around on a board, just like on the cover for Marvel UK story "...Perchance to Dream".


  • Cosmos, obliterated by the Warworld's weapons.

Covers (3)

  • Cover A: Galvatron under attack by the Ark's weaponry, by Andrew Wildman and Jason Cardy.
  • Cover B: The shadow of Galvatron looms over Ultra Magnus, by Guido Guidi.
  • Cover RI: Sandstorm, Roadbuster and Rack 'n' Ruin charge into action, by Geoff Senior and Josh Burcham.


External links

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