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Elphaorpha is a Blentron from the Beast Wars Neo portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.
I am the one hiding under your BED, teeth ground sharp and eyes glowing RED!

Elphaorpha (エルファオルファ Erufaorufa, aka Elephorca[1]) is a brutal Blentron "Destruction Ninja" proud of his magnificent tusks. See, his two "Killer Tusks" can penetrate the thickest of armor, even the mighty Big Convoy's chest. But that's not all, as he can expel a deadly, all-corrosive acid solution in two ways—when angered, Elphaorpha can spew the "Melt Bath" from his mouth, and his Killer Shooter water gun can discharge the same acid for more precise targeting. Elphaorpha also serves a key purpose for the Blentrons—with a mighty swing of his fists, Elphaorpha can shatter space to create wormholes, allowing him and his comrades to travel throughout the universe in an instant.

Sometimes there are a lot of him.



Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity

Beast Wars Neo cartoon

Voice actor: Yoshinobu Kaneko (Japanese)
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After Big Convoy's Maximals and Magmatron's Predacons had gathered many Angolmois Capsules, Elphaorpha and the other Blentrons made their move. While Latolata and Drancron observed Big Convoy tricking some of the Predacons into a trap using empty Angolmois Capsules as bait, Elphaorpha created a hole into the Gung Ho's cargo bay. The other two soon travelled via wormhole to join Elphaorpha just as the cargo bay was penetrated and the Capsules sucked into space (along with Break). The Maximals attempted to stop the Blentrons from consuming the Capsules, but their attacks couldn't even scratch the trio, and the Blentrons transformed into robot mode and struck back out of annoyance, putting the Maximal rookies out of commission.

When Big Convoy finally arrived at the Gung Ho, he found his downed crew and the Blentrons inside the cargo bay. The three unleashed their attacks on the Maximal commander, easily taking him down, and took their leave through a wormhole. Mysterious Beast Warriors!?

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Planning to take the Predacons' Capsules as well, the Blentrons left a stock at Milton to lure in the Dinosaur. After most of the Predacon crew was sent to the planet, Elphaorpha sneaked aboard the Dinosaur, and his silhouette was spotted by DNAVI, who thought it was Big Convoy and reported it to Magmatron. Investigating, Magmatron found the Blentron consuming his Capsules at attacked, only to be parried and poisoned by the suddenly-appearing Latolata. With his acid attack, Elphaorpha created a hole in the hull and escaped through it, but not before introducing himself to Magmatron. Gathering all of the Capsules they stole on Milton, the Blentrons were confronted by the Maximals, but the trio nevertheless made quick escape with their spoils through a wormhole. The Stolen Capsules

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Having stolen both stockpiles of Angolmois Capsules, the Blentrons ventured to different planets to find still wayward Capsules. Their pattern of travel was eventually realized by the Maximals, and, intercepting the Blentrons just as they emerged from a wormhole, the Gung Ho attempted to capture them with an electric net before unloading the ship's full firepower, but it proved futile. Undaunted, the trio simply warped away to Porcupine, where they had detected a Capsule. Magmatron, knowing the Blentrons' true goal of reviving Unicron, attempted to get the edge on them with the planet's defenses and the Predacons' personal weapons, neither of which could muster any damage. The Maximals soon arrived and Elphaorpha went mano a mano with Big Convoy. Fearing for his master's life, Hydra ejected the Angolmois Capsule from the planet, prompting the Blentrons to chase after it. Once they acquired it, they unleashed their power on Porcupine, destroying it, but not before both forces left the planet. Pursue the Blentrons!

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Finding three Angolmois Capsules on Jion, Magmatron set up a trap using the Capsules as bait. Once the Blentrons arrived, Magmatron's troops activated an electric field that immobilized the trio while the Predacons unleashed their firepower on them. Once again, it had little effect as Latolata used his Lato Thrasher to destroy the field's emitters and the Blentrons wailed on the hapless Predacons. Pushed to his final trump card, Magmatron ordered the Dinosaur to emerge from its hiding spot in the planet's surface and had the ship unleash its full armory on the Blentrons. With the powerful Transformers finally too weakened to fight back, Magmatron attempted to detonate the Angolmois Capsules, fully willing to end his and his soldier's lives to ensure that Unicron would not be revived. He was stopped in the nick of time by Big Convoy, whose Maximals had been trapped by the Predacons previously and who was unwilling to let their lives end as well. Taking the opportunity, the Blentrons warped away to recover and reach their next destination. Angry Magmatron

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Figuring out to navigate the Blentrons' warp holes, the Maximals arrived at the villains' hideout, an asteroid within a cloud of dark gas and which they attempted to defend, but fell back after a bit of a tussle. Illusion? Lio Convoy Inside the asteroid, they watched as Unicron's resurrection proceeded along inside a container sucking energy from the Angolmois Capsules they collected. They detected the presence of Predacon intruders, and so the Blentrons went to the surface to attack them. Unicron's awakening and subsequent battle with Magmatron eventually attracted their attention, and they watched as their master, in the form of Galvatron, banished the current Emperor of Destruction to another dimension. Unicron Revived!? The Blentrons wanted to strike back against the Maximals when Big Convoy attacked Unicron, but their master simply entreated them to ignore their enemies and focus on gathering more Angolmois Capsules to further strengthen himself. They ended up at Advance Base 889T9, where Unicron absorbed their stock of Angolmois Energy. When Big Convoy and Longrack arrived to investigate, the Blentrons attacked the two and were held back by Big Convoy while Longrack fled to activate the base's self-destruct protocol. With Heinrad immobilizing Unicron and the Blentrons with his Time Freeze, the Maximals fled the base while Unicron and his minions were engulfed in the explosion. However, as Unicron was an energy being, he simply absorbed the explosion, which spared the Blentrons as well, and the four soon warped away. Unicron's Ambition

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Unicron and the Blentrons took frequent stops on their way to Cybertron, where they destroyed Maximal advance bases. They eventually met with the Magmatron Unit, now led by Archadis, who attempted to offer their allegiance to the god. Despite the Blentrons simply wanting to scrap them, Unicron was more receptive, ordering the Predacons to bring him the head of Big Convoy. (They failed.) The Maximals, thinking that Unicron wanted to reunite with his body, warped to the Triple Z Point, where it was located. There, they were ambushed by the Blentrons, who were trying to give their master time before the Maximals realized his true goal of merging with Vector Sigma and Cybertron. With Heinrad's Time Freeze, the Maximal was able to get the three to attack each other and squsequent sustained fire from the Maximals forced the Blentrons into retreat. They returned to Unicron, who was waiting in Cybertron's orbit and watched as the Maximal Grand Fleet assembled for the final battle. Fight! Maximals The minions offered to take care of the armada for the master, but Unicron simply growled at them to back off and converted the fleet's firepower into his own energy and used it to annihilate the fleet before making touchdown on Cybertron. Running low on energy, Unicron was struck by Big Convoy's Mammoth Dynamite attack, which threatened to dissipate him. The Blentrons rushed to their master's side, and Unicron simply thanked his servants' devotion by absorbing them to sustain his own existence. End of the Maximals!?


Elphaorpha and the other Blentrons were some of the many threats to spacetime that Cloud World's Wreckers battled. TFC-A04

Beast Wars Neo manga

Cohrada's father.jpg

Elphaorpha, like the other Blentrons, was produced in mass numbers by Unicron in his "Black Ball" form, and were sent out to seek Angolmois Capsules. One of the planets they attacked was Jörmungandr, where they exterminated most of the population; an Elphaorpha personally killed Colada's father. However, the Blentrons were unable to find the Angolmois Capsule there.

When Magmatron's troops dwindled, the Black Ball, who was manipulating the Maximals and the Predacons to gather the Angolmois Energy, offered its Blentrons as replacements. A Battle Fought Alone With the Blentrons, Magmatron set up a trap at an amphitheater floating in Cybertron orbit for the Maximals. When the Maximals arrived, Colada recognized the murderers of his race and leapt to action, only to be impaled by an Elphaorpha. With the Elphaorphas threatening the lives of his underlings, Big Convoy was forced to give up the Angolmois Capsules. Subsequently, a Latolata backstabbed Magmatron, revealing the Blentrons' true allegiance to Unicron! When six capsules were consumed by the Black Ball, Unicron revealed himself, but admitted that he was incomplete without the Angolmois Energy found in both Magmatron and Big Convoy. The Blentrons were sicced on the two, but were all defeated by Big Convoy and Magmatron on their way to attack Unicron himself. Double Cross

After Unicron acquired the Angolmois Energy he needed from Magmatron and obtained Cybertron as a new body, he was lured to the Georgian system by the Maximals. There, Unicron was trapped by crowded and exploding planets. The Maximals picked the opportunity to attack, but Unicron spat out another Blentron army to confront the Maximals. They were held at bay by the Maximals, allowing Big Convoy to make the final strike on Unicron. Return to Zero

2006 IDW Beast Wars continuity

Who will be eaten first?

Elephorca was the dimmest of all the Blendtrons and was basically a weapon of mass destruction for Unicron to point and fire. Once, he was a loyal, though dimwitted Maximal colony construction bot. Unicron reshaped him into an absolute monster after foreseeing a future need for a really big "stick with a nail in it". Beast Wars Sourcebook #2

Elephorca, with Drancron and Rartorata, brought Angolmois Capsules to Shokaract on the orders of Unicron, priming him as a "vessel". The Ascending #1 The Ascending #2 Eventually, Shokaract got tired of the Blendtrons and left, prompting Drancron and Elephorca to be baffled about why Shokaract wasn't submissive to the will of Unicron. The Ascending #3

Shortly thereafter, the Blendtrons went to Earth to deal with the Maximals and Predacons there. There, Elephorca was mauled to death by an Angolmois-infected Razorbeast. The Ascending #4


Beast Wars

An elephant who never forgets... to kill!
  • Elphaorpha (Deluxe, 1999)
  • ID number: X-7
  • Release date: July ??, 1999
  • Accessories: "Killer Shooter" water cannon
Part of the fifth and final wave of Takara's Beast Wars Neo toys, Elphaorpha is a redeco of the Beast Wars Deluxe Fuzor Torca, transforming into a beast mode that combines an orca and an elephant. Moving his dorsal fin back and forth while still plugged into his back makes his "Killer Tusks" pinch in and out a little bit. The dorsal piece also contains a pump-bladder that squirts water out of his blowhole; this piece becomes a hand-held cannon in robot mode.



  1. The name "Elephorca" comes from Beast Wars Sourcebook, despite a stated policy to not diverge from the names of Japanese-original characters. Just why he was renamed when far more ridonkulous names like "Scissor Boy" that can't even be written off as "an attempt at cool-sounding nonsense" remained is unknown, but it's likely due to "Elephorca" having been the spelling Ben Yee used on his website.
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