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Transformers: Prime ep 42
And you could have it all, my empire of dirt.
Season 2
No. in season 16
Production company Hasbro Studios
Airdate August 24, 2012
Written by Mairghread Scott
Directed by Shaunt Nigoghossian
Animation studio Polygon Pictures
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Miko and Wheeljack embark on a quest for revenge.



This is one of the closest times you'll get to seeing the entire Decepticon cast in one shot. Don't get used to it.

Manhattan. Arcee, Jack, Bumblebee and Miko are on their way back from their successful relic mission. While Miko is feeling victorious and listening to rock music, she announces she's ready to get back to hanging with Bulkhead. As they arrive through the GroundBridge, they almost run into Bulkhead's body, still laying by the entrance as Ratchet attempts to revive the Wrecker with defibrillators. Fowler has to restrain Miko as Ratchet explains what has happened to Bulkhead while the other Autobots drag Bulkhead to the medical bay. Miko blames herself for not going with Bulkhead, but Fowler points out there's nothing she could have done against Hardshell.

On the Nemesis, Megatron rages that only Soundwave brought back a relic. Hardshell claims that, though he failed to secure the Tox-En, Bulkhead was terminated in the process, which does please Megatron. Hardshell and Knock Out almost come to blows over the effectiveness of Insecticons.

It's in Knock Out's contract to periodically throw the Tumblr shippers a bone.

Fowler is called away to cover up the activities in New York, but makes Optimus promise to keep him updated. Arcee reports that Wheeljack is coming in, which causes Miko to storm off as she believes the others are giving up on Bulkhead. As Ratchet reports that Bulkhead is stable, Wheeljack arrives and promises to go after whoever did this. Optimus, however, refuses to say who's responsible. Wheeljack rushes off anyway, but doesn't get far in the Jackhammer before Miko reveals herself. Though Wheeljack's immediate instinct is to take her back to the base, Miko makes a deal to tell him who's responsible for Bulkhead's damage, if he takes her with him.

Hardshell boasts to his fellow Insecticons, but they overhear a couple of Vehicons badmouthing them. Knock Out's buffing session is thus interrupted by an all-out brawl between the two groups, and he ends up being punched by an Insecticon.

Miko and Wheeljack find an energon mine that Wheeljack intends to attack to draw out Hardshell. Miko goes in first, using her phone to transmit footage back to Wheeljack. Mid-way through her recon, Wheeljack himself assaults the cave, leaving her to duck for cover while Vehicon parts fly everywhere. He makes swift work of the Decepticon contingent.

Knock Out takes his concerns about the Insecticons to Megatron, insisting they be confined somewhere. Hardshell is defiant, but the discussion is interrupted by a transmission from the mine—Wheeljack informs Megatron that the mine is his and he's going to attack more mines until the Decepticons give him Hardshell. To underscore the threat, he blows up the mine. Megatron is more upset at the news that Bulkhead might not be dead, and announces Hardshell owes him a spark.

Hold still! There's a bug on your... oh wait...

As they head to the next mine, Miko and Wheeljack discuss Bulkhead's chances, but Miko's so tired she falls asleep mid-conversation. She wakes up when they arrive, but Wheeljack leaves her in the ship with instructions to use the auto-pilot to return to the Autobot base. She watches from the cockpit as Wheeljack approaches the mine and calls out Hardshell, who promptly appears on the clifftop above. Wheeljack and Hardshell clash, though the latter is wise to the former's grenade trick. The much-larger Insecticon soon gets the better of Wheeljack, tossing him about and landing solid blows, until the Autobot is left lying on the ground. With the fight's outcome clear, Miko goes to press the autopilot, but instead uses the controls to fire off a couple of missiles that strike Hardshell. As Wheeljack stands, more Insecticons appear at the clifftop, and he has to limp back to the Jackhammer. The swarm follows the ship, but Wheeljack throws a box of grenades at them, and the explosions dissipate the swarm. He congratulates Miko by welcoming her to the Wreckers, but she remains despondent over Bulkhead's condition.

Some time later, the pair drag themselves back into the Autobot base. Ratchet sadly reports that Bulkhead will survive, but may never be fully-functional again. While Miko rushes to her friend's side, Wheeljack opts to leave, not wanting to see Bulkhead that way.

Megatron looks down in fury at the corpse of Hardshell, and is shocked when he's told that the one responsible is a human girl.

Featured characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)


"Let me guess. You and Raf spend all your drive-time listening to chiptunes."

Miko and Bumblebee on music.

"Pit-bound scavengers."

—Two Vehicons and their take on Insecticons.

"Detailing was so much easier when Breakdown was around!"

Knock Out gives fangirls an inch.

"Sorry kid, but Bulkhead's gonna wake up. And he'll file off my rivets if you're not there when he comes to."

Wheeljack on Bulkhead's condition.

"Talk during battle is a sign of weakness."
"Only when you're too primitive to do two things at once."

Hardshell and Wheeljack exchange smack talk.

"I thought I told you to hit autopilot."
"Bad things happen to bots when I leave their side."

Wheeljack shows concern for Miko, who is not entirely wrong.


Continuity notes

  • Miko, Jack, Bumblebee, and Arcee return from their mission, which occurred in "Tunnel Vision". They are followed shortly by Optimus, whose mission took place in "Triangulation". Bulkhead is suffering from Tox-En poisoning from the previous episode. On the Decepticon side, Hardshell is the last to return from his mission, which is also shown in the previous episode.
  • Miko mentioned their success in obtaining the phase shifter from "Tunnel Vision", which happened to be sitting next to her at the time.
  • Knock Out refers to Breakdown's demise.
  • Wheeljack shows the newfound respect for Ratchet that he gained in "Triage".
  • Knock Out comments that it has been a long time since a Decepticon extinguished an Autobot's spark. Starscream's murder of Cliffjumper was the first and last successful termination of an Earth-bound Autobot by a Decepticon, which occurred all the way back in the series premiere.
  • Hardshell easily predicts Wheeljack's "one grenade, one shot" strategy, having watched his men fall victim to Bulkhead's own grenade booby trap in the previous episode.
  • Hardshell is still missing the mandible Bulkhead punched off in "Toxicity".

Transformers references

  • A Vehicon mentions the Pit.

Real-world references

  • Energon mine TVC 15 is named after the David Bowie song of the same name.
  • Miko asks Bumblebee if he and Raf listen to chiptunes, electronic music which intentionally sounds like an 8-bit video game console synthesizer.

Animation and technical errors

  • Fowler comments that Hardshell sucker punched Bulkhead, although he never heard Hardshell's name in the previous episode.
  • When Hardshell promises Megatron that Bulkhead was killed by his own hand, in the background, only one of Dreadwing's optics are blinking, making it look as if the Seeker's winking at the camera.
  • How could Wheeljack have possibly missed the massive group of Insecticons on his approach to the mine? If they were already there when he arrived, he should have seen them when he landed. If they came in later, the synchronized buzzing of nearly a hundred Insecticons should have been audible to him.
  • When Wheeljack retreats into his ship after his fight against Hardshell, he sits down without a grenade at his hip. As he's standing up to open his case of grenades, he suddenly has one in its usual spot, despite not picking up a new one in the interim. His swords, which he also lost in the battle, are back despite him not picking them up.
  • As Wheeljack limps towards his ship, he has his mouthplate retracted. However, when he gets on the ship, his mouthplate is back out again. In the next scene, it's retracted again.
  • Wheeljack's blades simply disappear once Hardshell knocks them from his hands.
  • When Wheeljack kills the last Vehicon at the energon mine, the sound of his blade being extracted from the Vehicon's chest is slightly out of sync with the action itself.
  • When Miko fires missiles at Hardshell, they simply appear in midair below the Jackhammer, instead of being disengaged from some point on the ship.
  • Wheeljack rather dramatically limps into the base on foot. But after he decides not to see Bulkhead, he just transforms and roars out, showing no ill effects from the fight.
  • One of the Insecticons informs Megatron that "a human girl" is responsible for Hardshell's demise, even though it is highly unlikely that they saw Miko piloting the Jackhammer.


  • Wheeljack's "one grenade, one shot" strategy is actually more of a "one grenade at a time, one shot" strategy, as Wheeljack says when Miko sees his case of grenades in the Jackhammer.
  • Wheeljack lets us know that Insecticons are bound by a single mind.
  • Miko is the second human in the series to have killed an Insecticon, Jack having destroyed the first one on Cybertron in "Orion Pax, Part 3". So... Raf... no pressure, then?
  • Despite Energon being generally volatile when mishandled, the cubes remained stable while being knocked around by Wheeljack inside the mine. Must take some really clumsy handling to make them explode.
  • Hardshell claims that talk during battle is a sign of weakness. Interestingly, both of his battles against Bulkhead in the previous episode had almost no dialogue, and what was spoken was usually done during lulls in the fight.

Foreign localization


  • Title: "Vengeance" ("Revenge")
  • Original airdate: ?


  • Title: "Der Rachefeldzug" ("The Vendetta")
  • Original airdate: 26 January 2013


  • Title: "Adauchi Henkei! Yūki aru Tsuiseki" (仇討変形!勇気ある追跡, "Revenge Transformation! The Brave Chase")
  • Original airdate: 19 January 2013

Brazilian Portuguese

  • Title: "Ferido" ("Hurt")
  • Original airdate: 24 June 2013


  • Title: "Ferito" ("Wounded"), "La Vendetta" (2017 airing, "The Revenge")
  • Original airdate: 6 February 2013

Home video releases

All releases listed are in English audio unless otherwise noted.

United States of America 2012 — Transformers Prime — Season Two (Shout! Factory)
Japan 2013 — Transformers Prime — Vol. 21 (Avex Trax) — Japanese audio only.
Germany 2013 — Transformers Prime — Folge 10: Bulkheads Mission (EDEL:kids) — English and German audio.
Australia 2014 — Transformers Prime — Volume 4: Unclear Objectives (Madman Entertainment)
Australia 2014 — Transformers Prime — Season Two Collection (Madman Entertainment)
United Kingdom 2014 — Transformers Prime — Season 2 Vol. 3: Toxicity (Primal Screen)
France 2014 — Transformers Prime — Saison 2 Vol. 3: La course aux reliques (Primal Screen)
Italy 2015 — Transformers Prime — Stagione 2 Vol. 3: Il Tox-En (Primal Screen) — English, Italian, Swedish, Finnish, Danish and Norwegian audio.
France 2015 — Transformers Prime — Intégrale Saison 2 (Primal Screen)
United Kingdom 2015 — Transformers Prime — The Complete Season 2 (Primal Screen)
Italy 2015 — Transformers Prime — La Seconda Stagione Completa (Primal Screen) — English, Italian, Swedish, Finnish, Danish and Norwegian audio.


United States of America 2012 — Transformers Prime — Season Two (Shout! Factory)
Australia 2015 — Transformers Prime — Season Two Collection (Madman Entertainment)

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