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The Transformers:
Till All Are One

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Publisher IDW Publishing
First published November 2, 2016
Cover date October 2016
Written by Mairghread Scott
Art by Naoto Tsushima
Colors by DAI-XT
Letters by Tom B. Long
Editor Carlos Guzman
Continuity 2005 IDW continuity
Chronology Current era

While attempting to communicate with Metrotitan, Windblade finds her consciousness cast into Microspace.



While sleeping on her recharge slab in her quarters in Iacon, Windblade is woken by a knock at her door. Answering it, she is greeted by Soundwave and Pyra Magna, who have been sent by Optimus Prime to discreetly request that she accompany them to Earth. Though finding the whole thing a bit suspicious, Windblade agrees and takes the space bridge with them to Autobot City in Monument Valley. There, Optimus Prime explains that Metrotitan, the Titan who makes up the city, refuses to speak with them, and that he needs Windblade's cityspeaker expertise to find out why.

Windblade, Soundwave, and Pyra Magna spend several days meticulously checking over all of Metrotitan's systems, but can find no evidence of physical problems. A frustrated Magna thinks the Titan is giving them the cold shoulder, which Windblade realizes is essentially correct: it's not that Metrotitan can't talk, but rather, that there is only one being he wishes to talk to: Optimus himself. Soundwave is about to call Optimus so that he can mentally merge with the Titan and communicate with it, but Pyra Magna stops him; they do not know the Titan's intent, and she is fearful of the risk to Prime's life. Windblade agrees and performs the merger herself.

As their consciousnesses meet on their shared mindscape, Metrotitan is affronted by Windblade's presence, believing it to be evidence that Optimus Prime does not trust him. Windblade offers herself up as a vessel for the Titan's message, but Metrotitan explains that it is not he who has a message to pass on. In a wrenching moment of mental disorientation, Windblade is offered a vision of all her possible futures—conqueror, killer, friend, ally, and more—as her consciousness is moved across space and time to meet with he who truly wishes to speak to Optimus: Micronus Prime, one of the thirteen original Primes, whose consciousness rests on the metaphysical border of his own self-created dimension, Microspace. Windblade is awed to be in the presence of one of the beings sanctified in Camien religion, and promises to pass on Micronus's message. Unfortunately, Micronus tells her, he cannot simply give her the message; she must experience it for herself...

Windblade finds her consciousness given tangible form as she is ejected into Microspace, through the "Entropy Cloud" that is ravaging the sub-atomic realm. Captured by the forces of the tyrannical Baron Karza, she is brought before the Lady Shazraella, leader of the Ministry of Defense and Karza's wife, for interrogation. From Shazraella, Windblade learns of both the entropy cloud and the war ravaging Microspace; Shazraella believes Windblade has some connection to the cloud, but when Windblade is unable to tell her anything about it, Shazraella tortures her, the pain even wracking her physical body back in her own universe. Windblade gives honest answers to Shazraella's questions about the Transformers and their homeworld, but chooses to omit any information about the war and fractured state of Cybertron's leadership, preferring the threat Shazraella imagines they pose to seem as united and dangerous as possible. When Shazraella is called away by her husband to deal with some conflicting intelligence reports from the front lines of combat, however, one of her handmaidens sets Windblade free, urging her to bring help to their divided world and save them from the cloud. Windblade fades away, just as the handmaiden is shot in the back for her treachery, and the face of Micronus appears before her again...

Windblade awakens back in Metrotitan, and immediately tells everything she has seen and heard to Optimus. Micronus has told her that Ore-13 is the key to saving Microspace, but Optimus refuses to take action, immediately skeptical of Micronus's words given what he knows of the self-serving and corrupt lineage of the Primes. Windblade implores him to reconsider—after all, is she... are they all... not following Optimus despite his extreme actions because he is a Prime, a divine being who works only for good? Optimus gently but firmly tells her that he does not purport to be divine, and does not ask them to believe in him—rather, he asks them to understand why he does what he does, and to help him in accomplishing it. Windblade's countenance darkens as she bows and coldly promises to continue in Optimus's service. After all... she would do anything for a Prime.

Featured characters

Characters in italic text appear only in Windblade's visions.
(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)

Autobots Decepticons Others



Metrotitan studies Windblade

"I don't believe in help won at the point of a knife."

Shazraella's handmaiden

"I will not risk the fate of Earth on the word of a Prime."
"...I would risk anything for you, any Camien would, because you are a Prime."
"I know that. But I know myself as well. I am not infallible, Windblade. I am not divine."
"And yet you annexed this world on that authority. You choose to put yourself above many worlds, above our gods, above the will of its own people and we allow it... because... you... are... Prime! Divine or not, a Prime is supposed to work for the good of all. If you can't believe that's what Micronus is doing, how can you ask us to believe that is what you're doing?"

Optimus Prime and Windblade get into it


Continuity notes

  • This issue begins some time prior to Revolution #1, explaining the reason for Windblade's presence on Earth. Windblade, Soundwave, and Pyra Magna's examination of Metrotitan mostly occurs prior to that issue as well, but Windblade refers to "interruptions"—which, along with Rom's presence on the final page, tells us that her merge with Metrotitan occurs between Revolution #2 and #3, after the Autobots had met, fought, and brought the Space Knight back to Autobot City.
  • Windblade alludes to recent events on Cybertron, including Sentinel Prime's attack from the Titans Return one-shot, and the rampage of Bruticus and Chromia's arrest from recent issues of Till All Are One.
  • Pyra Magna names a previously unheard-of Titan in this issue, Vigilem, loyal to Liege Maximo. His backstory would be expanded upon in issues #5-9 of Till All Are One.
  • We previously saw Windblade undergo the process of mentally merging with a Titan in Windblade vol. 1 #4.
  • Windblade's trip into Microspace must transcend time as well as space; if it were occurring concurrently with the present day, Baron Karza should be inside the entropy storm, operating out of Micronus Prime's body, as seen in Revolution #3.

Transformers references

Revolution Informed AncientAutobotInsignia.jpg
  • Windblade deduces that Metrotitan wishes to speak to Optimus when a "symbol for a Prime" appears on one of his screens. The symbol is the simplified version of the Autobot insignia seen on the brow of the earliest known Prime in the Generation 1 cartoon episode, "Five Faces of Darkness, Part 4".
  • Micronus Prime is drawn to the specifications of his character model from the 2015 Robots in Disguise cartoon for this issue. The broad details are basically same between this and his previous appearances in Revolution #3 and the Micronauts: Revolution one-shot, but his proportions and, especially, his head design, are rather different.

Other franchise references

  • We're firmly in Micronauts territory here; you can read a capsule summary of the elements from this franchise that are already in play in Revolution over on the Revolution #3 article. Shazraella, though, is a wholly original character created for IDW's Micronauts series.
  • The trooper who delivers a message to Baron Karza this issue is one of the second generation "Acroyear" warriors, successors to the original line to which the Micronaut of the same name belongs. They have appeared in several issues of the IDW Micronauts comics, and are based on the "Acroyear II" figure from the original Micronauts toyline.

Other trivia

  • This issue was originally solicited for release in October, between issues #3 and #4 of Revolution, but delays pushed it into the first week of November, on the same day Revolution #4 came out.


  • Windblade refers to Bruticus by name, but in his only appearance in IDW continuity thus far, his name has never been revealed, except to readers. As they were separated and knocked unconscious when Ironhide emptied a missile into Bruticus' head, the Combaticons never spoke it, either, unless they were revived and interrogated after the incident.

Covers (4)


  • Till All Are One #5
  • Revolution checklist
  • Revolution tie-in one-shots


  • Revolution (March 29, 2017) ISBN 978-1631409370
    • Collects Revolution issues #05 and all the tie-in one-shots.
    • Bonus material includes a cover gallery.
    • Hardcover format, exclusively sold through the comic book direct market.
  • The Transformers: Till All Are One, Volume 2 (July 19, 2017) ISBN 1631409247 / ISBN 978-1631409240
    • Collects Till All Are One: Revolution #1 and issues #5–8.
    • Bonus material includes art from most covers.
    • Trade paperback format.

External links

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